Difference between revisions of "Shade (3.5e Race)"

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(Created page with " {{author }} ==<!-- Shade -->== Summary::<!-- Shades are people that have been ripped from their bodies by means of dark magic. They are cursed to wander the earth foreve...")
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==<!-- Shade -->==
==<!-- Shade -->==
[[Summary::<!-- Shades are people that have been ripped from their bodies by means of dark magic. They are cursed to wander the earth forever as a black silhouette of their former selves. -->]]
[[Summary::Shades are people that have been ripped from their bodies by means of dark magic. They are cursed to wander the earth forever as a black silhouette of their former selves.
<!-- Shades tend to be angry and rash. They hate their existence and tend to take out their anger on anything or anyone nearby. -->
Shades tend to be angry and rash. They hate their existence and tend to take out their anger on anything or anyone nearby.
===Physical Description===
===Physical Description===
<!-- Shades appear as a pitch black silhouette of whatever their former body was. The silhouette includes any armour, clothing or weaponry they where wearing at the time they were cursed, and is completely opaque. Shades have no weight. -->
Shades appear as a pitch black silhouette of whatever their former body was. The silhouette includes any armour, clothing or weaponry they where wearing at the time they were cursed, and is completely opaque. Shades have no weight.
<!-- Shades hate all other races, including other shades. A lot of the time, shades hate themselves, as they have been forced to live a monster for all eternity. They are quick to anger with all people, and have no regard for anyone else's feelings. -->
Shades hate all other races, including other shades. A lot of the time, shades hate themselves, as they have been forced to live a monster for all eternity. They are quick to anger with all people, and have no regard for anyone else's feelings.
<!-- Shades are nearly always chaotic evil. -->
Shades are nearly always chaotic evil.
<!-- Shades tend to hide in the wilderness, somewhere they will be left alone by other people. -->
Shades tend to hide in the wilderness, somewhere they will be left alone by other people.
<!-- Shades retain the ability to speak whatever languages they spoke before being cursed, but they're voice is turned hollow and raspy, and is unrecognizable. -->
Shades retain the ability to speak whatever languages they spoke before being cursed, but they're voice is turned hollow and raspy, and is unrecognizable.
<!-- Shades usually keep the same name they had prior to being cursed. -->
Shades usually keep the same name they had prior to being cursed.
===Racial Traits===  
===Racial Traits===  
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|name=<!-- Shade -->
|name=<!-- Shade -->
<!-- If your race does not have any racial attribute modifiers, delete the attrib lines below. Otherwise, place one attrib modifier per line. -->
If your race does not have any racial attribute modifiers, delete the attrib lines below. Otherwise, place one attrib modifier per line.
|attribbonus1=<!-- +4 -->
|attrib1=<!-- Intelligence -->
<!--Additional attrib lines are available, from 2 through 6. Copy and paste the below section and update the numbers as needed to add additional special abilities to your race -->
<!--Additional attrib lines are available, from 2 through 6. Copy and paste the below section and update the numbers as needed to add additional special abilities to your race -->
|attribbonus2=<!-- +2 -->
|attrib2=<!-- Charisma -->
|attribfluff=<!-- Fluff about why the race has the modifiers they do. Can also hold weird modifiers not supported above, but they will not appear on the nav page without specialized formatting. Not required. -->
|attribfluff=<!-- Fluff about why the race has the modifiers they do. Can also hold weird modifiers not supported above, but they will not appear on the nav page without specialized formatting. Not required. -->
|type=<!-- Humanoid -->
|subtype=<!-- Incorporeal -->
|typefluff=<!-- Fluff about why they are this type. Not required. -->
|typefluff=Fluff about why they are this type. Not required.
|size=<!-- Medium -->
|basespeed=<!-- 30 -->
|basespeed= 30  
|othermove=<!-- Additonal movement types or descriptions. -->
|othermove=<!-- Additonal movement types or descriptions. -->
|vision=<!-- Darkvision -->
|darkdist=<!-- 120 -->
|specialtext1=<!--Shades act as though they were constantly a manifested ghost. They can pass through solid objects at will,their attacks pass through armour, and cannot affect anything on the material plane, although they are visible. Unlike ghosts though, Shades retain the ability to become corporeal for a limited time. They become corporeal 6/day, for 2d4 minutes.   -->
|specialtext1=Shades act as though they were constantly a manifested ghost. They can pass through solid objects at will,their attacks pass through armour, and cannot affect anything on the material plane, although they are visible. Unlike ghosts though, Shades retain the ability to become corporeal for a limited time. They become corporeal 6/day, for 2d4 minutes.
|special1=<!-- Name of special ability if appropriate, like "Stonecunning". Not required. -->
|special1=<!-- Name of special ability if appropriate, like "Stonecunning". Not required. -->
|specialtype1=<!-- Ability type, like "Ex", "Su", "Sp", or "Ps". Not required. -->
|specialtype1=<!-- Ability type, like "Ex", "Su", "Sp", or "Ps". Not required. -->
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|autolanguage=<!-- Languages that the race begins with. Defaults to "Common" if the line is removed. -->
|bonuslanguage=<!-- Any -->
|favoredclass=<!-- Class names, as they appear on the wiki. Multiple classes may be separated by 'or'. Example: "Wizard" and "Barbarian or Berserker". Leave blank for "Any" -->
|favoredclass=<!-- Class names, as they appear on the wiki. Multiple classes may be separated by 'or'. Example: "Wizard" and "Barbarian or Berserker". Leave blank for "Any" -->
|la=<!-- "0", or the level adjustment of the race. Defaults to "0" if the line is removed. -->
|la=<!-- "0", or the level adjustment of the race. Defaults to "0" if the line is removed. -->

Revision as of 02:18, 25 October 2014

Facts about "Shade (3.5e Race)"
Author{{{author_name}}} +
Identifier3.5e Race +
RatingUnrated +
TitleShade +