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Legends speak of huge vampire armies that once terrorized the living all throughout the world. Fast, strong, cunning, and powerful, these undead creatures from the night seemed invincible. That is, until a cabal of powerful wizard/clerics created The Light of Day. The process of its creation has been lost to the endless ebbs of time, but time has done nothing to erode the power of this ancient weapon, or its undying hatred of vampires.
The Light of Day is a golden hued mace that reflects all light that touches it. When its light is suppressed, it glitters brightly, when its light is active, it radiates as bright as the sun. The Light of Day functions as a medium size +5 [[SRD:Heavy Mace|heavy mace]] with the [[SRD:Holy|holy]], Dread (vampire) (Dread enchantment described in the Epic Level Handbook), and [[SRD:Flaming Burst|flaming burst]] enchantments. A vampire that touches, or is struck by, The Light of Day has their current Vitae Score reduced by 1 and must make a DC 27 Will save or lose an additional point of Vitae.
The Light of Day is a golden hued mace that reflects all light that touches it. When its light is suppressed, it glitters brightly, when its light is active, it radiates as bright as the sun. The Light of Day functions as a medium size +5 [[SRD:Heavy Mace|heavy mace]] with the [[SRD:Holy|holy]], Dread (vampire), and [[SRD:Flaming Burst|flaming burst]] enchantments. A vampire that touches, or is struck by, The Light of Day has their current Vitae Score reduced by 1 and must make a DC 27 Will save or lose an additional point of Vitae.
Although it is a holy weapon, The Light of Day deals antivampire damage to vampires. A vampire attempting to wield The Light of Day gains 4 negative levels and suffers 2d4 antivampire damage per round as the mace burns its flesh. These negative levels replace the negative level an Evil vampire would gain for wielding the weapon (The Light of Day has the holy enchantment) and cannot be resisted or overcome in anyway, but go away when the vampire discards The Light of Day. These negative levels never result in actual level lost. A vampire with 4 or less HD that attempts to wield The Light of Day is immediately destroyed as though it were [[SRD:DisintigrateDisintegrate|disintigrateddisintegrated]]. Vampires that are slain by The Light of Day are similarly disintegrated.
The Light of Day constantly sheds light as the [[SRD:Daylight|Daylight]] spell at [[SRD:Caster Level|caster level]] 20th. Vampires within this light suffer a -2 penalty to all rolls. There is no saving throw against this penalty. The wielder may resume or suppress this light as a free action at will.