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Maera (3.5e Monster)

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|date_created=March 14, 2012
|status=Under constructionComplete
|speed=60 ft. (12 squares)
|ac=24 25 (-1 size, +3 4 [[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]], +6 [[SRD:Armor|armor]], +5 12 [[SRD:Natural Armor|natural]]) |touch=13 |flat=21
|bab=+7 |grapple=+17
|at=[[#Maera's Spear|Maera's spear]] +15 16 melee (1d8+12/×3 plus arcane spellcaster [[SRD:Bane (Weapon Enhancement)|bane]]) or [[#Maera's Spear|maera's spear]] +15 16 ranged (1d8+9/×3 plus arcane spellcaster [[SRD:Bane (Weapon Enhancement)|bane]] and [[SRD:Dispel Magic|dispel]]) or hoof +8 7 melee (1d41d6+3) or magic ray +13 12 ranged touch ([[#Mana Burn|mana burn]])|full_at=[[#Maera's Spear|Maera's spear]] +1516/+10 11 melee (1d8+12/×3 plus arcane spellcaster [[SRD:Bane (Weapon Enhancement)|bane]]) or 2 hooves +9 7 melee (1d41d6+3) or magic ray +13 12 ranged touch ([[#Mana Burn|mana burn]])
|space=10 ft. |reach=5 ft.
|sa=[[#Mana Burn|Mana burn]], [[#Spell-Like Abilities|spell-like abilities]], [[#Spells|spells]], [[#Spell Steal|spell steal]]
|str=22 |dex=19 |con=15 |int=16 |wis=22 |cha=23
|skills=[[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]] +14, [[SRD:Disguise Skill|Disguise]] +20, [[SRD:Hide Skill|Hide]] +15, [[SRD:Jump Skill|Jump]] +27, [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (arcana) +22, [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (nature) +24, [[SRD:Listen Skill|Listen]] +15, [[SRD:Move Silently Skill|Move Silently]] +15, [[SRD:Search Skill|Search]] +18, [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] +24, [[SRD:Spot Skill|Spot]] +15, [[SRD:Survival Skill|Survival]] +20 (+22 in natural areas)
|feats=[[SRD:Combat Reflexes|Combat Reflexes]], [[SRD:Endurance|Endurance]]<sup>B</sup>, [[SRD:Improved Initiative|Improved Initiative]], [[SRD:Improved Overrun|Improved Overrun]], [[SRD:Run|Run]], [[SRD:Weapon Focus|Weapon Focus]] ([[SRD:Spear|spear]]), [[SRD:Weapon Specialization|Weapon Specialization]] ([[SRD:Spear|Spear]])
|env=Temperate forests and marshes
|org=Solitary, glade (1 maera plus 1 [[SRD:Treant|treant]] animated by the ''[[SRD:Liveoak|liveoak]]'' spell), duo, or circle (3-8 maeras)
These elusive fey have the body of a centaur; the torso, face and upper arms of a beautiful, strongly built female human or elf with leaf-green hair, standing vertically atop the front shoulders of a majestic, auburn horse. Clad in ornate, leaf-adorned ironwood bardings and breastplate, and brandishing finely Brandishing ornately engraved wooden spears that emanate powerful disruptive magic, maeras are an arcane spellcaster's worst enemy. They stand roughly 5 feet at the shoulder, and 7 and a half to 8 feet head to toe, weighing in at about around 900 pounds.
=== Combat ===
A maera's spear attacks are treated as [[SRD:Alchemical Silver|silver]] for the purpose of overcoming [[SRD:Damage Reduction|damage reduction]].
'''{{Anchor|Change Shape}} {{Su}}:''' A While a maera can take the shape of a female is [[SRD:HumanLarge Size|humanLarge]]sized, it uses manufactured weapons as a [[SRD:ElfMedium Size|elfMedium]] or creature owing to her human upper body and arms. Maeras are also proficient with [[SRD:Half-ElfBow|half-elfbows]] at will. While assuming a different shape, she loses all [[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#SupernaturalLance|supernaturallances]] abilities except for this oneand simple weapons. For the sake of charging with a lance, a maera counts as mounted.
'''{{Anchor|Maera's SpearChange Shape}} {{Su}}:''' The spear A maera can take the shape of a maera is fashioned from her own magical essence. It is effectively a +1 female [[SRD:IronwoodHuman|ironwoodhuman]] , [[SRD:SpearElf|spearelf]] with the or [[SRD:DistanceHalf-Elves (Race)|distancehalf-elf]] at will. This is a transformative effect and cannot be dispelled or suppressed when the change has taken effect, but a ''[[SRD:ReturningTrue Seeing|returningtrue seeing]] enhancements, flying far when thrown and magically rematerializing in '' spell reveals the maera's true form overlaid with her hand at currently assumed form. The new form has the beginning statistics of her next turn. A maera's weapon is treated normal form, except as [[SRDfollows:Alchemical Silver|silver]] for the purpose of overcoming a shape-changed maera becomes [[SRD:Damage ReductionMedium Size|damage reductionMedium]] sized, losing all size bonuses and penalties, as well as all [[SRD:Bane (Weapon Enhancement)Special Abilities Overview#Spell-Like|banespell-like]] against creatures with arcane spellcasting. Furthermore, when a maeras throws her spear, it creates a and [[SRD:Dispel MagicSpecial Abilities Overview#Supernatural|dispelsupernatural]] effect in addition to dealing regular weapon damageabilities except for this one. A shape-changed maera has the base land speed appropriate for her new form (usually 30 feet). The maera's spear creates a targeted dispel disappears upon a creature hit directly, but may also using this ability and cannot be thrown at the ground summoned until she changes back to create an area dispel effect. This functions like the respective ''targeted dispel'' and ''area dispel'' abilities of the ''[[SRD:Dispel Magic|dispel magic]]'' spell ([[SRD:Caster Level|caster level]] 10th)her original form.
'''Magic Immunity{{Anchor|Maera's Spear}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]] or [[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Spell-Like|Sp]]):''' A The spear of a maera is immune to all fashioned from her own magical essence. It is effectively a +3 [[SRD:SpellsIronwood|spellsironwood]] and [[SRD:Spell-Like AbilitySpear|spell-like abilitiesspear]] that allow with the [[SRD:Spell Resistance Distance|distance]] and Spell Immunity[[SRD:Returning|spell resistancereturning]]enhancements, flying far when thrown and magically rematerializing in her hand at the beginning of her next turn. A maera can ignore her immunity with her own spells and spell-like abilities, 's weapon is treated as [[SRD:Alchemical Silver|silver]] for the purpose of overcoming [[SRD:Damage Reduction|damage reduction]] as well as [[SRD:Bane (Weapon Enhancement)|bane]] against creatures with spell effects taken by the use of arcane spellcasting. A maera can produce or dismiss her spear at will as a [[SRD:Free Action|free action]], using her own life force to do so. The spear is a [[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Spell StealSupernatural|spell stealsupernatural]] abilityeffect.
When a maera throws her spear, it creates a [[SRD:Dispel Magic|dispel]] effect in addition to dealing regular weapon damage. A maera's spear creates a targeted dispel effect upon a creature hit directly, and an area dispel effect in a 20-foot-radius around the creature. If the spear misses its target or if no target has been specified, only the area dispel occurs. This functions like the respective ''targeted dispel'' and ''area dispel'' abilities of the ''[[SRD:Greater Dispel Magic|greater dispel magic]]'' spell ([[SRD:Caster Level|caster level]] 11th). The dispelling power of a maera's spear is a [[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Spell-Like|spell-like]] ability that is usable effectively at will, and uses the maera's druidic [[SRD:Caster Level|caster level]]. A maera that takes levels in [[SRD:Druid|druid]] also increases the caster level for this ability. '''Magic Immunity {{Ex}}:''' A maera is immune to all [[SRD:Spells|spells]] and [[SRD:Spell-Like Ability|spell-like abilities]] that allow [[SRD:Spell Resistance and Spell Immunity|spell resistance]]. A maera can ignore her immunity with her own spells and spell-like abilities, as well as with spell effects taken by the use of her [[#Spell Steal|spell steal]] ability. '''{{Anchor|Mana Burn}} {{Su}}:''' A maera can fire a coruscating ray of purplish disruptive energy from the tip of her spearas a [[SRD:Standard Actions|standard action]]. Creatures hit by this attack are burned from within by their own arcane power. Any arcane spellcaster so affected loses a prepared spell or a spell slot and takes 1d6 points of backlash damage per spell level lost. The level of the spell lost is determined by a roll of a d6, ranging from 1 to 6. Cantrips or spells of higher than 6th level are not affected, though if the number rolled exceeds the target spellcaster's maximum arcane spell level or if it has exhausted its complement of appropriately leveled spells for the day, a number of spell slots are drained whose combined spell level equals or exceeds the roll result, starting with an unused spell slot of the highest level that is still available. Creatures without arcane spellcasting are unaffected by this ability.
'''{{Anchor|Spell Steal}} {{Su}}:''' As a [[SRD:Move Actions|move action]], a maera may transfer an ongoing spell effect from a target creature within 30 feet to herself. This ability may be used once every 1d4 [[SRD:Round|rounds]].
Typical druid spells prepared (6/6/5/5/4/3/2, save DC 16 + spell level): 0&mdash;''[[SRD:Create Water|create water]], [[SRD:Detect Poison|detect poison]], [[SRD:Know Direction|know direction]], [[SRD:Light|light]], [[SRD:Purify Food and Drink|purify food and drink]], [[SRD:Read Magic|read magic]]''; 1st&mdash;''[[SRD:Calm Animals|calm animals]], [[SRD:Charm Animal|charm animal]], [[SRD:Detect Animals or Plants|detect animals or plants]], [[SRD:Entangle|entangle]] (&times;2), [[SRD:Obscuring Mist|obscuring mist]], ''; 2nd&mdash;''[[SRD:Animal Messenger|animal messenger]], [[SRD:Bear's Endurance|bear's endurance]], [[SRD:Gust of Wind|gust of wind]], [[SRD:Soften Earth and Stone|soften earth and stone]], [[SRD:Summon Swarm|summon swarm]]''; 3rd&mdash;''[[SRD:Daylight|daylight]], [[SRD:Plant Growth|plant growth]], [[SRD:Quench|quench]], [[SRD:Remove Disease|remove disease]], [[SRD:Wind Wall|wind wall]]''; 4th&mdash;''[[SRD:Command Plants|command plants]], [[SRD:Freedom of Movement|freedom of movement]], [[SRD:Giant Vermin|giant vermin]], [[SRD:Scrying|scrying]]''; 5th&mdash;''[[SRD:Animal Growth|animal growth]], [[SRD:Commune with Nature|commune with nature]], [[SRD:Tree Stride|tree stride]]''; 6th&mdash;''[[SRD:Mass Bear's Endurance|mass bear's endurance]]'', ''[[SRD:Mass Cure Light Wounds|mass cure light wounds]]''.
==== Maeras and [[SRD:Summoning Subschool|Summoning]] ====
A [[SRD:Chaotic Effect|chaotic]] or [[SRD:Good Effect|good]]-aligned [[SRD:Druid|druid]] may use a ''[[SRD:Summon Nature's Ally IX|summon monster IX]]'' spell to summon a maera. A summoned maera enters the field with its typical spells prepared (see Spells, above). Summoning a maera gives the summoning spell the [[SRD:Chaotic Effect|Chaotic]] and [[SRD:Good Effect|Good]] descriptor.