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Syntoid (3.5e Race)

6,597 bytes added, 21:47, 4 February 2021
Created page with "{{author |author_name=Leziad |date_created=4th February 2020 |status=Complete}} ==Syntoid== Summary::An inferior construct race more akin to a metal human than a warforged..."
|date_created=4th February 2020


[[Summary::An inferior construct race more akin to a metal human than a warforged. The syntoid is somewhat deficient in some aspect, but possesses a very human personality. A resounding success.|The syntoids]] are an attempt at replicating life using mechanical components, their creator basing herself on the [[ATRuns (3.5e Race)|ATRuns]]. The initial prototype was emotionless and without drive, however their creator did not give up and sought to add a ‘human heart’ to her creation. After many trials and errors, she succeeded, but they still caught fire.

The syntoid is a somewhat inferior construct race, that beside all of its flaws is pretty much a human emotionally. The quirks and flaws in their construction strip them of most construct immunities. They are prone to glitching and overheating, although it can be used to their advantage.

They are powered by a potent core, which goes inert on their death. Their core is said to be a modification of the [[ATRuns (3.5e Race)|ATRuns]]’s soul core. Unlike the ATRuns the syntoids are constructed, requiring intense work and dedication. A syntoid is built almost entirely of rigid metal, including molded hair and a chrome appearance if not painted. They are otherwise well-built and ready to serve, if there was any way to control them that is.

===Racial Traits===

{{3.5e Racial Traits


|attribfluff=A syntoid's frame makes them quite strong and capable. Unlike normal constructs a syntoid has a [[Constitution]] score (see Syntoid Traits below).

|typefluff=While being a construct, a syntoid does not retain most of their racial features and abilities.



|specialtext1=A syntoid does not need to eat or breath, but requires rest. They are able to eat and drink if they wish to and can benefit from potions. When resting, at their option they may enter 'shutdown mode' which allows them to rest for four hours instead of eight, and act like sleep. Or they can enter 'rest mode' and still be aware, much like an elf's trance, but requires a full eight hours of rest.

|specialtext2=A syntoid's mechanical nature has several quirks and flaws, from their power core and their frame and they are said to possess a "human heart". A syntoid possesses none of the construct trait, instead using [[SRD:Humanoid Type|Humanoid]] traits. A syntoid is immune to energy drain, takes half damage/healing from positive and negative energy, are affected as a construct by repair<sup>SpC</sup> spells, and are immune to poison. Despite the fact they should be immune to disease, they can catch psychological "viruses" which act like disease but may not bring their ability scores below 1 (and thus cannot kill them). A syntoid can install warforged components as if they were a warforged.
|special2=Syntoid Traits

|specialtext3=A syntoid counts as a humanoid and living creature for the purpose of prerequisites and effects targeting them. This allows them to be raised or resurrected as living creatures.
|special3=Human Heart

|specialtext4=A synthoid's programs is prone to errors and quirks, making them seem erratic or weird. When confused, and under different conditions as set by the player, a syntoid glitches. Its voice is altered as per [ ''vocal alteration''] and its colors and their appearance may change. The syntoid does not control those changes and they are always the same. Whenever a syntoid is [[SRD:Confused|Confused]] it can always choose "Do nothing but babble incoherently" instead of the rolled option, glitching out of control. If the syntoid actually rolls that result, she still glitches but can still act as if she was [[SRD:Staggered|Staggered]].

|specialtext5=A syntoid gains a ''metal slam'' feral strike, as seen below. She deals non-lethal damage without a penalty with her ''metal first'' slam feral strike, and even deals non-lethal sneak attack damage with it. She may use her Unarmed Strike damage than her base feral strike damage if higher.
|special5=Metal Slam

|specialtext6=As a swift action, a syntoid can push herself and her energy core to its limits. She can choose to give herself a +2 bonus on one or more of the following: attack roll, damage rolls, armor class and saving throws. She can maintain this state for 1 round per point of [[Constitution]] bonus she has, minimum of 1 round. Afterward she takes a -2 penalty on the same rolls she applied the bonus to for 1 minute for each round it was maintained and cannot use overclock during that duration. At 10th level the bonus and penalty of Overclock increases to +4, at 20th they increase to +6.

|specialtext7=A syntoid's power core is prone to overheating, and earlier models were known to catch on fire for little to no reasons. As a swift action while using overclock, a syntoid may willingly undergo overheating. While overheating a syntoid's ''metal slam'' feral strike is under the effect of [[Overheat Weapon (3.5e Maneuver)|''overheat weapon'']] except it lasts until the end of the overclock instead of 3 rounds and if the charges are used they are reset to 0 instead of dismissing the effect. However each round a syntoid is overheating she takes 1d4 non-lethal fire damage she cannot resist or heal until she ceases overheating, additionally there is a cumulative 5% chance she catches on fire automatically at the end of each round of overheating.

|bonuslanguage=Any non-secret

===Metal Slam Feral Strike===

{{3.5e Mundane Weapon
|weap=Metal Slam

===Vital Statistics===

{{3.5e Racial Starting Age

{{3.5e Racial Aging Effects
|maximum=Warranty Expires}}

{{3.5e Racial Height and Weight
|mHeightBase=4' 10"
|fHeightBase=4' 5"

{{3.5e Races Breadcrumb}}

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