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User:Rithaniel/Planetwisted (3.5e Template)

183 bytes added, 06:35, 10 September 2009
Minor Penalties: (getting another added on)
The following are all minor modifications that lower a characters physical abilities. Please note that a character cannot take a number of penalties so that the total negative ''p'' value of this template would be greater than the total positive ''p'' value of this template.
'''{{Anchor|Decreased Ability:}}''' You gain a −2 penalty to one of your ability scores. This modification can be selected multiple times, and it's effects stack, but it cannot impose more than a −6 bonus 4 penalty to any single ability score. ''Cost: −1p''
'''{{Anchor|Slow Footed:}}''' Your [[SRD:Movement Speed|land speed]] is decreased by 10 feet. This modification can be taken multiple times, and it's effects stack. Though, this template cannot lower a creatures [[SRD:Movement Speed|land speed]] beneath 10 feet. ''Cost: −1p''
'''{{Anchor|Slow Body:}}''' You no longer add any [[SRD:Ability Scores|ability score modifier]] to your [[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Reflex]] save, unless it is negative in value. Bonuses from other sources, such as feats or class features, still applies. ''Cost: −2p1p''
'''{{Anchor|Weak Mind:}}''' You no longer add any [[SRD:Ability Scores|ability score modifier]] to your [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]] save, unless it is negative in value. Bonuses from other sources, such as feats or class features, still applies. ''Cost: −2p1p''
'''{{Anchor|Fragile Health:}}''' You no longer add any [[SRD:Ability Scores|ability score modifier]] to your [[SRD:Saving Throw#Fortitude|Fortitude]] save, unless it is negative in value. Bonuses from other sources, such as feats or class features, still applies. ''Cost: −2p''
'''{{Anchor|Magic Magnet:Distant Minded}}:''' You gain a penalty to your touch [[SRD:Armor ClassInitiative|ACinitiative]] equal to (2 1 + ¼ your [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]]). This penalty never applies to your flatfooted [[SRD:Armor Class|AC]] or your normal [[SRD:Armor Class|AC]]. ''Cost: −2p''
'''{{Anchor|Magic Magnet:}}''' You gain a penalty to your touch [[SRD:Armor Class|AC]] equal to (2 + ¼ your [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]]). This penalty applies to your normal [[SRD:Armor Class|AC]], but never applies to your flatfooted [[SRD:Armor Class|AC]]. ''Cost: −2p'' '''{{Anchor|Flat feet:}}''' You gain a penalty to your flatfooted [[SRD:Armor Class|AC]] equal to (2 + ¼ your [[SRD:Hit Dice|HD]]). This penalty never applies to your touch normal [[SRD:Armor Class|AC]] or , but never applies to your normal touch [[SRD:Armor Class|AC]]. ''Cost: −2p''
'''{{Anchor|Chill Body:}}''' You gain [[SRD:Vulnerability to Energy|vulnerability to fire]]. ''Cost: −3p''

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