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Property:Allowed Alignments

451 bytes removed, 08:01, 7 December 2009
giving up on allowed values, too many random entries
This is a property of type [[Has type::String]].
The allowed values for this property are:
* [[Allows value::Lawful Good]]
* [[Allows value::Lawful Neutral]]
* [[Allows value::Lawful Evil]]
* [[Allows value::Neutral Good]]
* [[Allows value::Neutral]]
* [[Allows value::True Neutral]]
* [[Allows value::Neutral Evil]]
* [[Allows value::Chaotic Good]]
* [[Allows value::Chaotic Neutral]]
* [[Allows value::Chaotic Evil]]
* [[Allows value::Good]]
* [[Allows value::Evil]]
* [[Allows value::Unaligned]]

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