The Darksun Shield is the sister to The Light of Day. Created along with that mace of legend, it bears powerful protective magicks to aid its wielder in the eternal struggle to rid the multiverse of all vampires.
=New Spells= ==Cleric Spells== ==3rd Level== '''Flames of Purity''' ==9th Level== '''Wrath of Arkay''' ==Ranger Spells== ==Druid Spells== ===4th Level=== '''Flames of Purity''' ==Paladin== ===4th Level=== '''Flames of Purity''' ==Sorcerer/Wizard Spells== ===9th Level=== '''Rite of Ageless Blood''' =Spell Descriptions= {{3.5e Spell|name=Flames of Purity|school=Evocation|desc=Good|lvl=[[SRD:Cleric Spell List|Cleric]] 3, [[SRD:Druid Spell List|Druid]] 4, [[SRD:Paladin Spell List|Paladin]] 4, Vampire Hunter Domain 3|comp=V, S|casttime=standard action|range=Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)|subj=Creatures in a 20-ft.-radius spread |dur=Instantaneous|tsea=t|save=[[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Reflex]] for half damage|sr=Yes}} With a shout of acclamation, you spread out your hand and immolate your foes with holy fire. This spell releases a bolt of red-hot fire that explodes on impact, dealing 1d6 damage per level (max 10d6) to everything caught in the area. Against undead, this spell deals 1d8 damage per level (max 10d8). It also ignores the first 20 points of Fire Resistance of an undead creature. Undead creatures immune to fire damage take half the normal fire damage dealt. Undead with the Fire Subtype take ¼ the normal fire damage dealt. Half the damage caused by this spell is holy damage, the other half is fire damage.
{{3.5e Spell
|lvl= [[SRD:Sorcerer/Wizard Spell List|SorSorcerer/WizWizard]] 9
|comp=V, S, M, XP
By performing a long and arduous ritual, you can draw forth the very essence of vampiric Vitae into an emerald. While within the emerald, the essence is saturated with powerful unholy energies, and then poured back into the vampire. The end result is that the vampire’s Generation is permanently decreased by 1. The vampire thereafter receives all the benefits of its new Generation. This spell has no effect on vampires of 1st Generation.
The reverse of this spell “Curse of Thinning Blood” has the opposite effect. Powerful vampire wizards will sometimes use this spell one or more times on a rival vampire, rather than outright destroying them. Curse of Thinning Blood dilutes the potency of the vampire’s essence, resulting in a permanent increase in the vampire’s Generation by 1. This effect is irreversible, but can be countered by effects that decrease Generation, such as the casting of the normal version of this spell. Typically, a vampire does NOT want to be the target of this spell, and must be restrained for the duration of the ritual. This is typically done by staking. Curse of Thinning Blood allows the same Will save, but unlike Rite of Ageless Blood, it is not harmless.
''[[SRD:Spell Descriptions#Material (M)|Material Component]]:'' Herds, oils, and incense worth at least 1,000gp. A worked emerald of flawless quality that is worth at least 10,000gp. The magic of the ritual turns the emerald to dust, regardless of whether or not the ritual was completed.
''[[SRD:Spell Descriptions#XP Cost (XP)|XP Cost]]:'' Casting this spell costs 5,000 XP. The reverse of this spell only costs 1,000 XP.
{{3.5e Spell
|name=Wrath of Arkay
|lvl=[[SRD:Cleric Spell List|Clreic]] 9, Vampire Hunter Domain 9
|comp=V, S, M, XP
|casttime=10 minutes
|range=Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
|subj=100-ft.-radius/level downpour of energy
|dur=1 round/level
|save=[[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]] negates (harmless)
This mighty spell calls down the divine wrath of Arkay, the Overdeity of Life and Death, on his sworn enemy, the undead. Undead casters cannot cast this spell by any means. Once cast, a mighty downpour of thin purple energy beams bombards the area affected by the spell. This energy is harmless to everything except undead creatures.
Undead creatures caught within this spell suffer 10d6 damage per round. This damage comes directly from a divine source, and therefore cannot be resisted by any mortal means. Vampires treat this damage as anti-vampire damage for all intents and purposes, although it still cannot be resisted by any mortal means. Arkay despises Purebloods more than any other form of undead, and his spite is made very clear to Purebloods caught in this spell. Purebloods suffer maximum damage from this spell. Undead slain by a Wrath of Arkay spell are also disintegrated.
''Arcane [[SRD:Spell Descriptions#Material (M)|Material Component]]: ''A worked amethyst worth at least 1,000 gp.
''[[SRD:Spell Descriptions#XP Cost (XP)|XP Cost]]:'' The power of this spell taps directly into Arkay’s divine power. The strain of doing this permanently drains the caster of 1,000 XP.