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[[Summary::Half-[[SRD:Dragon Type|dragon]] creatures are always more formidable than others of their kind that do not have [[SRD:Dragon Type|dragon]] blood, and their appearance betrays their nature—scales, elongated features, reptilian eyes, and exaggerated teeth and claws. Sometimes they have wings.]]
===Creating a Half-Dragon===
A half-dragon uses all the base creature’s statistics and [[SRD:Special Abilities|special abilities]] except as noted here.
'''Size and Type:''' The creature’s type changes to {{Property Link|Type|SRD:Dragon Type|Dragon}}. Size is [[Size::As Base Creature|unchanged]]. Do not recalculate [[SRD:Base Attack Bonus|base attack bonus]] or saves.[[Type::Dragon| ]]
'''[[SRD:Hit Dice (Creature Statistic)|Hit Dice:]]''' Increase base creature’s racial [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]] by one die size, to a maximum of d12. Do not increase [[SRD:Class|class]] [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]].
'''[[SRD:Environment (Creature Statistic)|Environment:]]''' Same as either the base creature or the [[SRD:Dragon Type|dragon]] variety.
'''[[SRD:Challenge Rating (Creature Statistic)|Challenge Rating:]]''' Same [[Challenge Rating::as the base creature + 2 ]] (minimum 3).
'''[[SRD:Alignment (Creature Statistic)|Alignment:]]''' Same as the [[SRD:Dragon|dragon variety]].
'''[[SRD:Level Adjustment (Creature Statistic)|Level Adjustment:]]''' Same as base creature +[[Level Adjustment::3]].
{{SRD Creature Template Footer}}[[Category:Dragon Type|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]][[Category:Template|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]][[Category:Lawful Alignment|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]][[Category:Neutral (Law-Chaos) Alignment|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]][[Category:Chaotic Alignment|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]][[Category:Good Alignment|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]][[Category:Neutral (Good-Evil) Alignment|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]][[Category:Evil Alignment|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]][[Category:LA3|{{BASEPAGENAME}}]][[Challenge Rating::As base creature + 2]]