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User:FiddleSticks96/FS96 Sandbox:Items

69 bytes removed, 01:32, 1 March 2012
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==Trumpet of Crackling Glory==
Belenthrond created the Trumpet of Crackling Glory as a weapon for Galosh, a desperate soldier who pleaded with Belenthrond for a way to protect a small village from enemy soldiers; the village happened to be in a strategically valuable location. With the trumpet's power, Galosh singlehandedly defeated all the enemy soldiers that attacked the village. He then set out to become a war hero and made a legend for himself. He quickly became renown as a one-man army, and the rival nation dreaded his arrival on the battlefield. At his height, Galosh challenged an enemy battalion on his own, proclaiming he didn't need the aid of his fellow soldiers. To his horror, when Galosh reached down for the trumpet, he discovered that it was gone. Galosh met his end at the hands of the enemy battalion. The trumpet has since been passed around to any number of individuals, never staying with the same owner for very long.
*The trumpet's fickle nature makes it grow bored with its current owner over time. It will disappear after being in the possession of the same owner for 4d8x10 months. It will then reappear in the possession of a random creature (they might open up their sock drawer and find the really), only to move on to a new owner after it grows bored again.
  ===Mail of Invincibility===
Belenthrond created the Mail of Invincibility as a way to grant a boon to faithful followers or worthy adventurers. Despite its name, the wearer is not invincible; though they are certainly much harder to kill. The Mail of Invincibility appears as an ordinary steel breastplate of medium size; however, it changes size depending on the size of its owner, so if its owner is of Huge size, the armor will expand to fit them. It may shrink if need be as well. The armor has the same statistics as regular Breastplate except the armor bonus is 15, not 5, and it is indestructible (it cannot be sundered, it cannot be broken, it does not rust). A Spellcraft DC 15 check can be made to determine that the armor is magical in nature but not what the effects are. A Spellcraft DC 25 will reveal that the armor offers multiple forms of magical protection. In addition, the armor grants the wearer all of the following:
:+10 bonus to all saving throws
:Immunity to Death, Stun, Hold, Mind-Affecting attacks, System Shock, Critical Hits, Imprisonment, Polymorph, Petrification, or other form altering attacks
:Energy and Magic Resistance 50 35 (all forms of energy). This does not stack with other resistances
:Fast Healing 5
:Cannot be Flanked or caught Flat-Footed
:Cannot be Turned or Rebuked (undead only)
:First 20 points of Negates all fall damage are ignored
:Protected as if by a Magic Circle against Evil (if Good) or Good (if Evil) and as if by a Magic Circle against Chaos (if Lawful) :or Law (if Chaotic). In the event the wearer is neutral on one or both axis, they decide whether the protection will be against :Good/Evil and Law/Chaos. In all cases, the circles function at a caster level of 20 and protect only the wearer.
:Protected as if by an Endure Elements spell
:Sheen of Deflection (Su): 3 times per day, the wearer may cause the Stoneskin, Blade Barrier, and Entropic Shield spells (all at caster level 15) to be cast on themselves as an Immediate Action. The Blade Barrier follows the wearer and cannot be caused to move in any other way.
:Shield of the Ages (Su): Once per day, the wearer may cause a Prismatic Sphere and Globe of Blades spells to be cast on themselves (both of which have a caster level of 20) as an Immediate Action. The Globe and Sphere both follow the caster and cannot be caused to move in any other way.
:Shield of the Watcher (Ex): Once per week, the wearer may cause themselves to be protected by a very powerful force for 1 minute as an Immediate Action. During this time, the wearer is utterly immune to all forms of harm of any kind (only normal weapons may penetrate this defense). They are effectively invincible for the 1 minute period. In addition, all projectiles (including magic ones) rebound back at the original attacker as if the wearer were protected by the Peripety spell. This protection does not actually come from the armor, but from Belenthrond himself. The armor is used as a conduit, and by using this power, the wearer beseeches Belenthrond to protect them. This is perhaps why there is a 1% cumulative chance that Belenthrond will take the Mail of Invincibility away from the wearer each time this power is used, but he will not take it away until the Shield of the Watcher effect ends.  
===The Fang of Nosaia===
Nosaia was among the most noble and virtuous of vampires, ever seeking to right all wrongs. Nosaia was a natural born Category C Volkihar vampire (see the vampire section in my sandbox) and a powerful Spellsword. He traveled the planes to hone his skills and make as many friends on the way. Even paladins that met Nosaia were taken aback by his sincerity and sense of right and wrong; despite their misgivings that he was a vampire. For nearly 400 years, Nosaia championed the cause of good, and many a villain feared his wrath. One night, he happened across a small caravan besieged by marauders. The caravan was unguarded and comprised mostly of women and children; they couldn’t defend themselves. Nosaia flew to their rescue, felling marauder after marauder until none were left standing. Unfortunately, the battle lasted until sunrise, and Nosaia was unable to escape before he was immolated by sunlight. The caravan, not even knowing the name of their savior, burned his remains and prayed for his final rest. The only part of Nosaia’s remains that endured the cremation was a single fang. Belenthrond took up this fang, and forged it into a mighty weapon, so that Nosaia might never be forgotten.