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Idylean Young God (3.5e Template)

652 bytes added, 18:25, 17 February 2014
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Idylean Young God are not without their share of weaknesses, the being born on Idylis are all very very vulnerable to a substance known as [[Nitrion (3.5e Equipment)|nitrion]]. A semi gaseous blue substance with a strange ethereal hue, it origin is unknown and any attempts to recreate it with magic failed. The substance is highly toxic to all life (each pound count as one [[Refined Darklight Rod (3.5e Equipment)|refined darklight rod]] that ignore immunities) but it is much much more devastating against the young deities.
If a Idylean Young God come in contact with sufficient amount of nitrion (at least one pound) it begin suffering nitrion sickness, at which point it start [[Burning (3.5e Condition)|burning]] permanently, however unlike normal [[Burning (3.5e Condition)|burning]] it burn away max hit points instead of normal hit points. Secondly she take 1 points of [[SRD:Ability Burn|ability burn]] to all her ability scores at the beginning of each round, this ability burn is extremely slow healing (see below). The Idylean Young God become [[SRD:Nauseated|nauseated]] (bypassing immunity to nausea) for as long as she suffer from the sicknessand for the entire recovery time, making her often unable to help herself. A DC 40 [[SRD:Heal CheckSkill|heal]] check on Idylis or the application of a [[SRD:Miracle|miracle]]/[[SRD:Wish|wish]] spell can stop the sickness but nothing else.
After the nitrion sickness is dealt with the young god will stop [[Burning (3.5e Condition)|burning]] but still need to recover. She recover one point of [[SRD:Ability Burn|ability burn]] per day of extended rest. The young god will stay [[SRD:Nauseated|nauseated]] until all her ability scores have recovered, forcing New Gods who suffered from nitrion poisoning to a long bedridden recovery period. A less lethal weakness is their inability to use any supernatural and spell-liek like ability garnted granted by this template while 'under the gaze of the old gods'. They may not use any supernatural or spell-like ability granted by this template while inside temples dedicated to traditional gods and similar places. If they attempt to do so they take 1 nonlethal damage per hit dice and the ability fail.
=== Welcome to Idylis ===

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