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commands and programs

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Complete Xeno (3.5e Sourcebook)/Travelers of the Fates

Nyota Mji (3.5e Environment)

Author: Franken Kesey (talk)
Date Created: 03/26/2011
Status: Nowhere near finished
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Bot Subtype

Invented by Kisalli to help compensate for there frail bodys. Bots are mindless aberrations and constructs, that have been built for a specific task, and have multiple modes of servitude.


All bots have the following features.

Manual Mode: When in manual mode, a bot has no mental scores of its own, but takes the scores of its operator, as well as initiative, and skills. To operate a bot, you must have a command counsel that can communicate with the bot, and must succeed a DC 10 puhua, check to start the system as a move action. Once active, it remains active until you disconnect. Basic commands that all bots posses are as follows:

  • SCANW/_: name of spell or power.
  • SELF_DESTRUCT: Explodes, dealing damage equal to half its current HP.
  • SHIELD: Sacrifices self to shield target creature.
  • TALKW/_: name of spell or power.
  • TAG_: Tags a group of creatures or objects. This may be used to mark friend from foe.
  • UNTAG_: For when one makes mistakes.

Automatic Mode: When in automatic mode, a bot does not have an intellegence score (and no skills), but has its own wisdom and charisma scores, and initiative. It operates as a mindless object that follows programing. To program a bot, you must have a command counsel that can communicate with the bot, must switch it to manual mode, and must succeed a DC 15 puhua, check to start progaming as a standard action. Once indated, it takes from 1 to 5 full round actions to finnish the programing. The bot will continue the command until told otherwise. Basic programs that all bots posses are as follows:

  • GREET_AND_SCAN: Greets all newcomers. Then goes through a scan of whole area, every unit of time; using all known spells and powers.
  • B_PROTECT_: Will defend target creature at all costs.
  • B_RECORD_ONLY: Goes through a scan of whole area, every unit of time; using all known spells and powers.

Surveillance Systems: Bots can scan there environment, and can output waves (visual and oratory) - making it great around doors. Bots can have a wide variaty of sensors as seen on list. Input and output can be treated like the noted spells and powers, though they are always an exraodinary ability. The bot specific scans are as follows:


A bot possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).

  • Anything inside has 100% cover from others and possess their own air cycling unit, rendering them immune to gaseous effects.
  • Cannot heal damage on their own, but often can be repaired by exposing them to a certain kind of effect (see the creature’s description for details) or through the use of the Craft Construct feat. A construct with the fast healing special quality still benefits from that quality.
  • Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
  • Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, stunning, and disease.
  • Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless).
  • Not at risk of death from massive damage. Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less.
  • Since it was never alive, a construct cannot be raised or resurrected.
  • Proficient with its natural weapons.
  • Bots do not breathe, eat, or sleep.

The following creatures have the bot subtype:

Creature Entry CR Type and Subtypes Description
Accel XLV-5 Autocycle (3.5e Monster) 6 Construct [Bot, Vehicle]
Amarok AL-04a Attack Hound (3.5e Monster) 12 Construct [Bot]
Aran-388 Hunter Starship (3.5e Monster) 15 Construct [Bot, Vehicle]
Arup TA-2 Drone Transport (3.5e Monster) 8 Construct [Bot, Vehicle]
Asclepius-1928 Medibot (3.5e Monster) 9 Construct [Bot]
Athanas-1923 Autonomous Bulldozer (3.5e Monster) 5, 11 Construct [Bot, Vehicle]
BigDog-2005 Robotic Mule (3.5e Monster) 1, 2 Construct [Bot]
Binesi AL-05a Drone Fighter (3.5e Monster) 8 Construct [Bot]
Boubaball (3.5e Monster) 1/4 Construct [Bot, Psionic]
Buster MW-10 Ride Armor (3.5e Monster) 4 Construct [Bot, Vehicle]
Centipede-99 All-Terrain Miner (3.5e Monster) 7, 3, 8 Construct [Bot]
Crescendo (3.5e Monster) 2, 3, 1 Construct [Bot]
Crimping Crawler (3.5e Monster) 6 Aberration [Bot]
Digger-360 Autonomous Backhoe (3.5e Monster) 5 Construct [Bot, Vehicle]
Djadokhta AL-06c Anti-Personnel Hunter (3.5e Monster) 7 Construct [Bot]
Drebbel-1562 Submarine Hunter (3.5e Monster) 13 Construct [Bot]
Eyes of Orz (3.5e Monster) 12 Construct [Bot, Extraplanar]
Falcon 9 (3.5e Monster) 10 Construct [Bot, Vehicle]
Fenrir AL-04c Attack Hound (3.5e Monster) 6 Construct [Bot]
Gebhardt-1916 Autonomous Mixer (3.5e Monster) 3 Construct [Bot]
Heine-1830 Autonomous Chain Trencher (3.5e Monster) 9 Construct [Bot]
Hellbore-25 Autonomous Tank (3.5e Monster) 13 Construct [Bot, Vehicle]
Heracles-216 Heavy Loader (3.5e Monster) 4 Construct [Bot]
Hooligan-19 Automated Laser League Football Player (3.5e Monster) 5 Construct [Bot]
Ironman-163 Heavy Combat Android (3.5e Monster) 15 Construct [Bot]
Ivan-T70 Combat Droid (3.5e Monster) 4 Construct [Bot]
Juno-15 Unarmed Combat Android (3.5e Monster) 6 Construct [Bot]
Jupiter-9 Autonomous Railgun (3.5e Monster) 26 Construct [Bot]
Kayespi-2 Aero Bike (3.5e Monster) 4 Construct [Bot, Vehicle]
Lizbot (3.5e Monster) 5 Aberration [Bot, Shapechanger]
Locusta MX-7 Drone Fighter (3.5e Monster) 5 Construct [Bot]
Longbow-64 Autonomous Attack Chopper (3.5e Monster) 15 Construct [Bot, Vehicle]
Martina TBM-130 Tunnel Bore (3.5e Monster) 13 Construct [Bot]
MowBot-1969 Lawnmower (3.5e Monster) 2 Construct [Bot]
Murphy-3 Robotic Law Enforcer (3.5e Monster) 9 Construct [Bot]
Myobite-6 Microbot Swarm (3.5e Monster) 11 Construct [Bot, Swarm]
N-19 Combat Robot (3.5e Monster) 8 Construct [Bot]
Nixie-1080 Cam Drone (3.5e Monster) 1/4 Construct [Bot]
Noh-15 Assassin (3.5e Monster) 4 Construct [Bot]
Percy TD-20 Skycrane (3.5e Monster) 7 Construct [Bot]
Proteus MX-440 Modular Exo-Suit (3.5e Monster) 4 Construct [Bot, Vehicle]
Quint-1901 Autonomous Fire Engine (3.5e Monster) 7 Construct [Bot, Vehicle]
Reaper-1826 Autonomous Combine (3.5e Monster) 11 Construct [Bot, Vehicle]
Replicant Human (3.5e Monster) 3, 1/2 Humanoid [Bot, Human, Psionic]
Rex AL-06a Mobile Launcher (3.5e Monster) 19, 23 with pilot Construct [Bot, Vehicle]
RinLen-1910 Autonomous Steamroller (3.5e Monster) 5 Construct [Bot, Vehicle]
Scara-1981 Welding Arm (3.5e Monster) 3 Construct [Bot]
Scarab Monarch (3.5e Monster) 4, 6, 8 Construct [Bot, Siege]
Schaft-6006 General Purpose Robot (3.5e Monster) 1 Construct [Bot]
Schaft-93 Toy Robot (3.5e Monster) 1/4 Construct [Bot]

... further results

Surveillance Systems


Each scan has a difficulty level (as seen below). For every HD bots gain 2 scan points; each scan costs its level in scan points. While bots start with a set number of scans known; they may switch out any scan(s), for an equating scan(s). Taking a week for the new scan to take effect. A bot may use any scan an unlimmited amount of times per day.

1stDetect Animals or Plants, Detect Disease, Detect Magic, Detect Parentage, Detect Poison, Detect Power Level, Detect Psionics, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Snares and Pits, Detect Undead, Discern Lighting Level, Ell's Magic Timepiece, Empathy, Know Direction, Read Magic, Sense Link, Sense Spiders.

2ndComprehend Languages, Detect Heat, Detect Hostile Intent, Discern Ancestry, Find Traps, Identify, Object Reading, SRD:Status|Status]].

3rdClairaudience/Clairvoyance, See Invisibility, Scan.

4thArcane Eye, Detect Scrying, Discern Lies, Greater Status.

5thGreater Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Psionic True Seeing, True Seeing.


Commune with Nature, Speak with Animals, Speak with Plants, Tongues, Stone Tell, Telepathic Bond.


Creature Specific Commands

Always two words


FIRE_LASER: As an attack action, a uon can fire from its laser.

Scarab Monarch

Scarab Specific Commands:

  • FIRE_MISSILE: As a standard action, a scarab can fire from one of two small cannons on the front of their heads. Both may be treated as siege weapons. A siege weapon deals double damage to unattended objects (such as walls, buildings and the like). Missile damage can be averted with a Reflex save for half. The DC is based on 10+1/2BAB+Dex modifier. Missiles have a range of 100', and deal damage based on size:
    • Standard: A direct hit deal 1d6 fire damage with no save. Regardless if it hits or misses, the ball promptly explodes, dealing 3d6 fire and piercing damage in a 10’ radius burst (including the target at center).
    • Greater: A direct hit deal 2d6 fire damage with no save. Regardless if it hits or misses, the ball promptly explodes, dealing 5d6 fire and piercing damage in a 15’ radius burst (including the target at center).
    • Elite: A direct hit deal 3d6 fire damage with no save. Regardless if it hits or misses, the ball promptly explodes, dealing 7d6 fire and piercing damage in a 20 ft. radius burst (including the target at center).
  • RELOAD_MISSILE: Takes a move action to reload (only need to do every 2 rounds noting that there are two of them).
  • RESTOCK_MISSILE:</small> A scarab monarch can hold up to 8 missiles, requiring 1d3+1 rounds to restock when manned by a normal crew(2). A full crew(4) can reduce the reloading time by 1 round (to a minimum of 1).
  • INITIATE_REAR_BOOSTER: As a move action, can activate a burst of speed for jumping, this increases speed by 15’. Mostly used to throw them into the fray of combat.
  • INITIATE_REAR_WEAPON: The rear booster can also can act as a rear weapon; making it harder to flank a scarab monarch. Threat as a small-sized flamethrower.
  • PICK_O_MATIC: Rears on hind legs, then pierces into target with front legs, then head. Each front leg deals: 1d6 for standard; 1d8 for greater; or 2d6 for elite. Head deals: 2d6+2 for standard; 2d8+2 for greater, or 3d6+3 for elite.
  • WHIRL_WIND_ATTACK: Twirls with all legs. Each contact is dealt: 1d6+1 for standard; 1d8+2 for greater, or 2d6+3 for elite.
  • POUNCE: Springs with all legs, then initiates booster, then pick-o-matics.
  • BACK_IN_SHELL: As a total defensive action, a scarab may seal themselves off, becoming a unattended object. This gives the scarab an additional +8 natural armor bonus to AC, at the cost of mobility.

Uon Turret

Uon Specific Commands:

  • FIRE_TURRET: As an attack action, an uon can fire from its turret.
  • RELOAD_TURRET: Takes a swift action to reload.

Creature Specific Programs

Always 3 or more words


Crescendo Specific Commands:

  • FIRE_LASER: As an attack action, a crescendo can fire from its laser.
  • C_REPAIR_: Repairs a structure or object, by an amount equal to double the crescendos' self-repair bonus.
  • FIND_MINERAL_: Probes for an exact mineral.
  • FIND_CREATURE_: Searches and marks a creature type, subtype, or class.
  • MINE_MINERAL_: Mines an exact mineral.

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Facts about "Bot (3.5e Subtype)"
AuthorFranken Kesey +
Help Wanted Reasoncommands and programs +
Identifier3.5e Subtype +
Rated ByQwertyu63 +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryInvented by [[Kisalli (3.5e Race)|Kisalli]
Invented by Kisalli to help compensate for there frail bodys. Bots are mindless aberrations and constructs, that have been built for a specific task, and have multiple modes of servitude.
ask, and have multiple modes of servitude. +
TitleBot +