Information for "Frostbite (3.5e Sphere)"

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Display titleFrostbite (3.5e Sphere)
Default sort keyFrostbite (3.5e Sphere)
Page length (in bytes)1,228
Page ID12492
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Page creatorRithaniel (talk | contribs)
Date of page creation03:26, 10 October 2009
Latest editorYouLostMe (talk | contribs)
Date of latest edit01:45, 29 November 2014
Total number of edits6
Total number of distinct authors4
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Identifier3.5e Sphere +
RatingUnrated +
SpecialAny creature taking cold damage from your spell-like abilities is frostbitten (treat as fatigued, which is removed when the damage is healed). If you have It's Cold Outside, you may use those frostbite rules if you want. +
Spellshivering touch (Frostburn) +, freezing ray (as Scorching ray, but Cold subtyped and doing cold damage) +, cone of cold +, flesh to ice (Frostburn) +, entomb (Frostburn) +, flesh to ice, chained (Frostburn) +, frostfell (Frostburn) +, iceburg (Frostburn) +, soul bind (uses a piece of ice to hold the soul) + and shivering touch, lesser (Frostburn) +
TitleFrostbite +
TypeGeneral +