Revision history of "Druid (One)"

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Facts about "Druid (One)"
Armor TypeLight Armor, Shields +
Author"Varied" + and UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 8 +
Canonfalse + and true +
Class AbilityWisdom +
Class GroupPriests +
EquipmentDruidic Focus ([[QSickle, 9 GP +
Equipment Cost50 +
FeaturesIntelligence, Wisdom + and Druidic, Primal Order, Spellcasting, Wild Companion, Wild Shape, Druid Subclass, Ability Score Improvement, Wild Resurgence, Elemental Fury, Commune with Nature, Improved Elemental Fury, Beast Spells, Archdruid +
Hit Dice1d8 +
Is Classtrue +
Length20 +
MC Ability1+ Wisdom +
MC ArmorLight Armor and Shields. +
MC Spell SlotsAdd all your Druid levels +
NameDruid +
OneDnD Playtesttrue +
Publication"Varied" + and UA 2023 Player's Handbook Playtest 8 +
SaveIntelligence, Wisdom +
SkillArcana, Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Religion, and Survival) +
SortTextDruid One +
SummaryThis class taps into the Primal power of nature to perform magic. +
ToolsHerbalism Kit +
Unearthed Arcanatrue +
WeaponSimple Weapons +