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Fleet Ship (3.5e Location)

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The Great Dynasty crumbled with the destruction of their central solar system. Many victim planets of the dynasty were also destroyed. Yet shortly after the Dynasties demise, a coalition of '''[[Uongo-mijusi (3.5e Race)|Uongo-mijusi]]''', '''[[Octoxeno (3.5e Race)|Octoxeno]]''', and '''[[Tempus (3.5e Race)|Tempus]]''' formed to rescue what was left of their galaxy. Creating The Fleet from slave-ships, frigates, and battle ships, left in ruin after the war. Constantly searching the universe for a new home system. While maintaining there vigil, and sights on there quarry - the zeigeists and magic!
[[File:Fleet Ship 2.jpg|thumb|right|600px|A Fleet Ship village]]
==Generic Features==
[[File:Fleet Ship 2.jpg|thumb|right|600px|A Fleet Ship]]
'''Physical Traits:'''
*Gravity: [[SRD:About Planes#Light Gravity|light]]
{{:Template:Standard Ship Features|fleet|3,000,000|40|A space city.}}
{{:Template:Complex Ship Features|fleet|42|6|80|12|84|2412|15|700010,000, medium 7000–1510,000–30,000, and max is 1550,000}}
===Fleet Ship Changes===
A singe fleet ship has the following qualities: 40HD, 1650 HP(+210 150 Shield HP, see below), 150' [[SRD:Fly|fly speed (clumsy)]], [[Hyperjump (3.5e Creature Ability)|hyperdrive]], a length of 2 three miles, width of one miletwo miles, and weighs 50100,000 tons. It requires 2 minutes and 1500’ to turn the ship 90 degrees.
'''More than Massive:''' The sheer size of a fleet ship, means it always fails Hide checks, and fails AC checks against Siege weapons (but only siege weapons can harm it). The fleet ship has not attack of its own (outside of ramming), instead it fights with gun rooms (see below).
'''Extra Engineer RoomsRoom:''' A fleet ship has four three engine rooms. But can operate with only two one (at half one third speed). A fleet ship has two different hyperdrives.
'''Stronger Gun Rooms and Docks:''' A fleet ship’s gun rooms and docks have 60HP each (instead of 40).
'''Comprehensive Systems:''' A fleet ship has four two [[FT20 Defense System (3.5e Equipment)|FT20 Defense Systems]] (on top, bottom, rear and fronttop), six [[FT25 Assault System (3.5e Equipment)|FT25 Assault Systems]] (on all six sides), two [[FT28 Siege Weapon (3.5e Equipment)|FT28 Siege Weapons]] (on both sides), and two [[FT29 Ship Killer (3.5e Equipment)|FT29 Ship Killer]] (on bottom and front).
'''Population:''' A Fleet Ship can hold up to 3000 2000 medium-sized creatures.
'''Anti-magic prisons''' consist of 8 10x10x10 cells surrounding one 50x50x15 cell - and a walkway in the shape of an L on two sides. The bars consist of a quasi-metallic core, and ant-magic plasma coat that glows. The bars must be activated and deactivated individually, and there is a 2” square between each. Each prison has a small guard house to operate the bars; yet the [[Uon Turret (3.5e Monster)|uon turrets]] on every entrance are operated elsewhere.
'''Gravitational Pull:'''The sheer magnitude of a fleet ship makes it have its own gravitational pull, acting in many ways like a tractor beam. This pulls in all objects smaller than it within 10 miles, at a rate of 200’/round. Ships caught this way are unable to move or hyper-jump, unless they beat a DC 30 escape artist check (or have a higher speed). The difference is, this ability can be suppressed from the bridge - allowing for easier commerce and dog-fights!
===Room Descriptions===
'''Dock:''' To enter a fleet ship, one first goes through a thick air-tight door with dimensions 10x100x50 (LxWxH), reaching a ovular room (200x150x60). This room is has anywhere from 4-6 [[Uon Turret (3.5e Monster)|uon turrets]], has purple lights emerging from where the floor and wall touch, and has a ovular door (5x30x30) at the end of it. There always is a [[Uon Turret (3.5e Monster)|Uon Turret III]] at the end of the hall to ask for entry. Quite commonly a ship is pulled into the foray by the ships gravitational pull. This room has enough space for 20 [[Fighter Ship (3.5e Monster)|Fighter III]]s or one [[Transport Ship (3.5e Monster)|Transport III]].
*'''Exterior Elevator:''' Larger ships cannot fit within a fleet ship dock. They must move cargo and passengers through an elevator. This elevator is controlled from the bridge (or an engineer room if disabled). And hooks up to another ship’s docks directly. This links to a fleet ship’s dock. The external elevator has a mobile room with internal dimensions of 30x30x20. The distance between docks is 500’, and it takes one minute to shuttle materials between.
'''Second RoomCorridor:''' Upon going through the second airtight door, one enters an ovular room (150x100x4060x30x40), with a balcony encircling 2530' above. The lighting is similar to the foray. There are usually 2-4 Standard ships have two [[Uon Turret (3.5e Monster)|uon turrets]], 2-3 [[Speeder Ship (3.5e Monster)|speeders]], 23-3 4 [[Crescendo (3.5e Monster)|crescendos]], and 12-2 3 [[Scarab Monarch (3.5e Monster)|scarab monarchs]].:The corridor ends in a strange doorway. The doorway is latterly round, though in a convex shape; while it starts with 10' diameter, it ends with a 30' diameter. Closer examination of the door shows a small unique rune imprinted on it. After passing through this doorway, one enters into a second corridor.:The balcony is 5' wide, with a slight inward slant that curves at its extremities. The balcony possesses a similarly shaped door on one of its sides (not at the end like the lower one). This door opens to a serious of hallways that lead to the gun rooms and second corridor.*'''Second Corridor:''' Unlike the first corridor there is a customs/security office at the end of the room (and the second corridor has no balcony). The second defensive corridor is 30x30x30, and has four [[Uon Turret (3.5e Monster)|uon turrets]], with a similar doorway, but different rune. The door leads to the commerce district of the ship proper.
'''Commerce District:''' All second corridors link up to one commerce district. This is shaped shaped like an oval ring, with a ring-width of 40’ and height of 40’, and has a balcony 30’ above it on the outer and inner bands (5’ wide each). The secondary room ends in a strange doorwaycommerce district has apothecaries, taverns, merchants and mechanics. The doorway is latterly roundring links to to the administrative, engineering, and living districts. Two doorways are at the front of the ring (on the external side), though are black in a convex shapecolor, 3’ thick, and are heavily guarded; while it starts with 10' diameter, it ends with a 20' diameterthese link to the administrative district. Closer examination Two doorways are at the rear of the door shows a small unique rune imprinted ring (on itthe external side), are yellow in color, 5’ thick, and also heavily guarded; these link to the engineering district. After passing through this doorwayLastly, one enters into there are eight doors (on the [[#Commerce|Commerce]] District of internal side) that link to the ship properliving district, which are red in color, and 2’ thick. All doors are convex in shape with a 30’ diameter.
'''Administrative District:''' The upper balcony administrative district houses the bridge, barracks, armory, and prison blocks. The bridge is small, only 15x15x8 and able to seat 6 pilots. The barracks is much larger, able to house 300 soldiers and leaders. The armory is 5able to hold 500 medium-sized weapons.*'''Anti-magic prisons''' wideEach fleet ship has two different cell blocks. Each cell block consist of eight 10x10x10 cells (made for two), a cafeteria, small recreation area; all surrounded by a larger 50x50x20 perimeter cell with an upper walkway. The bars consist of a slight inward slant quasi-metallic core, and ant-magic plasma coat that curves at its extremitiesglows. The balcony possesses bars must be activated and deactivated individually, and there is a similarly shaped door on one of its sides (not at the end like the lower one)2” square between each. This door opens to Each prison has a serious of hallways that lead small guard house to operate the bars; yet the gun rooms[[Uon Turret (3.5e Monster)|uon turrets]] on every entrance are operated elsewhere.
'''Exterior ElevatorEngineering District:''' Larger ships cannot fit within The engineering district houses three different engine rooms, two hyperdrives, engineer housing and a fleet ship dockmechanics room. They must move cargo and passengers through an elevator. This elevator  '''Living District:''' The living District is controlled from at the center of the bridge (or ship, and houses enough living quarters for 2000 medium-sized creatures, an engineer room if disabled). And hooks up to another ship’s docks directlyagricultural section, two theaters, a library, hospital and government office.
The external elevator has a mobile room with internal dimensions of 30x30x20. The distance between docks is 500’, and it takes one minute to shuttle materials between.
'''Inhabitants:''' [[Uongo-mijusi (3.5e Race)|Uongo-mijusi]], [[Octoxeno (3.5e Race)|Octoxeno]], [[Tempus (3.5e Race)|Tempus]], and [[Zherihnghil (3.5e Race)|Zherihnghil]] make up most of the leadership of a Fleet Ship. They are the original races, and are most of the culture. Due to the reproduction decline of tempus and seppia, they are not at the numbers that they once where. Yet the seppias' renown for tinkering, and the tempus' reputation for knowledge, has allowed them to remain as a pivotal part of the culture.
'''Forbidden Species:''' [[Eldritch Horror (3.5e Race)|Eldritch Horror]], [[Hekatonped (3.5e Race)|Hekatonped]], [[Setenall (3.5e Race)|Setenall]], [[Uberich (3.5e Race)|Uberich]], [[Zeitgeist (3.5e Race)|Zeigeist]], and other malicious aliens, are killed on the spot. This policy has been extended to: celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, magical beasts, undead, and non-alien outsiders not mentioned above.
The Fleet culture greatly values learning, and wisdom. Thus the following three buildings have pivotal effects on its culture.
'''Libraries:''' for each sequential day (after first), must make a Will save of (noted [[SRD:DC|DC]] +5 each day(culminates), -1 per 4HD, -1 per 5 concentration skill modifiers) each day, to continue study. Is negated if one spends a day doing something else between each sturdy day.
*Lesser: After four day's of study, and a search check DC above 15 (or a librarian); gain a permanent +2 circumstance bonus to a craft, knowledge, profession, or survival skill that does not involve secrets.
*Moderate: After three day's of study, and a search check DC above 20 (or a librarian); gain a permanent +4 circumstance bonus to an craft, decipher script, knowledge, profession, or survival skill that does not involve secrets.
*Greater: After two day's of study, and a search check DC above 25 (or a librarian), gain a permanent +6 circumstance bonus to an craft, decipher script, knowledge, profession, psicraft, spellcraft, or survival skill that does not involve secrets.
*Specialized: After three day's of study, and a search check DC above 20 (or a librarian), gain a permanent +10 circumstance bonus to library's' craft, decipher script, knowledge, profession, psicraft, spellcraft, or survival speciality that can include secrets.
'''Museums:''' No will save needed to continue research. Non-permanent, divide effects by 2 every year after until 1/3 of original benefit; can be negated if one does another session. Sessions last two hours.
*Lesser: After four sessions, and a search check DC above 15 (or a guide); gain a non-permanent +2 circumstance bonus to a craft, or knowledge, skill that does not involve secrets.
*Moderate: After three sessions, and a search check DC above 20 (or a guide); gain a non-permanent +4 circumstance bonus to an craft, or knowledge, skill that does not involve secrets.
*Greater: After two sessions, and a search check DC above 25 (or a guide), gain a non-permanent +6 circumstance bonus to an craft, knowledge, psicraft, or spellcraft, skill that does not involve secrets.
*Specialized: After one session, and a search check DC above 20 (or a guide), gain a non-permanent +10 circumstance bonus to museums' craft, knowledge, psicraft, or spellcraft specialty that can include secrets.
'''Theater:''' do not stack, take the benefits of the higher stack, and the drawbacks of the lower stack
*Lesser: +2 to Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Perform checks and [[SRD:Fear|fear effects]]; and +5 to concentration checks the following two day's. -2 against [[SRD:Charm and Compulsion|charms or compulsions]] during the act and a day after. Regain 1 point from a [[SRD:Ability Score Loss|drained]] ability score. Cost 50gp for three hours
*Moderate: +4 to Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Perform checks and [[SRD:Fear|fear effects]]; and +7 to concentration checks the following three day's. -4 against [[SRD:Charm and Compulsion|charms or compulsions]] during the act and a day and a half after. Regain 2 point's from a [[SRD:Ability Score Loss|drained]] ability score (can be split between two scores). Cost 100gp for two hours
*Greater: +6 to Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Perform checks and [[SRD:Fear|fear effects]]; and +10 to concentration checks the following four day's. -6 against [[SRD:Charm and Compulsion|charms or compulsions]] during the act and two days after. Regain 3 point's from a [[SRD:Ability Score Loss|drained]] ability score (can be split between two scores). Cost 150gp for one hour
*Royal: +8 to Diplomacy, and Gather Information checks the following six day's. -8 against [[SRD:Charm and Compulsion|charms or compulsions]], and -2 concentration during the act and three days after. Regain 4 point's from a [[SRD:Ability Score Loss|drained]] ability score (can be split between three scores); '''or''' regain a [[SRD:Energy Drain, Negative Levels, and Level Loss|drained level]]. Cost 200gp for one hour
There is also a market district that houses: '''apothecaries''', '''beasteries''', '''taverns''', '''mechanical''', and '''weapon shops'''. Shops are mostly small in scale.
The administrative building is adjacent to the library. And only houses 2-4 large rooms, with tables, and data banks. There are no official offices for bureaucrats. This means that most bureaucratic affairs occur in public space.
With the exception of ambassadors, all characters with magical classes (not excluded above) are incarcerated on the spot. They are held in anti-magical jails. And are dropped of at the next habitual planet. Magic is treated like an infection on Fleet Ship - but inhabitants fear pissing of the anthrax.
Fleet Ship is a federal republic oligarchy. Meaning 5% of population is voted for to rule a government with divisions of power. This body has three presiding officersa commander, that it votes for, to lead only in military crises. These three The commander renounce there his ability to govern in any other sector during such a time (in all other matters, like civilian rights or commerce, the other politicians rule). And There are many restrictions and checks that the government may not change any law during a military crisessenate has in wartime.
{{Template:3.5e Locations Breadcrumb}} [[Category:3.5e]] [[Category:User]] [[Category:Location]] [[Category:Starship]]

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