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Alternate Formulation
::*Social Utility (bluff, diplo, intimidate, charm, etc.)
::I'm not really sure what you have in mind for the comingled guidelines below though. Would you roll some of this into there, or stuff that I'm forgetting? - [[User:Tarkisflux|Tarkisflux]] <sup>[[User talk:Tarkisflux|Talk]]</sup> 17:39, 3 July 2012 (UTC)
:::All those categories look good, though I feel like we should try to find ways to condense them more, as that's still a somewhat sizable list of lists. Maybe:
:::*Killing Things, Close
:::*Killing Things, Distant
:::*Buffs/Debuffs (the logic being that anything one can do, the other can also generally do, though maybe not by the same name -- e.g., blindness ~= invisibility and +2 AC)
:::*BC/Maneuverability (the logic here is that maneuverability is not, of itself, a huge benefit -- it will generally be part of defensive/offensive tactics in the same way that BC is)
:::*Gaining Information (IMO a more apt name for Exploration Utility)
:::*Obscuring Information (IMO a more apt name for Infiltration Utility)
:::That might still be too many, but I struggle to find any more equivalencies other than between the Killing Things categories. The names also might need some more fiddling with; e.g., I feel as if the name of Buffs/Debuffs could be altered so permanent effects like Divine Grace sound like they fit better. The commingled list would have been miscellaneous things that didn't fit in the categories listed, but with these categories, I honestly can't think of anything that doesn't fit. So nevermind that bit. --[[User:DanielDraco|DanielDraco]] 22:12, 4 July 2012 (UTC)
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