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Hag's Milk (3.5e Equipment)

18 bytes added, 02:55, 19 September 2012
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|aura=Faint Conjuration and Necromancy
|summary=This wicked potion grants several supernatural abilities themed around the powers of the hags.
This wicked potion potation looks like a blandly yellowish, pulpy, creamy, oily mess. Something evil was instilled into it when brewed. It only appears to get worse the longer it remains bottled, as if somehow spoiling into something worse than it began. It smells and tastes like a combination of rotted eggs and fish.
Immediately, upon consumption, the drinker must make a [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]] save DC 14 (base 10 + 3 for a 3rd level spell + 1 for the minimum key ability modifier on a 13 necessary to cast 3rd level spells) or have his moral [[SRD:Alignment|alignment]] axis immediately shift to Evil for the duration of the potion. A suddenly evil character doesn't abandon his allies, but he may find himself at odds with them as he begins to see the world in a different light.
[[Category:Potion or Oil]]