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Binding Growth (3.5e Feat)

65 bytes added, 19:51, 22 April 2014
Text replace - "Category:3.5e [[" to "[[Category:3.5e]] [["
|summary=You grow on people.
|prereqs=Wood Elemental Creature (e.g., [[Psuedoelemental Being (3.5e Feat)|Psuedoelemental Being]] (Wood) feat)
|benefit=After [[Races_of_War_(3.5e_Sourcebook)/Advanced_Combat#Hold_Down|pinning]] or [[Races_of_War_(3.5e_Sourcebook)/Advanced_Combat#Lift|lifting]] a creature for a round, you may attempt to grow a Binding Growth on them with another grapple check against a DC of 10 + their Grapple modifier. Once you do so, they are bound, losing their [[SRD:Dexterity |Dexterity]] bonus to AC and their ability to take physical actions other than trying to escape, until they break the bonds. The bonds can be broken by others with a slashing melee weapon capable of doing 5+your hit dice points of damage against AC 5+your [[SRD:Constitution |Constitution]] modifier, but a miss hurts the bound creature. The bonds may also be broken by a [[SRD:Strength|Strength]] check (DC 15 + your [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] modifier) or by an [[SRD:Escape Artist|Escape Artist ]] check (DC 10 + your hit dice + your [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] modifier). Even once broken, they remain on for 1d4 rounds, [[SRD:Entangled|entangling]] the bound creature.

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