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Testing Ground

  • Deft Maneuvers: Dex + Size Mod + BAB Bonus + Circumstance + Weapon Bonus
  • Brute Maneuvers: Str + Size Mod + BAB Bonus + Circumstance + Weapon Bonus
  • Maneuver Defense: Str or Dex + Size Mod + BAB Bonus + Circumstance + 10

For every attack by BAB (6, 11, 16), +2 BAB Bonus.

Example of Str 20 Dex 12 fighter 2 vs Str 10 Dex 20 rogue 2. Fighter attempts grapple (brute) at +5. MD is 15. 50% chance. Fighter gets Improved Brute Maneuvers feat (+4). +9 vs 15. 70% chance.

Example previous fighter with feat vs BAB 11 rogue, Str 10 Dex 28. Fighter attempts grapple (brute) +9. MD is 23. 30% chance. Fighter gets Large (PF Lean +1 size +1 str), 40% chance.

Example previous fighter with feat, BAB 6, and +3 unarmed strike, vs a Huge dragon Str 30, Dex 10 and BAB 16. Assuming he could try in the first place (too big). Fighter grapples (brute) +14. MD is 28. 30% chance.

Results: May use normal 3.5 size bonuses, and/or nix weapon bonuses. Otherwise seens well set in bounded accuracy. Full BAB classes will eventually outpace others, +6 vs +2.

As pathfinder, tumbling DC is MD.

  • Grapple: To restrict movement and actions. BRUTE
  • Trip: To apply prone. BRUTE or DEFT
  • Push/Pull/Throw: To force movement. You don't follow with a throw. BRUTE
  • Disarm: To apply disarm. If unarmed, steal if you wish. BRUTE or DEFT
  • Sunder: To allow item damage. No check vs unattended, that is straight damage or break check. BRUTE
  • Feint: To apply flatfooted. No longer bluff based. DEFT
  • Guarded Stance: To avoid provocation from action. DEFT
  • Pass Through: To move through opponents. BRUTE or DEFT
  • Dirty Trick: To apply blind, deaf, dazzle, sickened, entangled, shaken.
  • Reposition: Swap places with enemy, or with ally with no check. DEFT

All are attack actions except guarded stance, which is part of an attack (usually casting)..