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Latest revision as of 09:58, 3 May 2017

Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 5/1/2017
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Dragonkin from a desolate far-off world. Skalebroniir (Skah-leh-brawn-eer, "born of scales") hail from the world of Aeyries (Ay-ree-ess, "breath"), a world decimated by the wars of this race. A thousand years ago, the world was a vast ocean, with small tropical continents scattered about. There were originally five subspecies - The four now known as Bondasr (Mountain), Degar (Cave), Densaga (Desert) and Jekarva (Jungle) - And a an aquatic species known as Kruaanii, or "Deep" Skalebroniir. As their civilization grew, jealousy also grew between the various countries that come formed, and war broke out. Primal magic was hurled back and forth, sundering the natural balance of things. Eventually, the imbalance of natural powers took its toll, and the earth cracked wide open. The deep caverns of the Degar flooded as the planet's ocean vanished, swallowed by the earth. Over the next few centuries, what was ocean became desert, the islands formed great plateaus, some with even-higher mountains on them, and as the planet grew warmer, the poles transitioned from ice to jungle.

Without much water, the hateful Skalebroniir grew even more angry at each other, tearing each other apart, and the more powerful still warred against each other until nothing was left. The once-great civilization crumbled to nomadic tribes wandering the deserts trying to find drinkable water; As the water that had fled under the ground had grown toxic, poisoned further by the minerals in the deep earth. The aquatic cities of the Kruaanii became wastelands, as those of the race who weren't swept underground with the water that gave them life died in the desert sun, bleached bones, dried, fossilized coral and broken marble all that remain.

At current, the Degar and Bondasr continue life as they once did; The Degar in small, bustling cities underground where smithies and gemcrafters build and forge, and the Bondasr in lonely monasteries far off in the mountains. Those hardy few that once rode great beasts and hunted in the plains came down from the plateaus and became the Densaga, wanderers in the wastes, cunning, hardy and fast, but not as strong as their brethren and far less social outside their own kind. The tribal Jekarva withdrew even farther than before, fleeing to the polar jungles and interacting with outsiders as rarely as possible.


The four species of Skalebroniir are as different as day and night when it comes to personality.

The Bondasr are very reserved, serious people. They spend their time thinking, learning and meditating. Once great war strategists, when the war destroyed what the race's livelihood, the Bondasr turned to philosophy, questioning the reasons behind the war and wondering what can be done to repair the damage they helped create. Most are monks, wizards or archivists, collecting wisdom to pass down to future generations, in hopes of finding enlightenment to prevent the race from repeating the same mistake, should they ever manage to return the world to its previous state.

The Degar are, in personality, very much like dwarves, though they can also be compared to bees in a way. They dig and colonize, build and forge, and their society is much like their work - It varies greatly by the individual, but all of the diverse pieces must work together as a unit to form something both functional and beautiful. Degar tend to be rather neutral in alignment, but on the outside, they seem to slip seamlessly between hyperactive trains of thought and states of silent, purposeful drive. Their ability to work as a single unit made them deadly in the war, especially when combined with their engineering knack.

Densaga tend to be very sneaky and untrusting; Their cold cunning that has allowed them not only to survive but to thrive in their harsh chosen environment also tends to make them seem just as harsh as the desert itself from an outsider's point of view. While they have a skewed and often grotesque perspective of the world, this often allows them insights into things, realization of connections, that others may never see; But for them, these occurrences are almost daily, generally expressed in a "Huh, I guess that..." manner that truly gives on the feeling that they really don't know that what they just not only thought of but spoke aloud was a big deal. Their society has little order beyond the idea that might makes right, because all must fend for themselves in the wastes.

The Jekarva are playful, passionate and superstitious creatures; They often talk to animals or objects as if they were people and tend to try to name every possession they own, nomatter how trivial. Very emotional, they are often seen as somewhat unstable by outsiders, though the opposite is true - The emotional turmoil allows them to flutter in the eye of their internal storm, thus remaining happy rather than returning to the old ways. Once, they were warlike, and their burning rage often manifested in literal fire, their heat-resistant feathers bursting into flames as their unbridled fury rocketed them across the battlefield in a blazing streak. Now the race tends to overcompensate for their past wrongs by being overly nice to others and treating even the smallest and most vile of creatures with the kindness and respect with which they treat each other. Very little is as important to a Jekarva as his family, and this extends beyond mere blood to their entire tribe. Any adventuring group containing a Jekarva tends to find their feathered friend tends to sway back and forth between being a protective, mothering sort and a mischievous sibling. The Jekarva also tend to be incredibly curious, despite their recent tendency to remain in hiding as a species beyond the few that end up adventuring.

Physical Description[edit]

Bondasr are rather lean and tall, lanky, seemingly snakelike creatures with large eyes. Not only do they have functional wings, but their arms are also smaller wings, which, combined with their long, rudder-like tails, makes them incredibly agile in the air. Their scales are generally of colors one might find in the mountains; greys, slate-blues, heather-violets, moss-greens and sandy browns. Their wings are typically somewhat batlike, though they are also covered with a fine fur to protect them from the cold of their mountain homes. Their eyes are normally green, blue, violet or gold, they their horns are usually small and many in number.

Degar are the largest of the Skalebroniir, living mountains of scale and claw. They are very strong and durable at the expense of agility, and their wings are generally far too small to allow for flight. Their tails are thick, and usually have a hard, bony knot or spike on the end, allowing them to sweep smaller foes off their feet. The Degar generally have scales of black, iron-red, swamp-green or the pale shades on usually associates with deep-dwellers. Eyes are usually the fiery reds of the heat deep within the earth or caustic greens, though very rarely one will be born with eyes like iridescent gunmetal, and these are usually viewed as destined for greatness, whether it be great valor or great catastrophe. Typically a Degar's horns are few in number and large; often like those of a bull or ram, or rarely like those of a Black Dragon.

Densaga are slight, agile creatures, generally standing around the height of the average human. While not particularly strong, they aren't weak either. They are, however, fleet of foot and fast-talking scoundrels, all too often without what most see as honor. However, they consider it perfectly acceptable; In the wastes, your cunning, strength and resourcefulness are what keep you alive, and the Densaga value these traits - In their society, might makes right rather than having a system of law and fairness. Those who are too weak are left behind, and every man must fend for himself. their scales are often ash-grey, bleached white, he brown of the earth or the color of sand, which white, orange or lavender markings being fairly common, especially in the males. They usually have four slender horns; Two atop their head, curving backwards, and two behind their jaws that curve along their snouts, similarly to how a black dragon's horns curve to the front from the back. Their eyes are often shades of blue or gold, though occasionally one finds violet or green among them.

The Jekarva are the most vibrant of the Skalebroniir, birdlike creatures both full of passion and loud of voice. They are very agile, though not very stealthy due to their bright colors and love of sound, particularly music. Lean and toned, these treetop dwellers are skilled hunters and healer. Their bodies, save their lower legs, forearms, hand and feet, are covered in feathers that come in a wide range of colors, from bold red and oranges to vivid blues, yellows and violets, all the way to dizzying patterns of black and white. Their eyes come in just as wide an arry of colors, with blue, gold and green being the most common. The only species who doesn't normally sport horns, the Jekarva do have talons and a sharp beak.


Birds of a feather flock together. All kinds of Skalebroniir tend to view the other species with indifference, both still jealous of each other and incredibly sorry for the wrongs they've inflicted upon each other and themselves.

Likewise, the species tend to enjoy the company of races who can relate. Bondasr get on well with those philosophical races like Githzerai, or those of a moral disposition such as Aasimar or Tieflings, attempting to learn from both sides. Degar enjoy dwarven crafts, and while dwarves tend to be wary of dragons and their ilk, occasionally a dwarven clan will end up "adopted" by a scaly guardian. Densaga are oppotunists; While they can put on a show and work well with anyone, they tend to genuinely relate to competitive races like Goliaths or Shifters, or other opportunists like halflings. Jekarva enjoy music, jokes and festivities; So it's no surprise that elves, gnomes and halflings can often be found with their own personal songbirds.


Depending on the individual, because the four species live together and interbreed, the alignments are as varied as humans. However, Bondasr and Degar tend to lean toward Lawful alignment, and Densaga and Jekarva tend to lean toward Chaos.


Typically the Bondasr live in orderly monasteries and observatories high in the mountains, libraries and collections of artifacts in every home. They prefer homes that are open to the air, with only one or two closed rooms, usually the bedroom.

Degar prefer to live underground in hand-carved cave-rooms, and everyone has a forge right there in their living room for when inspiration hits. Common light fixtures are luminescent chemicals trapped within bulbs of glass hanging from metal chandeliers, or bioluminescent mushrooms.

Densaga generally live either in sandstone huts when settled, or in easily-carried tents, due to the capricious race's nomadic tendencies. Most all of them keep riding animals, and own little more than they and the pack beasts can carry.

Jekarva live in treetop villages, woven from living vines and branches, careful to build their homes so as not to harm the trees they rest in. Each tree is usually joined by a rope or vine bridge, even though the race can fly, but there is usually only one way to get back and forth to the ground, to keep the more dangerous beasts of the jungle from entering their villages and wreaking havoc.


Most Skalebroniir have no particular care for religion; The gods didn't save them nor guide them away from their mistakes, so they have no reason to turn to them now (And those who are religious tend to say the Great Cataclysm was punishment for their crimes against each other). That said, those born among other cultures tend to follow deities that reflect their racial tendencies - Bondasr tend to follow gods of knowledge and balance; Degar tend to prefer gods of fire, earth and craftmanship; Densaga tend to worship gods of trickery, competition (Sometimes meaning War) and survival, and the Jekarva tend to worship either nature itself or a collection of gods dedicated to art, music, festivities and nature.


Generally, the race speaks Kha'Imorskale (Kah-ee-mor-skah-leh, "Tongue of Scales"). The language, derived from Draconic, uses double i's in place of the long E sound, and tends to have a silent H behind the first letter of a word (Such as the word Khriin, which means "Metal"). Those who know Draconic can attempt to understand Kha'Imorskale with a DC 15 Intelligence check per round of listening to or reading the language (And the same is true for speakers of Kha'Imorskale trying to understand Draconic). Kha'Imorskale uses the Draconic script.

One large difference between Kha'Imorskale and other languages is that when speaking of most things, you would state the subject, then describe it (Thus, you would say, "The ball that is red"). However, when speaking about things that relate to yourself, your possessions, your kinfolk and their possessions, you describe the object (Thus saying "Brother's red ball"). This can be very confusing for those not used to such a language.

Another difference is that words tend to have multiple meanings depending on context. For example, Phierion ("Fire") could refer to actual fire, passion, or rebirth, depending on how it is used. This ends up leaving most sentences sounding like metaphors.

Most Skalebroniir also learn Draconic and Common in order to communicate with the world more clearly than their native tongue allows them to, though often they find languages other than their own to sound alien.


At birth, Skalebroniir children are given a name, which is more like a title, that their parent uses to refer to them. Usually, the name reflects the traits the parent(s) see(s) within the child; Such as a name meaning Firebringer ("Phierion-Sacavien") for a child with passion that could bring either great fame ("Spark") or the ashes of ruin. When they reach adulthood, the child chooses their own name, which usually has a meaning reflecting what they want to be, such as a name meaning "Shieldskin" ("Aegan-Shyl") for a Skalebroniir who wants to protect his kin even if it means death. Names refer to objects, emotions and concepts, and tend to thus be gender-neutral.

Example names: Zhenra-Khal ("Heart of the people"), Ehntaharra-Lakren ("Healing despair"), or simple a name referring to an element, such as Phierion ("Fire"), Taherraston ("Earth"), or Khagiioniir ("Shadow").

Racial Traits[edit]


  • -2 Strength, +4 Constitution, +2 Wisdom: Mountain Skalebroniir are tough, agile for their size and philosophical, but they don't gain muscular bulk very easily despite their height.
  • Dragon: Skalebroniir are a distant descendants of dragons, and count as such. 
  • Medium: As a Medium creature, a bondasr skalebroniir has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
  • Bondasr Skalebroniir base land speed is 30 feet. They can also fly at a speed of 40 with Perfect maneuverability. 
  • Darkvision: A bondasr skalebroniir can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and a bondasr skalebroniir can function just fine with no light at all. 
  • Natural Weapons: Bondasr possess a pair of primary Claw attacks (1d4), as well as a secondary Bite (1d6). If you manage to establish a hold with your Bite attack, and your breath weapon is available to use, You can hit the grappled target (And only the grappled target) with your breath weapon automatically (They don't get a save and no attack roll is required). 
  • Breath Weapon (Ex): Most Bondasr have a natural breath weapon, either in the form of a gas or liquid that drastically cools instantly upon contacting oxygen, or gout of flame. This takes either the shape of a cone that is 5ft long per point of Constitution bonus the Bondasr possesses (allowing a Ref save for half; DC is 10 + 1/2 Bondasr's level + Con mod), a Line that is 10ft long per point of Con bonus (Ref save for half), or a glob they can spit as a ranged touch attack at any target within Close range. The breath weapon deals either Fire damage or Cold damage, chosen at character creation; Once chosen, shape and damage cannot be changed. The breath weapon deals 1d6 damage, plus an additional 1d6 for every 3 HD beyond the first the Bondasr possesses (2d6 at 4th level, 3d6 at 7th, and so forth). The breath weapon can only be used once every 1d4+1 rounds. 
  • Spell-like Abilities (Sp): A Bondasr with a Charisma of 10 or more can use the spells Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Prestidigitation and Ray Of Frost as spell-like abilities a combined number of times per day equal to 1 + their Charisma modifier (Min 1). Caster level equal to their HD (Min 1). 
  • Spiral Flight (Ex): While flying, a Bondasr's long body whirls in a chaotic corkscrew motion. While flying, wearing light or no armor, and carrying no heavier than a Light load, the Bondasr can attempt Reflex saving throws against attacks they are not denied their Dexterity bonus against, using the result of the roll as their AC against that attack. If they possess an unarmored or light-armored AC bonus, such as that granted by the Monk or Swordsage classes, they may add that AC bonus to these special Reflex saves. Finally, when charging or using the Run action during flight, the Bondasr never has to move in a straight line. 
  • Racial Skills: Bondasr have a +2 racial bonus on Concentration, Heal and Sense Motive checks, and a +4 racial bonus on Escape Artist checks. Concentration, Heal and Sense Motive are always class skills for a Bondasr. However, they take a -2 penalty on Intimidate and Ride checks. 
  • Frostborne (Ex): Bondasr have tough hide and are resistant to the cold environment of the highest Aeyrian mountains. The have Cold Resistance and Natural armor equal to their Constitution modifier. They also have a +2 racial bonus on saves against effects that cause fatigue or exhaustion. 
  • Skalebroniir Endurance: All Skalebroniir gain Endurance as a bonus feat at first level. They also have Rapid Recovery, which functions as Rapid Healing, except that it does regrow lost limbs over a number of days equal to 3d6, minus the Skalebroniir's Con modifier.
  • Automatic Languages: Kha'Imorskale
  • Bonus Languages: Any, except secret.
  • Favored Class: Monk, Wizard, Occultist Savant
  • Level Adjustment: +1
  • Effective Character Level: 3
Table: Bondasr Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 7' +/- 2d6" 195 lb. +/- 2d12 lbs.
Female 7' +/- 2d6" 185 lb. +/- 2d10 lbs.


  • +4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution: A Degar's lumbering bulk lends them great strength, and their hide is very thick; But they suffer in the realm of agility.
  • Dragon: Skalebroniir are a distant descendants of dragons, and count as such. 
  • Large: As a Large creature, a degar skalebroniir takes a -1 size penalty to Armor Class, a -1 size penalty on attack rolls, a +4 size bonus on special attack (bull rushes, grapples, overruns, and trips) checks, and a -4 size penalty on Hide checks, but it uses larger weapons than humans use, and its lifting and carrying limits are twice of those of a Medium character. They have a space and reach of 10 feet.
  • Degar Skalebroniir base land speed is 30 feet. While not as fast as some Large creatures, like dwarves, their movement speed is not further reduced by heavy armor. The Degar also has a Burrow speed of 10, and they always leave a tunnel. 
  • Darkvision: A degar skalebroniir can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and a degar skalebroniir can function just fine with no light at all. 
  • Natural Weapons: Degar possess a pair of primary Claw attacks (1d6), as well as a secondary Bite (1d6), a secondary Gore attack (1d8) and a tail slap (1d10). If you manage to establish a hold with your Bite attack, and your breath weapon is available to use, You can hit the grappled target (And only the grappled target) with your breath weapon automatically (They don't get a save and no attack roll is required). 
  • Breath Weapon (Ex): Most Degar have a natural breath weapon, either in the form of a combustible gas they can spew and ignite, or an acidic bile. This takes either the shape of a cone that is 5ft long per point of Constitution bonus the Degar possesses (allowing a Ref save for half; DC is 10 + 1/2 Degar's level + Con mod), or a glob they can spit as a ranged touch attack at any target within Close range. The breath weapon deals either Fire damage or Acid damage, chosen at character creation; Once chosen, shape and damage cannot be changed. The breath weapon deals 1d6 damage, plus an additional 1d6 for every 3 HD beyond the first the Degar possesses (2d6 at 4th level, 3d6 at 7th, and so forth). The breath weapon can only be used once every 1d4+1 rounds. 
  • Stonecunning (Ex): This ability grants a Degar a +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. Something that isn’t stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A Degar who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a Search check as if he were actively searching, and a Degar can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A Degar can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up. 
  • Stability (Ex): A Degar gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground). 
  • Racial Skills: Degar have a +2 racial bonus on Balance, Climb, Jump, and Swim checks, as well as Craft and Appraise checks relating to gemstones, metal and stone. Balance, Climb, Craft, Jump, Search and Swim are always class skills for a Degar. However, they take a -2 penalty on Bluff, Sleight Of Hand and Diplomacy checks, and a -4 penalty on Tumble, Escape Artist and Perform checks. 
  • Stoneborne (Ex): Degar have tough hide and are resistant to the caustic environment of the Aeyrian underground. The have Acid Resistance and Natural armor equal to 2 + their Constitution modifier. They also have a +2 racial bonus on saves against Poison. 
  • Skalebroniir Endurance: All Skalebroniir gain Endurance as a bonus feat at first level. They also have Rapid Recovery, which functions as Rapid Healing, except that it does regrow lost limbs over a number of days equal to 3d6, minus the Skalebroniir's Con modifier. 
  • Light Blindness: Degar are blinded for one round upon abrupt exposure to bright light and are Dazzled as long as they remain within the bright light.
  • Automatic Languages: Kha'Imorskale.
  • Bonus Languages: Any except secret.
  • Favored Class: Fighter, Barbarian, Grenadier
  • Level Adjustment: +2
  • Effective Character Level: 3
Table: Degar Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 8' +/- 2d12" 200 lb. +/- 3d20 lbs.
Female 8' +/- 2d12" 200 lb. +/- 3d20 lbs.


  • +4 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma: Densaga are agile and cunning, but untrusting.
  • Dragon: Skalebroniir are a distant descendants of dragons, and count as such. 
  • Medium: As a Medium creature, a densaga skalebroniir has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
  • Densaga Skalebroniir base land speed is 40 feet. Their wings also allow them to Fly with a speed of 30 (Average maneuverability). 
  • Darkvision: A densaga skalebroniir can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and a densaga skalebroniir can function just fine with no light at all. 
  • Natural Weapons: Densaga possess a pair of primary Claw attacks (1d4), as well as a secondary Bite (1d6 plus Poison, see below). They also possess a pair of Rake attacks (1d3). If you manage to establish a hold with your Bite attack, and your breath weapon is available to use, You can hit the grappled target (And only the grappled target) with your breath weapon automatically (They don't get a save and no attack roll is required). 
  • Breath Weapon (Ex): Most Densaga have a natural breath weapon, either in the form of a combustible gas they can spew and ignite, or a caustic venom. This takes either the shape of a cone that is 5ft long per point of Constitution bonus the Densaga possesses (allowing a Ref save for half; DC is 10 + 1/2 Densaga's level + Con mod), or a glob they can spit as a ranged touch attack at any target within Close range. The breath weapon deals either Fire damage or affects targets hit as if by the Densaga's poisoned bite (See below), chosen at character creation; Once chosen, shape and damage cannot be changed. The breath weapon deals 1d6 damage, plus an additional 1d6 for every 3 HD beyond the first the Densaga possesses (2d6 at 4th level, 3d6 at 7th, and so forth). The breath weapon can only be used once every 1d4+1 rounds (Or it shares a cooldown with the venomed bite, see below). 
  • Densaga Venom (Ex): Most Densaga have glands within their jaws that secrete a neurotoxic venom that messes with the nervous and muscular system, causing cramps that hinder movement and making their nerves very sensitive so that even the slightest touch brings pain. Those that possess it deliver it via their bite attack (See above), though some can also integrate it into their breath weapon. The venom deals 1d4 Dex primary and secondary, and the Fortitude save dc is equal to the save DC of their breath weapon. If the target fails the first Fort save, in addition to the Dex damage, the venom inflicts a pain penalty on attack rolls, will and reflex saving throws, and skill checks equal to the Densaga's Con modifer. This lasts until the second save. If the second save is successful, the pain ends. If the save fails, the pain continues for another 2d6 rounds as the toxins wrack their nervous system; They also suffer from reduced movement as if wearing heavy armor (Or their speed is cut in half if it was already reduced) and they have damage susceptibility X/-, where X is equal to the Densaga's Con modifier, plus the number of points of Dexterity damage the target has already taken from the venom within the last minute. The Densaga is immune to their own venom, and it loses potency after 1 day of leaving the Densaga's body, thus it cannot be sold unless you want angry customers. The venom can be used once every 1d6+1 rounds, but no more times per encounter than the Densaga has points of Constitution bonus (Min 1). 
  • Punishing Opportunist (Ex): When an opponent tries to feint against you, if your Sense Motive check is successful, you may in turn make an attack of opportunity against the target. The target is denied his Dexterity bonus against the attack of opportunity the first time you use this ability on them. The attack counts against your attacks of opportunity for the round normally. 
  • Racial Skills: Densaga have a +2 racial bonus on Bluff, Handle Animal, Sense Motive, Ride, Tumble and Suvival checks. Bluff, Handle Animal, Sense Motive, Ride, Tumble and Suvival checks are always class skills for a Degar. However, they take a -4 penalty on Diplomacy, Intimidate and Perform checks due to their asocial natures. 
  • Sandborne (Ex): Densaga have tough hide and are resistant to the harsh environment of the Aeyrian deserts. The have Fire Resistance and Natural armor equal to their Constitution modifier. 
  • Skalebroniir Endurance: All Skalebroniir gain Endurance as a bonus feat at first level. They also have Rapid Recovery, which functions as Rapid Healing, except that it does regrow lost limbs over a number of days equal to 3d6, minus the Skalebroniir's Con modifier. 
  • Wastehunter (Ex): Densaga gain the Track and Run feats at 1st level for free, and gain a +4 bonus when tracking creatures in a desert or plains environment. At 10th level, they gain the Swift Tracker ability if they did not already possess it. 
  • Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a Densaga must hit with their bite attack. They can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If they win the grapple check, they establish a hold and can rake. 
  • Pounce (Ex): When a Densaga charges a foe, they can make a full attack at the end of the charge, including a pair of Rake attacks. 
  • Sprint (Ex): Once per hour, the Densaga can move up to ten times their land speed when making a charge.
  • Automatic Languages: Kha'Imorskale
  • Bonus Languages: Any except secret
  • Favored Class: Rogue, Ranger, Runehunter
  • Level Adjustment: +2
  • Effective Character Level: 3
Table: Densaga Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 6' +/- 2d6" 165 lb. +/- 2d10 lbs.
Female 6' +/- 2d6" 165 lb. +/- 2d10 lbs.


  • +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, +4 Charisma: Jekarva are agile and their passion has no equal, but they tend to be naive, and their bones are hollow to allow for flight.
  • Dragon: Skalebroniir are a distant descendants of dragons, and count as such. 
  • Medium: As a Medium creature, a jekarva skalebroniir has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
  • Jekarva Skalebroniir base land speed is 30 feet. They can also Fly at a speed of 60 with Good maneuverability. 
  • Low-Light Vision: A jekarva skalebroniir can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. 
  • Natural Weapons: Jekarva possess a pair of primary Claw attacks (1d6), as well as two secondary Talon attacks (1d4). 
  • Breath Weapon (Ex): Most Jakarva have a natural breath weapon, either in the form of a combustible gas they can spew and ignite, or a superheated plasma. This takes either the shape of a cone that is 5ft long per point of Constitution bonus the Jekarva possesses (allowing a Ref save for half; DC is 10 + 1/2 Jekarva's level + Con mod), a line 10 feet long per point of Constituion bonus they possess, or a glob they can spit as a ranged touch attack at any target within Close range. The breath weapon deals either Fire or Electricity damage, chosen at character creation; Once chosen, shape and damage cannot be changed. The breath weapon deals 1d6 damage, plus an additional 1d6 for every 3 HD beyond the first the Jekarva possesses (2d6 at 4th level, 3d6 at 7th, and so forth). The breath weapon can only be used once every 1d4+1 rounds. 
  • Siren Wail (Ex): As a standard action, the Jekarva can scream loudly, unsettling nearby creatures. Enemies in front of the Jekarva, within a cone that is 25 feet long plus 5 feet per 2 HD of the Jekarva, must make a Will save (DC is Con-based) or become Shaken for 1d4 rounds. The Jekarva can also choose to scream directly at a target adjacent to themselves by making a melee touch attack; If successful, in addition to the unsettling affect, the target must make a Fort save against the same DC or become deafened for 1d4 rounds. This ability can be used once every 1d6+1 rounds, and is a [Sonic] effect, thus not functioning in areas of magical silence. The unsettling half of the ability is also a [Mind-Affecting] effect. The drawback of this ability is that due to the Jekarva's sensitive hearing, such a loud sound partially deafens them as well, negating their racial Listen bonus and giving them a an additional -2 penalty on Listen checks, as well as a -1 penalty on all other skill checks, on Will saving throws and on attack rolls, for 1d4 rounds after using this ability. 
  • Mimick (Ex): The Jekarva can perfectly mimick any sound they've heard, at any time, as if using the Ghost Sound spell at a caster level equal to their HD, except that the sound originates from the Jekarva. Because of their keen hearing, the Jekarva can often hear and mimick conversations from behind closed doors or thin walls, with perfect accuracy. Not to mention they can mimic sounds like the roar of a lion or the barking of a guard dog to confuse or scare away potential foes. 
  • Racial Skills: Jekarva have a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy, Listen, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Spot, and Perform (Sing) checks. Diplomacy, Listen, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Spot, and Perform (Sing) are always class skills for a Jekarva. However, they take a -4 penalty on Bluff, Hide, Move Silently and Sense Motive checks. 
  • Jungleborne (Ex): Jekarva have tough hide and are resistant to the unforgiving environment of the Aeyrian jungles, where heat and storms are almost constant. The have Fire and Electricity Resistance, and Natural armor, equal to their Constitution modifier -1. However, they have damage susceptibility to cold equal to this number as well, as the Jekarva aren't used to the cold. 
  • Skalebroniir Endurance (Ex): All Skalebroniir gain Endurance as a bonus feat at first level. They also have Rapid Recovery, which functions as Rapid Healing, except that it does regrow lost limbs over a number of days equal to 3d6, minus the Skalebroniir's Con modifier. 
  • Burning Rage (Su): When below half health, the Jekarva can enter a stage of fury. Their bodies ignite, adding an amount of fire or electricity damage (Whichever their breath weapon deals) to their natural attacks equal to their Charisma bonus. Enemies that strike the Jekarva in melee with a non-reach weapon take this damage as well. A Jekarva who possesses a Rage or Frenzy ability enters this fiery state whenever they enter a Rage or Frenzy (As well as when under the effects of a Rage spell), and they gain one additional use of Rage or Frenzy per day. 
  • Healing Song (Su): Once per hour, the Jekarva can perform a healing song. This song functions like Mass Lesser Vigor cast at a caster level equal to the Jekarva's HD, except that it requires a DC 23 Perform (Sing) check in order to use. However, if the Jekarva possesses the Bardic Music ability or any similar ability, they may spend a daily use of their Bardic Music to use this song instead, without counting toward the 1/hour limit.
  • Automatic Languages: Kha'Imorskale
  • Bonus Languages: Any except secret. Jekarva gain one additional bonus language above the normal limit, due to their inquisitive natures and love of mimicking others.
  • Favored Class: Bard, Druid, Barbarian
  • Level Adjustment: +2
  • Effective Character Level: 3
Table: Jekarva Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 6' +/- 3d6" 125 lb. +/- 2d10 lbs.
Female 6', 5" +/- 3d6" 150 lb. +/- 2d12 lbs.


The four types of Skalebroniir can interbreed freely, and this creates a very diverse mixture of traits as no two halfbreeds are the same. There are no real rules for the statistics of the halfbreeds, except that none of them are inherently more powerful than the race itself (Possessing roughly half of the racial traits from each parent species). Fire is the most common breath weapon type; Lightning is the most rare.

Vital Statistics[edit]

Table: Skalebroniir Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
12 years +1d6 +2d6 +3d8
Table: Skalebroniir Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
250 years 475 years 700 years +4d% years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.

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AuthorZhenra-Khal +
Effective Character Level3 +
Favored ClassMonk +, Wizard +, Occultist Savant +, Fighter +, Barbarian +, Grenadier +, Rogue +, Ranger +, Runehunter +, Bard + and Druid +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Level Adjustment1 + and 2 +
Racial Ability Adjustments-2 Strength +, +4 Constitution +, +2 Wisdom +, +4 Strength +, -2 Dexterity +, +2 Constitution +, +4 Dexterity +, -2 Charisma +, +2 Dexterity +, -2 Constitution +, -2 Wisdom + and +4 Charisma +
RatingUnrated +
SizeMedium + and Large +
SummaryDragonkin from a desolate far-off world. +
TitleSkalebroniir +
TypeDragon +