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''The Crimson Sorcery alternate class feature is part of the '''[[Z's Blood Magic (5e Sourcebook) | Z's Blood Magic]]''' sourcebook, and uses the mechanics and features presented therein.''
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Revision as of 17:36, 19 April 2022

Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 12-17-21
Status: First Draft
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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The Crimson Sorcery alternate class feature is part of the Z's Blood Magic sourcebook, and uses the mechanics and features presented therein.

Table: Crimson Sorcerer Hemocraft

Rites Sacrifice
1st +2 (1)d4 1 2 2
2nd +2 (1)d4 2 3 2
3rd +2 (1)d4 2 3 3
4th +2 (1)d4 2 4 4
5th +3 (2)d6 2 4 5
6th +3 (2)d6 2 5 6
7th +3 (2)d6 2 5 7
8th +3 (2)d6 3 6 8
9th +4 (2)d6 3 6 9
10th +4 (2)d6 3 7 10
11th +4 (3)d8 3 7 11
12th +4 (3)d8 3 8 12
13th +5 (3)d8 3 8 13
14th +5 (3)d8 3 9 14
15th +5 (3)d8 3 9 15
16th +5 (3)d8 4 10 16
17th +6 (4)d10 4 10 17
18th +6 (4)d10 4 11 18
19th +6 (4)d10 4 11 19
20th +6 (4)d10 4 12 20

Crimson Sorcery

This is an additional feature for the Sorcerer class.   Characters must meet the following prerequisites before they may select this feature: Constitution 13 or higher.  

Hit Die

The Hit Die for the Crimson Sorcerer is a d8, instead of a d6. 


Crimson Sorcerers use Constitution as their spellcasting ability modifier, in place of their Charisma. Whenever a Sorcerer class or subclass feature uses your Charisma score or modifier, if using this alternate class feature, your Constitution is used instead.

Cantrips: At first level, you may only learn 2 Sorcerer Cantrips of your choice, rather than 4. You may learn an additional Sorcerer Cantrip at 10th level, and another at 14th level. This replaces the Cantrip progression detailed on the Sorcerer table and in the Cantrips section of Sorcerer's Spellcasting feature.

Spells Known: Additionally, you do not learn a new Sorcerer spell at your 2nd, 6th or 10th Sorcerer levels. This alters the Spells Known progression detailed on the Sorcerer table and in the Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher section of Sorcerer's Spellcasting feature. 

Blood Focus

When you cast a Sorcerer spell that requires a material component, you can choose to lose 1 hit point in order to ignore that component, unless it has a monetary value greater than 1 gp. If the material costs 1gp or more, you can choose to loose hit points equal to one roll of your Hemocraft Die for every 25gp of the component's cost, to a minimum of one roll of your Hemocraft Die for a material component that costs 25gp or less. 


At 1st level, you gain the Hemocraft ability, allowing you to harm yourself to unleash ancient power, as is your birthright. You gain a Hemocraft Die, as shown on the Crimson Sorcerer Hemocraft table above, which you may use to Rend yourself in order to activate your blood magic. You also gain access to Corpse Magic, allowing you to manipulate the blood of the recently departed as well as your own.

You may add your Sorcerer levels to your total Hemocraft level for the purposes of determining the size of your Hemocraft Die and the number of Hemocraft Dice you may roll when Rending.

You also gain access to a small number of Bloodborne Sacraments, from which you may learn a handful of Sanguine Rites, powerful invocations of blood magic that your can use by consuming your life force. The number of Sacraments you may gain access to and the number of Rites you may learn from those Sacraments are both detailed in the Rites section of the Crimson Sorcerer Hemocraft table above. 

Well of Sacrifice

At 1st level, you learn to convert your life force into raw magical energy. This life force is represented by Sacrifice Points, which allow you to create a variety of magical effects.

You have 2 Sacrifice Points, and you gain more as you reach higher levels, as shown in the Sacrifice Points column of the Crimson Sorcerer Hemocraft table. You can never have more Sacrifice Points than shown on the table for your level, unless another feature grants you more. You regain all expended Sacrifice Points when you finish a long rest.

Whenever a Sorcerer class or subclass feature requires you to expend Sorcery points, you may expend an equivalent number of Sacrifice Points instead, suffering the corresponding consequences. Well of Sacrifice replaces the Font of Magic feature gained by the Sorcerer class at 2nd level. 

Crimson Metamagic

At 3rd level, you learn 2 Metamagic Options from among those normally available to Sorcerers. You learn an additional Metamagic Option at 10th level, and again at 17th level. Each time you gain the Sorcerous Versatility feature, instead of the feature's other benefits, you can choose to replace one Metamagic Option you know with another Metamagic Option of your choice.

Instead of expending Sorcery Points to utilize your Crimson Metamagic, you must expend an equal number of Sacrifice Points, suffering the resulting consequences in order to bend your magic to your will. You can use only one Metamagic Option on a spell when you cast it, unless otherwise noted.

Crimson Metamagic replaces the Metamagic feature gained by the Sorcerer class at 3rd level. 

Primeval Technique

At 7th level, you learn an ancient technique that allows you to further alter your blood sorcery. When you activate a Sign, Benediction or Malison, you can apply Metamagic effects to it, as if it were a spell. 

No Cost Too Great

At 13th level, when you finish a short rest, you can choose to activate this feature. In doing so, you must Minor Rend; You regain a number of Sacrifice points equal to the Rend Bonus of that Minor Rend.

Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a Long Rest. 

Everdeep Well

At 20th level, if you roll initiative and have no Sacrifice Points remaining, you regain one Sacrifice Point. Additionally, when you score a critical hit against a target within your melee reach, or a creature rolls a natural 1 on its saving throw against one of your Signs, you regain one Sacrifice Point.

Additionally, when you lose hit points due to expending one or more Sacrifice Points, for each Sacrifice Point spend, you can roll the corresponding Hemocraft die twice, and lose the lower number of hit points.

Everdeep Well replaces the Sorcerous Restoration feature gained by the Sorcerer class at 20th level.

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AuthorZhenra-Khal +
ClassSorcerer +
Identifier5e Alternate Class Feature +
PrerequisitesConstitution 13 or higher. +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryReplaces your Sorcery with the ability to utilize your life force to alter your magic. +
TitleCrimson Sorcery +