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Flatland's Abstraction (3.5e Maneuver)

309 bytes added, 13:05, 21 November 2012
Grapple notes
|text=While you are in this stance, the third dimension is basically eliminated from existence in a cylinder emanating from you. The cylinder has a radius of 10 feet per initiator level, but its vertical height is 10 miles high. Any objects in midair that enter this cylinder (including you) are immediately forced onto the ground. They do not actually fall; their position in space is instantaneously rewritten so that they are on the same vertical altitude as you (plus or minus any difference in land elevation). Thus, this stance does not cause creatures to take fall damage. The net effect of all this is that you may attack airborne creatures as though they were not airborne; vertical distance is no obstacle to your melee (or ranged) reach. The same is true of all creatures in the area of effect.
The effect is not blocked by walls, but it is blocked by ceilings. If a creature is forced into the same space as you, it displaces you if it is not larger than you and does not fit in your space; if it's larger than you, it crushes you. Any creature forced to your elevation by this effect is returned to its original elevation when the stance ends or it leaves the area of effect.If such a creature was grappling with you at the time, this instantly breaks the grapple. As a side effect of ignoring vertical distance, this stance allows you to score critical hits or gain sneak attack (or other precision-based) damage against a creature whose vitals would ordinarily be out of your reach.}}</onlyinclude>

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