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(Created page with "<onlyinclude> {{Author |author_name=Zhenra-Khal |date_created= 5/17/2017 |status=Work in Progress |editing= |balance=Very High }} {{3.5e Class Data |summary=An update to the 3...")
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Spellfire Shot works the same way, except with projectile weapons.  
Spellfire Shot works the same way, except with projectile weapons.  
At 6th level, your Spellfire Strike/Shot improves - The weapon remains charged for the duration of a full attack action, adding its extra damage to each successful attack before dissipating at the end of the round.  
At 6th level, your Spellfire Strike/Shot improves - The weapon remains charged for the duration of a full attack action, adding its extra damage to each successful attack before dissipating at the end of the round. You can also charge two weapons simultaneously, in the case of the melee version.
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'''{{Anchor|Spellfire Armory}} {{Su}}:''' All weapons you pick up are treated as magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction, and this can be further enchanted as if it were a weapon. However, this doesn't allow the weapon to have more enchantments than normal, but you can pick and choose what enchantments, between the weapon's and this ability's, win out in the end. Changing enchantments is the same action as drawing a weapon.
'''{{Anchor|Spellfire Armory}} {{Su}}:''' All weapons you pick up are treated as magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction, and this can be further enchanted as if it were a weapon. However, this doesn't allow the weapon to have more enchantments than normal, but you can pick and choose what enchantments, between the weapon's and this ability's, win out in the end. Changing enchantments is the same action as drawing a weapon.
Furthermore, you can create your own magic weapons and armor, as if you possessed the Craft Magic Arms And Armor feat. The Warrior must make a successful Concentration check (DC 20 + caster level) to emulate each spell normally required to create the item; And spend Spellfire levels equal to the spell level. Thus, to make a 1st-level wand of magic missile, a Spellfire Warrior would need a Concentration check result of 21 or higher. To create a bottle of air (caster level 7th), he would need a check result of 27 or higher to emulate the water breathing prerequisite.
Furthermore, you can create your own magic weapons and armor, as if you possessed the Craft Magic Arms And Armor feat. The Warrior must make a successful Concentration check (DC 20 + caster level) to emulate each spell normally required to create the item; And spend Spellfire levels equal to the spell level. Thus, to make a +1 Longsword, a Spellfire Warrior would need a Concentration check result of 27 or higher. To create a +1 Flaming Burst Longsword (caster level 12th), he would need a check result of 32 or higher to emulate the ''Fireball'' prerequisite.
The Spellfire Warrior must make a successful check for each prerequisite for each item he makes. If he fails a check, he can try again each day until the item is complete (see Creating Magic Items, page 282 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). If he comes to the end of the crafting time and he has still not successfully emulated one of the powers, he can make one final check—his last-ditch effort, even if he has already made a check that day. If that check also fails, then the creation process fails and the time, money, and XP expended to craft the item are lost.
The Spellfire Warrior must make a successful check for each prerequisite for each item he makes. If he fails a check, he can try again each day until the item is complete (see Creating Magic Items, page 282 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). If he comes to the end of the crafting time and he has still not successfully emulated one of the powers, he can make one final check—his last-ditch effort, even if he has already made a check that day. If that check also fails, then the creation process fails and the time, money, and XP expended to craft the item are lost.
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! Skills:
! Skills:
| Concentration 8 ranks, Hide 8 ranks, Move Silently 8 ranks, and either Open Lock, Disable Device or Search 8 ranks.
| Concentration 8 ranks, Hide 8 ranks, Move Silently 8 ranks, and either Open Lock, Disable Device or Search 8 ranks.
! Feats:
| <-feat requirements->.
! Special:
! Special:
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! [[SRD:Saving Throw#Fortitude|Fort]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Ref]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]]
! [[SRD:Saving Throw#Fortitude|Fort]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Ref]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]]
| 1st || +0 || +2 || +0 || +2
| 1st || +0 || +2 || +0 || +2
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'''{{Anchor|Spellfire Casting}} {{Su}}:''' At each level, you learn to cast a spell level using Spellfire. This allows you to cast your spells without expending them, by expending a number of spellfire levels equal to the spell's level +1. So to cast a 3rd-level spell without expending it, you'd have to expend four Spellfire levels. At first, you can only cast 0th-level spells in this manner, but as you become more and more practiced, you can cast higher- and higher-level spells with Spellfire. However, attempting to do so requires a successful Concentration check (DC 20 + Spell level).
'''{{Anchor|Spellfire Casting}} {{Su}}:''' At each level, you learn to cast a spell level using Spellfire. This allows you to cast your spells without expending them, by expending a number of spellfire levels equal to the spell's level +1. So to cast a 3rd-level spell without expending it, you'd have to expend four Spellfire levels. At first, you can only cast 0th-level spells in this manner, but as you become more and more practiced, you can cast higher- and higher-level spells with Spellfire. However, attempting to do so requires a successful Concentration check (DC 20 + Spell level). This doesn't allow you to cast spells of a level you wouldn't ordinarily be able to cast.
'''{{Anchor|Spellfire Metamagic}} {{Su}}:''' At first level, you can use Spellfire to apply metamagic effects to your spells as you cast them. Each Spellfire level reduces the cost of the metamagic by 1 spell level. At 1st level, you can only spend 1 Spellfire level in this way (Meaning if you're a prepared caster, you can either spontaneously apply a +1 metamagic effect, like Reach spell or Still spell, OR if you're a spontaneous caster, you can reduce the cost of using a metamagic feat on a spell spontaneously by 1, to a minimum of 0). Metamagic effects reduced to +0 do not increase casting time. At each odd level, the number of spellfire levels you can spend on metamagic increases by 1, up to a maximum of 5 at level 9. This can be combined with Spellfire Casting, but you must remember that you can't spend more Spellfire levels in a single round that you have points of Constitution, and that any spellfire levels you spend that exceed your HD will burn you for one-half of 1d6 per level, with a Fort save for half, as described in the Spellfire Wielder template description.  
'''{{Anchor|Spellfire Metamagic}} {{Su}}:''' At first level, you can use Spellfire to apply metamagic effects to your spells as you cast them. Each Spellfire level reduces the cost of the metamagic by 1 spell level. At 1st level, you can only spend 1 Spellfire level in this way (Meaning if you're a prepared caster, you can either spontaneously apply a +1 metamagic effect, like Reach spell or Still spell, OR if you're a spontaneous caster, you can reduce the cost of using a metamagic feat on a spell spontaneously by 1, to a minimum of 0). Metamagic effects reduced to +0 do not increase casting time. At each odd level, the number of spellfire levels you can spend on metamagic increases by 1, up to a maximum of 5 at level 9. This can be combined with Spellfire Casting, but you must remember that you can't spend more Spellfire levels in a single round that you have points of Constitution, and that any spellfire levels you spend that exceed your HD will burn you for one-half of 1d6 per level, with a Fort save for half, as described in the Spellfire Wielder template description.  
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====Spellfire Devotee====
====Spellfire Devotee====
Servants of the divine blessed by Spellfire, Spellfire Devotees tend to focus on protection, healing and transformation.
Servants of the divine blessed by Spellfire, Spellfire Devotees tend to focus on protection, healing and transformation.  
{| class="d20 dragon monstats"
|+ style="font-size: larger; white-space: nowrap;" | Entry Requirements
! Skills:
| Concentration 8 ranks, Heal 8 ranks, and either Survival, Knowledge (Religion) or (Perform) 8 ranks.
! Spellcasting:
| Able to cast healing spells of at least 2nd level.
! Special:
| [[Spellfire Wielder (3.5e Template) | Spellfire Wielder]].
{| class="zebra d20"
|+ <div>{{Anchor|Table: The Spellfire Devotee}}</div>
<p>Hit Die: d8 </p>
! rowspan="2" | Level
! rowspan="2" | [[BAB|Base<br/>Attack Bonus]]
! colspan="3" | [[SRD:Saving Throw|Saving Throw]]s
! rowspan="2" | Special
! rowspan="2" | [[#Spellcasting|Spellcasting]]
! [[SRD:Saving Throw#Fortitude|Fort]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Ref]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]]
| 1st || +0 || +2 || +0 || +2
| class="left" | Expanded Storage 2, Spellfire Casting 0, Devoted Training, Spellspark Devotion 5/1
| class="left" | -
| 2nd || +1 || +3 || +0 || +3
| class="left" | Spellfire Casting 1, Improved Healing
| class="left" | +1 existing spellcasting class 
| 3rd || +2 || +3 || +1 || +3
| class="left" | Expanded Storage 3, Spellfire Casting 2
| class="left" | +1 existing spellcasting class 
| 4th || +3 || +4 || +1 || +4
| class="left" | Spellfire Casting 3, Gift Of Devotion
| class="left" | +1 existing spellcasting class 
| 5th || +3 || +4 || +1 || +4
| class="left" | Expanded Storage 4, Spellfire Casting 4, Spellspark Devotion 3/1
| class="left" | +1 existing spellcasting class 
| 6th || +4 || +5 || +2 || +5
| class="left" | Spellfire Casting 5, Greater Healing
| class="left" | +1 existing spellcasting class 
| 7th || +5 || +5 || +2 || +5
| class="left" | Expanded Storage 5, Spellfire Casting 6,
| class="left" | +1 existing spellcasting class 
| 8th || +6/+1 || +6 || +2 || +6
| class="left" | Spellfire Casting 7, Gift Of Devotion
| class="left" | +1 existing spellcasting class 
| 9th || +6/+1 || +6 || +3 || +6
| class="left" | Spellfire Casting 8, Spellspark Devotion 1/1
| class="left" | +1 existing spellcasting class 
| 10th || +7/+2 || +7 || +3 || +7
| class="left" | Spellfire Casting 9, Supreme Healing, Crown of Fire, Avatar Of The Spark
| class="left" | -
|- class="noalt"
| colspan="42" class="skill" |
'''Class Skills ([[Skill Points::6]] + [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] modifier per level.)'''<br/>
<!--class skills: simply delete those skills which your class does not have as class skills from the complete list below.  If you only allow a subsection, such as Knowledge (arcana) (religion), write it like that. -->
{{3.5e Skills| Bluff,
Control Shape,
Gather Information,
Handle Animal,
Knowledge (Arcana) (Nature) (Religion),
Move Silently, 
Sense Motive,
Sleight of Hand,
Speak Language,
Use Magic Device}}
=====Class Features=====
All of the following are class features of the Spellfire Devotee.
'''{{Anchor|Spellcasting}}:''' At each level except 1st and 10th, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in whatever spellcasting class you used to qualify for the prestige class. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Spellfire Devotee, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known. The spellcasting class must be Divine, with the exception of Bard.
'''{{Anchor|Expanded Storage}} {{Ex}}:''' The Channeler's capacity for storing Spellfire energy levels is multiplied by the listed value. However, spellfire energy levels in excess of the Channeler's Constitution score is dangerous, with different effects depending upon the number of levels stored:
:'''Constitution +1 to Constitution x2:''' The channeler's eyes glow brightly, and any creature, magic item, or spell effect that touches the Channeler causes 1 Spellfire energy level to be discharged as a harmless burst of light. Once per day, the Channeler must make a Concentration check (DC 15) or take 1d6 points of damage as one of her Spellfire energy level backfires.
:'''Constitution x2+1 to Constitution x3:''' As above, plus the channeler's skin glows (shedding light as a candle), a touch releases 1d4 spellfire energy levels as light, and the channeler must make the backfire Concentration check every hour.
:'''Constitution 3x+1 to Constitution x4:''' As above, except the channeler sheds light equal to a torch, feels a burning sensation within her body (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 20 to concentrate)) and must make the backfire Concentration check every minute. A touch releases 1d6 spellfire energy levels as a ''Flare'' spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her.
:'''Constitution x4+1 to Constitution x 5:''' As above, except the character radiates a palpable (but non-damaging) heat to a radius of 20 feet, is in pain (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 25 to concentrate), and must make the backfire Concentration check every round. A touch releases 2d6 spellfire energy levels as a flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her. The channeler must make a Will save (DC 25) every round or be forced to expend a maximum-strength blast of energy at a random target within 30 feet in preference to any other action.
Additionally, you may add your Spellfire Channeler level to your Constitution score for the purposes of determining Spellfire level storage.
'''{{Anchor|Spellfire Casting}} {{Su}}:''' At each level, you learn to cast a spell level using Spellfire. This allows you to cast your spells without expending them, by expending a number of spellfire levels equal to the spell's level +1. So to cast a 3rd-level spell without expending it, you'd have to expend four Spellfire levels. At first, you can only cast 0th-level spells in this manner, but as you become more and more practiced, you can cast higher- and higher-level spells with Spellfire. However, attempting to do so requires a successful Concentration check (DC 20 + Spell level). This doesn't allow you to cast spells of a level you wouldn't ordinarily be able to cast.
'''{{Anchor|Devoted Training}}:''' At each level, choose one of: Turn or Rebuke Undead, Wild Shape, or Bardic Music. If you have the ability already, you add one level to your effective class level for the purposes of determining all aspects of that ability. If you don't already possess the ability, it grants you the ability instead, at effective level 1. Subsequent Spellfire Devotee levels can then be used to increase your effective level with the ability. Wild Shape also advances your Animal Companion if you possess one, but doesn't grant you one if you do not already posses one. Note that Wild Shape is useless until your effective level is 5 or higher.
'''{{Anchor|Spellspark Devotion}} {{Su}}:''' If you possess Turn or Rebuke Undead, Wild Shape or Bardic Music, you can convert Spellfire levels into uses of that ability as a standard action. At 1st level, you may convert 5 Spellfire levels into one Turn/Rebuke Undead, Wild Shape or Bardic music attempt. Beginning at 5th level, you can convert 3 Spellfire levels into a special ability use, and at 9th level, you may convert Spellfire levels into special ability uses on a 1-for-1 basis.
'''{{Anchor|Channel Devotion: Healing Word}} {{Su}}:''' Beginning at 1st level, you may spend a use of Turn/Rebuke Undead, Wild Shape or Bardic Music as a standard action. Doing so heals all allies within 30 feet of you that can hear you for an amount equal to the amount they'd be healed if you had just expended a number of Spellfire levels equal to your Devotee class level or one'half your effective level for the special ability you used, whichever is higher (Thus, the Healing Word of a Bard 5/Spellfire Devotee 10 who chose Bardic Music at each Devotee level would heal his allies for 12d8+36 HP.
'''{{Anchor|Improved Healing}} {{Su}}:''' At 2nd level, your ability to heal with Spellfire grows. Instead of healing 2 HP per Spellfire level, it now heals 1d4+1 HP per Spellfire level.
At 6th level, this ability improved again, increasing to 1d6+2 per Spellfire level. At 10th level, the ability reaches its pinnacle, increasing to 1d8+3 per Spellfire level.
'''{{Anchor|Gift Of Devotion}} {{Su}}:''' At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, you can choose a beneficial effect to add to your healing spells. This affects any affect that heals HP damage that you create, including healing spells you cast, your Healing Word ability, healing via Spellfire and so forth, but not abilities originating from items.
*''Bank Life:'' Targets healed over their HP maximum retain the extra healing within themselves. It can be dispelled, but otherwise they can, at any time within the next hour, release the stored healing as a Swift action, healing themselves for the remaining amount. If there are still points left over, these are still retained for later use, but the duration is not refreshed.
*''Bolster:'' Targets healed over their HP maximum retain the extra healing as temporary hit points for 1 hour per caster level. These temporary hit points stack with themselves, up to a maximum number of temporary HP equal to the maximum number of Spellfire levels the Devotee who bestowed the healing effect could store. So in the case of a Devotee of 7th level with a Constitution score of 20 (20 x 5), the maximum amount of temporary hit points bestowed upon a single ally would be 100.
*''Fleshward:'' Targets healed gain DR X/Adamantine, where X is equal to the class level of the Devotee that produced the healing effect. This DR lasts for 1 round per class level.
*''Resistance:'' Upon healing a target, the Devotee chooses one energy type - Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire or Sonic. The healed target(s) gain Energy Resistance against this type of energy damage equal to the minimum healing the ability could bestow (Not counting effects like Empowering or Maximizing). This energy resistance lasts for 1 round per class level of the Devotee.
*''Stamina/Grace/Discipline:'' Targets healed by a Devotee with this ability are granted a Sacred bonus on one saving throw type (Fortitude, Reflex or Will) equal to one-half the Devotee's class level (Max +5). This lasts for 1 round per class level.
*''Restoration:'' For every 5 HP cured, the target is cured of 1 point of ability damage from the healed target. This applies on a per-target basis, and the ability scores are affected in order of Str>Dex>Con>Int>Wis>Cha. For every 10 points healed, you can reverse a point of ability drain,a dn for every 20 points healed, you reverse a single negative level.
*''Curing:'' For every 5 HP healed, you remove one of the dazed, fatigued, or sickened condition from each individual healed, on a per-target basis. For every 10 points healed, you can remove one of the exhausted, nauseated, poisoned, or stunned conditions from the target, and for every 20 healed, you remove one of the blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or diseased conditions.
*''Protection:'' Healed targets gain a Sacred bonus to armor class equal to one-half your class level (Max +5). This lasts a number of rounds equal to your Devotee class level.
*''Inspiration:'' Healed targets gain one-half your class level (Maximum +5) as a morale bonus on attack and damage rolls, lasting 1 round per class level.
'''{{Anchor|Crown of Fire}} {{Su}}:''' At 10th level, you learn to create a Crown of Fire. Doing so is a free action that costs 5 Spellfire levels, and it costs 5 Spellfire levels each round to maintain it. While the Crown is active, your body is wreathed in Spellfire, causing you to shed light as a ''Daylight'' spell, and granting you Damage Reduction X/Cold Iron, where X is your Constitution score, plus your class level. Anyone who strikes you in melee with a non-reach weapon takes 5d6 damage from the spellfire, and nonmagical weapons are melted by the spellfire before they ever touch your body. The Spell Resistance your Spellfire ignores uses your full Constitution score rather than your Con modifier while under the effects of the Crown of Fire. This ability doesn't interfere with any of your other Spellfire abilities.
'''{{Anchor|Avatar Of The Spark}}:''' At 10th level, your devotion transforms you. Your type changes to Outsider, with the Native and [[Positive (3.5e Subtype) | Positive]] subtypes, as well as the Augmented subtype (Tied to whatever type you were before) and the Alignment subtypes associated with your alignment - Thus a Chaotic Good Elven Spellfire Devotee would be: Outsider (Augmented Humanoid, Chaos, Good, Native, Positive, Elf).
Furthermore, you gain one of the following abilities, depending on which of the class's three abilities in which your effective levels is highest. If your effective Turn/Rebuke Undead level was highest, you gain ''Mortal Instrument''. If your Wild Shape level was highest, you gain ''Master of Beasts''. If your Bardic Music ability was highest, you gain ''Maestro Of Life And Death''.
''{{Anchor|Mortal Instrument}} {{Su}}:'' Targets you Turn are instead Destroyed at your option. Targets you Rebuke are instead Commanded, at your option. In either case, both the turning check and turning damage rolls are always Empowered.
''{{Anchor|Master of Beasts}} {{Su}}:'' While Wild Shaping, you may change your form once per round. If you have an animal companion, the Companion also Wild Shapes with you and may have a separate form from yourself.
''{{Anchor|Maestro Of Life And Death}} {{Su}}:'' You add Heal, Harm, Raise Dead and Wail of the Banshee to your Bard spell list as 6th-level spells, and may cast those spells at will as spell-like abilities by spending 6 Spellfire levels.
Line 459: Line 616:
Monks, Ninjas and other similar beings touched by Spellfire tend to attempt to fuel their search for perfection with the silver flames they hold within.
Monks, Ninjas and other similar beings touched by Spellfire tend to attempt to fuel their search for perfection with the silver flames they hold within.
{| class="d20 dragon monstats"
|+ style="font-size: larger; white-space: nowrap;" | Entry Requirements
! Base Attack Bonus:
| +3.
! Skills:
| <Concentration 8 ranks, and 8 ranks in one of: Tumble, Hide or Balance.
! Special:
| [[Spellfire Wielder (3.5e Template) | Spellfire Wielder]] and an AC Bonus class feature, such as from Monk, Ninja, Battle Dancer or Swordsage.
{| class="zebra d20"
|+ <div>{{Anchor|Table: The Spellfire Aesthetic}}</div>
<p>Hit Die: d8</p>
! rowspan="2" | Level
! rowspan="2" | [[BAB|Base<br/>Attack Bonus]]
! colspan="3" | [[SRD:Saving Throw|Saving Throw]]s
! rowspan="2" | Special
! [[SRD:Saving Throw#Fortitude|Fort]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Ref]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]]
| 1st || +0 || +2 || +2 || +2
| class="left" | Expanded Storage 2, Aesthetic Training, AC Bonus, Unarmed Strike, Ki Strike (Magic)
| 2nd || +1 || +3 || +3 || +3
| class="left" | Bonus Feat, Improved Healing, Fist Afire, Ki-Fire, Ki-Fire Shape
| 3rd || +2 || +3 || +3 || +3
| class="left" | Expanded Storage 3, Ki Strike (Ethical)
| 4th || +3 || +4 || +4 || +4
| class="left" | Bonus Feat, Ki-Fire Shape
| 5th || +3 || +4 || +4 || +4
| class="left" | Expanded Storage 4, Ki Strike (Moral), Ki Enchanter
| 6th || +4 || +5 || +5 || +5
| class="left" |  Bonus Feat, Improved Fist Afire, Ki-Fire Shape
| 7th || +5 || +5 || +5 || +5
| class="left" | Expanded Storage 5, Ki Strike (Material)
| 8th || +6/+1 || +6 || +6 || +6
| class="left" |  Bonus Feat, Ki-Fire Shape
| 9th || +6/+1 || +6 || +6 || +6
| class="left" | Ki Strike (Second Material)
| 10th || +7/+2 || +7 || +7 || +7
| class="left" | Bonus Feat, Ki-Fire Shape, Crown of Fire, Perfection
|- class="noalt"
| colspan="42" class="skill" |
'''Class Skills ([[Skill Points::6]] + [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] modifier per level.)'''<br/>
<!--class skills: simply delete those skills which your class does not have as class skills from the complete list below.  If you only allow a subsection, such as Knowledge (arcana) (religion), write it like that. -->
{{3.5e Skills|Appraise,
Decipher Script,
Disable Device,
Escape Artist,
Gather Information,
Handle Animal,
Knowledge (Arcana),
Move Silently,
Open Lock, 
Sense Motive,
Sleight of Hand, 
Use Magic Device}}
=====Class Features=====
All of the following are class features of the Spellfire Aesthetic.
'''{{Anchor|Expanded Storage}} {{Ex}}:''' The Channeler's capacity for storing Spellfire energy levels is multiplied by the listed value. However, spellfire energy levels in excess of the Channeler's Constitution score is dangerous, with different effects depending upon the number of levels stored:
:'''Constitution +1 to Constitution x2:''' The channeler's eyes glow brightly, and any creature, magic item, or spell effect that touches the Channeler causes 1 Spellfire energy level to be discharged as a harmless burst of light. Once per day, the Channeler must make a Concentration check (DC 15) or take 1d6 points of damage as one of her Spellfire energy level backfires.
:'''Constitution x2+1 to Constitution x3:''' As above, plus the channeler's skin glows (shedding light as a candle), a touch releases 1d4 spellfire energy levels as light, and the channeler must make the backfire Concentration check every hour.
:'''Constitution 3x+1 to Constitution x4:''' As above, except the channeler sheds light equal to a torch, feels a burning sensation within her body (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 20 to concentrate)) and must make the backfire Concentration check every minute. A touch releases 1d6 spellfire energy levels as a ''Flare'' spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her.
:'''Constitution x4+1 to Constitution x 5:''' As above, except the character radiates a palpable (but non-damaging) heat to a radius of 20 feet, is in pain (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 25 to concentrate), and must make the backfire Concentration check every round. A touch releases 2d6 spellfire energy levels as a flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her. The channeler must make a Will save (DC 25) every round or be forced to expend a maximum-strength blast of energy at a random target within 30 feet in preference to any other action.
Additionally, you may add your Spellfire Channeler level to your Constitution score for the purposes of determining Spellfire level storage.
'''{{Anchor|Aesthetic Training}}:''' At each level, choose one of the following groups of abilities to advance, or to gain: Monk, Ninja, Battle Dancer or Swordsage.
:If you choose Monk, you gain the Flurry of Blows, Slow Fall, Fast Movement and Bonus Feats of a Monk of 1st level, or increase your effective level for the purposes of these abilities by 1.
:If you choose Ninja, you gain the Ki Powers, Sudden Strike, Poison use and abilities with "Ghost" in the name of a Ninja of 1st level, or increase your effective level for the purposes of these abilities by 1.
:If you choose Battle Dancer, you gain the Bonus Speed and Dances of a Battle Dancer of 1st level, or increase your effective level for the purposes of these abilities by 1.
:If you choose Swordsage, you gain the Quick To Act, Discipline Focus, Maneuvers Known, Maneuvers Readied and Stances Known of a Swordsage of 1st level, or increase your effective level for the purposes of these abilities by 1.
'''{{Anchor|AC Bonus}} {{Ex}}:''' You may add your full Spellfire Aesthetic levels to your levels in whatever class granted you an AC bonus for the purposes of determining your total AC bonus. Thus a Monk 5/Spellfire Aesthetic 10 would have the AC Bonus of a 15th-level Monk.
'''{{Anchor|Unarmed Strike}} {{Ex}}:''' You gain the Unarmed Strike and Stunning Fist of a Monk of your Spellfire Aesthetic level, or if you already possess such an ability, you add your full Aesthetic levels to your effective level for the purposes of determining Unarmed damage and Stunning Fist uses.
'''''{{Anchor|Ki Strike}}'' {{Su}}:''' Beginning at 1st level, while you have Spellfire levels stored, your Unarmed attacks and natural weapons count as Magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. At 3rd level, they overcome damage reduction as if they were aligned with the Ethical portion of your alignment (Lawful or Chaotic; If your Ethical alignment is Neutral, such as in the case of a Neutral Good character, you choose which Ethical alignment to use, but it cannot be changed afterwards). At 5th level, they overcome damage reduction as if they were aligned with the Moral component of your alignment (Good or Evil; If your Moral alignment is Neutral, such as in the case of a Lawful Neutral character, you choose which Moral alignment to use, but it cannot be changed afterwards). At 7th level, they overcome damage reduction as one special material (Such as Silver, Cold Iron, Adamantine, Byeshk and so forth); Once chosen, the material cannot be changed. Finally, at 9th level, you choose a second special material, with the same restrictions as the first.
'''{{Anchor|Bonus Feat}} {{Ex}}:''' At each even-numbered level, you gain one Fighter bonus feat your qualify for.
'''{{Anchor|Fist Afire}} {{Ex}}:''' At second level, you may choose to make a single melee attack with an unarmed strike (Or special Monk weapon) as a standard action. In doing so, you may expend any number of Spellfire levels as part of the attack; Adding 1d6 damage to the attack per Spellfire level expended. The Spellfire levels are not wasted if the attack misses; The attack remains charged for 1 minute or until the user discharges it or chooses to re-absorb the Spellfire levels.
At 6th level, this ability improves - The weapon remains charged for the duration of a full attack action, adding its extra damage to each successful attack before dissipating at the end of the round. You can also charge two weapons simultaneously.
'''{{Anchor|Improved Healing}} {{Su}}:''' At 2nd level, your ability to heal with Spellfire improves; You now heal 1d4+1 per Spellfire level expended rather than 2 hp per spellfire level.
'''{{Anchor|Ki-Fire}} {{Su}}:''' As a standard action, starting at 2nd level, the Spellfire Aesthetic can convert any number of Spellfire levels into Stunning Fist attempts, or vice versa.
'''{{Anchor|Ki-Fire Shape}} {{Su}}:''' At each even-numbered level, the Spellfire Aesthetic learns a new shape for their Spellfire Blast. The default shape is a long-range Ray. Only one shape may be applied to each Spellfire Blast. The available shapes are:
*''Burst:'' Rather than a ray, you can create a burst that effects a 10ft radius, plus 5ft per 2 Spellfire levels spent. Creatures within the radius get a Reflex save for half damage (DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier).
*''Chain:'' The ray bounces to other targets. Each target must be within Close range of the previous one, and the Chain Blast can't strike the same creature twice. The ray can strike a number of targets equal to the number of Spellfire levels (Each target after the first is allowed a Reflex save for half damage; DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier). For each target beyond the first, the blast deals 1 less dice of damage. Thus if you expended 3 Spellfire levels to hit three targets; The first would take 3d6, the second would take 2d6 and the third would take 1d6, each with a Reflex save for half.
*''Cone:'' The blast takes the form of a cone, 10 feet long, plus 5ft per Spellfire level expended. Targets are allowed a Reflex save for half damage (DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier).
*''Line:'' The blast takes the form of a 5-foot-wide line. The line is 10 ft long per Spellfire level expended. Targets are allowed a Reflex save for half damage (DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier).
*''Flurry:'' You split the ray into multiple rays, each striking different targets. You can create a number of rays equal to the number of attacks you could make if you had a Base Attack Bonus equal to your HD, but each attack after the first suffers a cumulative -2 penalty on the attack roll (Just like normal attacks) AND deals 1 dice of damage less per ray. So if you were 11th level and used 3 Spellfire levels in a Flurry blast, you would create three rays - The first would be normal (Dealing 3d6 damage), but the second would suffer a -2 penalty on the attack roll and deal 2d6 damage, and the third ray would strike at a -4 penalty and only deal 1d6 damage.
'''{{Anchor|Ki Enchanter}} {{Su}}:''' Beginning at 6th level, you can enchant your Unarmed Strikes as if they were manufactured weapons, and your AC Bonus as if it were armor, both as if you possessed the Craft Magic Arms And Armor feat. The Aesthetic must make a successful Concentration check (DC 20 + caster level) to emulate each spell normally required to create the item; And spend Spellfire levels equal to the spell level. Thus, to enchant his Unarmed Strike as a +1 weapon, a Spellfire Aesthetic would need a Concentration check result of 23 or higher. To enchant his fists as Flaming Burst (caster level 12th), he would need a check result of 32 or higher to emulate the ''Fireball'' prerequisite.
The Spellfire Aesthetic must make a successful check for each prerequisite for each item he makes. If he fails a check, he can try again each day until the item is complete (see Creating Magic Items, page 282 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). If he comes to the end of the crafting time and he has still not successfully emulated one of the powers, he can make one final check—his last-ditch effort, even if he has already made a check that day. If that check also fails, then the creation process fails and the time, money, and XP expended to craft the item are lost.
'''{{Anchor|Crown of Fire}} {{Su}}:''' At 10th level, you learn to create a Crown of Fire. Doing so is a free action that costs 5 Spellfire levels, and it costs 5 Spellfire levels each round to maintain it. While the Crown is active, your body is wreathed in Spellfire, causing you to shed light as a ''Daylight'' spell, and granting you Damage Reduction X/Cold Iron, where X is your Constitution score, plus your class level. Anyone who strikes you in melee with a non-reach weapon takes 5d6 damage from the spellfire, and nonmagical weapons are melted by the spellfire before they ever touch your body. The Spell Resistance your Spellfire ignores uses your full Constitution score rather than your Con modifier while under the effects of the Crown of Fire. This ability doesn't interfere with any of your other Spellfire abilities.
'''{{Anchor|Perfection}}:''' At 10th level, you attain a form of perfection. Your type changes to Outsider, with the Native subtype, as well as the Augmented subtype (Tied to whatever type you were before) and the Alignment subtypes associated with your Ki Strike - Thus a Lawful Good Dwarven Spellfire Aesthetic would be: Outsider (Augmented Humanoid, Lawful, Good, Native, Dwarf). Furthermore, you cease to physically age (Preventing further ability score loss from aging but not reducing any losses already present), and you cannot die from old age. You are treated as an exceptionally long-lived creature for the purposes of being effected by [[Entropy (3.5e Other) | Entropy]].
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Casters of Shadow magic tend to find that the Spellfire is bothersome, but others see the shadow aspect of it and seek to bring it to the surface.
Casters of Shadow magic tend to find that the Spellfire is bothersome, but others see the shadow aspect of it and seek to bring it to the surface.
{| class="d20 dragon monstats"
|+ style="font-size: larger; white-space: nowrap;" | Entry Requirements
! Skills:
| Concentrate 8 ranks, Knowledge (The Planes) 8 Ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks.
! Feats:
| Any Metashadow feat.
! Shadowcasting:
| Able to cast 3rd-level mysteries.
! Special:
| [[Spellfire Wielder (3.5e Template) | Spellfire Wielder]].
{| class="zebra d20"
|+ <div>{{Anchor|Table: The Spellfire Shade}}</div>
<p>Hit Die: d6</p>
! rowspan="2" | Level
! rowspan="2" | [[BAB|Base<br/>Attack Bonus]]
! colspan="3" | [[SRD:Saving Throw|Saving Throw]]s
! rowspan="2" | Special
! rowspan="2" | [[#Shadowcasting|Shadowcasting]]
! [[SRD:Saving Throw#Fortitude|Fort]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Ref]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]]
| 1st || +0 || +2 || +0 || +2
| class="left" | Expanded Storage 2, Creeping Darkness, Shadefire, Shadefire Fundamentals, Metashade 4, Resist Cold 5
| class="left" | +1 existing shadowcasting 
| 2nd || +1 || +3 || +0 || +3
| class="left" | Shadefire Casting 1, Shadefire Jump 5/20ft
| class="left" | +1 existing shadowcasting 
| 3rd || +1 || +3 || +1 || +3
| class="left" | Expanded Storage 3, Shadefire Casting 2, Shadefire Shape
| class="left" | +1 existing shadowcasting 
| 4th || +2 || +4 || +1 || +4
| class="left" | Shadefire Casting 3, Shadefire Jump 4/40ft
| class="left" | +1 existing shadowcasting 
| 5th || +2 || +4 || +1 || +4
| class="left" | Expanded Storage 4, Shadefire Casting 4, Metashade 3, Resist Cold 10
| class="left" | +1 existing shadowcasting 
| 6th || +3 || +5 || +2 || +5
| class="left" | Shadefire Casting 5, Shadefire Jump 3/80ft, Shadefire Shape
| class="left" | +1 existing shadowcasting 
| 7th || +3 || +5 || +2 || +5
| class="left" | Expanded Storage 5, Shadefire Casting 6
| class="left" | +1 existing shadowcasting 
| 8th || +4 || +6 || +2 || +6
| class="left" | Shadefire Casting 7, Shadefire Jump 2/160ft
| class="left" | +1 existing shadowcasting 
| 9th || +4 || +6 || +3 || +6
| class="left" | Shadefire Casting 8, Metashade 2, Resist Cold 15, Shadefire Shape
| class="left" | +1 existing shadowcasting
| 10th || +5 || +7 || +3 || +7
| class="left" | Shadefire Casting 9, Shadefire Jump 1/320ft, Crown of Fire, Shadow Of The Self
| class="left" | +1 existing shadowcasting
|- class="noalt"
| colspan="42" class="skill" |
'''Class Skills ([[Skill Points::4]] + [[SRD:Intelligence|Int]] modifier per level.)'''<br/>
<!--class skills: simply delete those skills which your class does not have as class skills from the complete list below.  If you only allow a subsection, such as Knowledge (arcana) (religion), write it like that. -->
{{3.5e Skills|Bluff, 
Decipher Script, 
Knowledge (Arcana) (The Planes),
Move Silently, 
Sense Motive,
Sleight of Hand,
=====Class Features=====
All of the following are class features of the Spellfire Shade.
'''{{Anchor|Proficiencies}}:''' Spellfire Shades gain proficiency in light armor if they did not already possess it, but gain no other proficiencies.
'''{{Anchor|Shadowcasting}}:''' At each level, you gain new mysteries known and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a shadowcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one shadowcasting class before becoming a Spellfire Shade, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining caster level and spells known.
'''{{Anchor|Expanded Storage}} {{Ex}}:''' The Channeler's capacity for storing Spellfire energy levels is multiplied by the listed value. However, spellfire energy levels in excess of the Channeler's Constitution score is dangerous, with different effects depending upon the number of levels stored:
:'''Constitution +1 to Constitution x2:''' The channeler's eyes glow brightly, and any creature, magic item, or spell effect that touches the Channeler causes 1 Spellfire energy level to be discharged as a harmless burst of light. Once per day, the Channeler must make a Concentration check (DC 15) or take 1d6 points of damage as one of her Spellfire energy level backfires.
:'''Constitution x2+1 to Constitution x3:''' As above, plus the channeler's skin glows (shedding light as a candle), a touch releases 1d4 spellfire energy levels as light, and the channeler must make the backfire Concentration check every hour.
:'''Constitution 3x+1 to Constitution x4:''' As above, except the channeler sheds light equal to a torch, feels a burning sensation within her body (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 20 to concentrate)) and must make the backfire Concentration check every minute. A touch releases 1d6 spellfire energy levels as a ''Flare'' spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her.
:'''Constitution x4+1 to Constitution x 5:''' As above, except the character radiates a palpable (but non-damaging) heat to a radius of 20 feet, is in pain (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 25 to concentrate), and must make the backfire Concentration check every round. A touch releases 2d6 spellfire energy levels as a flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her. The channeler must make a Will save (DC 25) every round or be forced to expend a maximum-strength blast of energy at a random target within 30 feet in preference to any other action.
Additionally, you may add your Spellfire Channeler level to your Constitution score for the purposes of determining Spellfire level storage.
'''{{Anchor|Shadefire Casting}} {{Su}}:''' At each level, you learn to cast a Mystery level using Spellfire. This allows you to cast your mysteries without expending them, by expending a number of spellfire levels equal to the mystery's level +1. So to cast a 3rd-level mystery without expending it, you'd have to expend four Spellfire levels. At first, you can only cast fundamental mysteries in this manner, but as you become more and more practiced, you can cast higher- and higher-level mysteries with Spellfire. However, attempting to do so requires a successful Concentration check (DC 20 + Spell level). This doesn't allow you to cast mysteries of a level you wouldn't ordinarily be able to cast.
'''{{Anchor|Creeping Darkness}}:''' Your Spellfire Shade levels stack with your Shadowcaster levels for the purposes of determining your Sustaining Shadow ability, bonus fundamentals and Umbral Sight ability.
'''{{Anchor|Shadefire}} {{Su}}:''' Your Spellfire is ghostly and sheds no light, invisible to the naked eye. However, it's rather brightly visible to Darkvision, and to anything that can see invisible objects.
'''{{Anchor|Metashade}} {{Su}}:''' At 1st level, you can spend a standard action to turn 4 Spellfire levels into 1 daily use of a single Metashadow feat you know. At 5th level, you only need 3 Spellfire levels to generate a Metashadow use, and at 9th level, you only need 2 Spellfire levels per Metashadow use.
'''{{Anchor|Shadefire Jump}} {{Su}}:''' Beginning at 2nd level, you gain the ability to step through shadows. This functions exactly as the Dimension door spell, except that transport must begin and end in an area with at least some shadow. The action varies by distance; If the movement is one-quarter your maximum distance or less, you can do it as a Swift action. If the distance is greater than one-quarter but less than or equal to one-half, you can do it as a Move action. Traveling a distance greater than half, up to your maximum distance, requires a Standard action. You can jump up to 20 feet per day this way, but you can spend 5 Spellfire levels as a swift action to recharge 20 feet of Shadefire Jump. At each even-numbered level, the distance you can jump doubles, and it requires 1 less Spellfire level to regain 20 feet of Shadefire Jump, but it can never require less than 1 Spellfire level.
'''{{Anchor|Resist Cold}} {{Ex}}:''' Your body is so full of shadow that you have become resistant to the effects of cold. Beginning at 1st level, you have resistance to Cold 5. This increases to Cold Resistance 10 at level 5, and to 15 at level 9.
'''{{Anchor|Shadefire Shape}} {{Su}}:''' At each level divisible by 3, the Spellfire Shade learns a new shape for their Spellfire Blast. The default shape is a long-range Ray. Only one shape may be applied to each Spellfire Blast. The available shapes are:
*''Burst:'' Rather than a ray, you can create a burst that effects a 10ft radius, plus 5ft per 2 Spellfire levels spent. Creatures within the radius get a Reflex save for half damage (DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier).
*''Chain:'' The ray bounces to other targets. Each target must be within Close range of the previous one, and the Chain Blast can't strike the same creature twice. The ray can strike a number of targets equal to the number of Spellfire levels (Each target after the first is allowed a Reflex save for half damage; DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier). For each target beyond the first, the blast deals 1 less dice of damage. Thus if you expended 3 Spellfire levels to hit three targets; The first would take 3d6, the second would take 2d6 and the third would take 1d6, each with a Reflex save for half.
*''Cone:'' The blast takes the form of a cone, 10 feet long, plus 5ft per Spellfire level expended. Targets are allowed a Reflex save for half damage (DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier).
*''Line:'' The blast takes the form of a 5-foot-wide line. The line is 10 ft long per Spellfire level expended. Targets are allowed a Reflex save for half damage (DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier).
*''Flurry:'' You split the ray into multiple rays, each striking different targets. You can create a number of rays equal to the number of attacks you could make if you had a Base Attack Bonus equal to your HD, but each attack after the first suffers a cumulative -2 penalty on the attack roll (Just like normal attacks) AND deals 1 dice of damage less per ray. So if you were 11th level and used 3 Spellfire levels in a Flurry blast, you would create three rays - The first would be normal (Dealing 3d6 damage), but the second would suffer a -2 penalty on the attack roll and deal 2d6 damage, and the third ray would strike at a -4 penalty and only deal 1d6 damage.
'''{{Anchor|Crown of Fire}} {{Su}}:''' At 10th level, you learn to create a Crown of Fire. Doing so is a free action that costs 5 Spellfire levels, and it costs 5 Spellfire levels each round to maintain it. While the Crown is active, your body is wreathed in Spellfire, causing you to shed light as a ''Daylight'' spell, and granting you Damage Reduction X/Cold Iron, where X is your Constitution score, plus your class level. Anyone who strikes you in melee with a non-reach weapon takes 5d6 damage from the spellfire, and nonmagical weapons are melted by the spellfire before they ever touch your body. The Spell Resistance your Spellfire ignores uses your full Constitution score rather than your Con modifier while under the effects of the Crown of Fire. This ability doesn't interfere with any of your other Spellfire abilities.
'''{{Anchor|Shadow Of The Self}}:''' At 10th level, you merge into shadow. Your type changes to Outsider, with the Native subtype, as well as the Augmented subtype (Tied to whatever type you were before). Furthermore, nonmagical attacks suffer a 50% miss chance when used against you, as you've become partially insubstantial. Magical attacks and spells that aren't explicitly composed of shadow or force suffer a 20% change to miss you. Extraplanar spells and Ghost Touch weapons affect you normally. Finally, you can Fly at a speed of 40ft with Perfect maneuverability for 1 round by expending 2 Spellfire levels as a free action. Expending more Spellfire levels extends the duration accordingly.
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Rare but powerful, these individuals have spent their lives studying martial arts, and have learned to combine them with Spellfire into a seamless whole.
Rare but powerful, these individuals have spent their lives studying martial arts, and have learned to combine them with Spellfire into a seamless whole.
====Spellfire Mastermaker====
The skilled makers known as Artificers make magic items, and can consume other magic items in order to use their essence in their current project. Those gifted with Spellfire can instead absorb and use the magic from raw spells, as well as other interesting abilities.

Latest revision as of 07:46, 19 May 2017

Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 5/17/2017
Status: Work in Progress
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An update to the 3.0e Spellfire Channeler that doesn't inherently suck. 10 5 Other Good Other Other

Alternate Magic,
"Other." is not in the list (Prepared Arcane Spellcasting, Spontaneous Arcane Spellcasting, Prepared Divine Spellcasting, Spontaneous Divine Spellcasting, Arcane Spellcasting, Divine Spellcasting, Prepared Spellcasting, Spontaneous Spellcasting, Alternate Magic, Psionics, ...) of allowed values for the "Class Ability" property.


Spellfire Channeler[edit]

Spellfire is a rare gift bestowed upon only a handful of creatures in a single generation, and many of these individuals are hounded by cults, churches and other organizations their entire lives because everyone, everyone wants control of that seemingly boundless power.

Those that live long enough find very creative and diverse ways to apply their Spellfire to the other careers they choose to pursue.

Becoming a Spellfire Channeler[edit]

Each person who is touched by Spellfire has a different approach to using it, as shown below. Each is a separate prestige class. Expanded Storage stacks with itself, but can never go beyond Expanded Storage 5.

Spellfire Warrior[edit]

Spellfire Warriors use their innate magic to enhance their strength, stamina and speed in combat.

Entry Requirements
Base Attack Bonus: +5.
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks.
Special: Spellfire Wielder.

Table: The Spellfire Warrior

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Expanded Storage 2, Spellfire Strike OR Spellfire Shot, Fighter Training
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Bonus Feat, Magic Muscle, Improved Healing
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Expanded Storage 3
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Bonus Feat, Spellward Skin
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Expanded Storage 4, Spellfire Armory
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Bonus Feat, Improved Spellfire Strike OR Improved Spellfire Shot
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Expanded Storage 5
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Bonus Feat, Arcane Metabolism
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 Dispelling Strike
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Bonus Feat, Crown of Fire

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level.)
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Iaijutsu Focus (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Listen (Wis), Martial Lore (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Spellfire Warrior.

Expanded Storage (Ex): The Channeler's capacity for storing Spellfire energy levels is multiplied by the listed value. However, spellfire energy levels in excess of the Channeler's Constitution score is dangerous, with different effects depending upon the number of levels stored:

Constitution +1 to Constitution x2: The channeler's eyes glow brightly, and any creature, magic item, or spell effect that touches the Channeler causes 1 Spellfire energy level to be discharged as a harmless burst of light. Once per day, the Channeler must make a Concentration check (DC 15) or take 1d6 points of damage as one of her Spellfire energy level backfires.
Constitution x2+1 to Constitution x3: As above, plus the channeler's skin glows (shedding light as a candle), a touch releases 1d4 spellfire energy levels as light, and the channeler must make the backfire Concentration check every hour.
Constitution 3x+1 to Constitution x4: As above, except the channeler sheds light equal to a torch, feels a burning sensation within her body (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 20 to concentrate)) and must make the backfire Concentration check every minute. A touch releases 1d6 spellfire energy levels as a Flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her.
Constitution x4+1 to Constitution x 5: As above, except the character radiates a palpable (but non-damaging) heat to a radius of 20 feet, is in pain (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 25 to concentrate), and must make the backfire Concentration check every round. A touch releases 2d6 spellfire energy levels as a flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her. The channeler must make a Will save (DC 25) every round or be forced to expend a maximum-strength blast of energy at a random target within 30 feet in preference to any other action.

Additionally, you may add your Spellfire Channeler level to your Constitution score for the purposes of determining Spellfire level storage.

Spellfire Strike/Shot (Su): At first level, choose Spellfire Strike, or Spellfire Shot. If you choose Spellfire Strike, you may choose to make a single melee attack as a standard action. In doing so, you may expend any number of Spellfire levels as part of the attack; Adding 1d6 damage to the attack per Spellfire level expended. The Spellfire levels are not wasted if the attack misses; The weapon remains charged until it leaves the Warrior's hand or the Warrior chooses to re-absorb the Spellfire. You can only expend a number of Spellfire levels in any round equal to your Constitution score, plus your class level.

Spellfire Shot works the same way, except with projectile weapons.

At 6th level, your Spellfire Strike/Shot improves - The weapon remains charged for the duration of a full attack action, adding its extra damage to each successful attack before dissipating at the end of the round. You can also charge two weapons simultaneously, in the case of the melee version.

Fighter Training (Ex): Spellfire Warrior levels stack with Fighter levels for the purpose of effective Fighter level. If you have no actual Fighter levels, you count as a Fighter of your Spellfire Warrior level.

Bonus Feats (Ex): At each even-numbered level, you gain a bonus Fighter feat you qualify for.

Magic Muscle (Su): When you have a number of Spellfire levels absorbs greater than your Strength score, you gain the difference as an Enhancement bonus to your Strength score for as long as you retain the Spellfire levels.

Improved Healing (Su): At 2nd level, your ability to heal with Spellfire improves; You now heal 1d4+1 per Spellfire level expended rather than 2 hp per spellfire level.

Spellward Skin (Su): While you have Spellfire levels stored, you gain Damage Reduction X/Magic, where X is equal to 1/10th the number of Spellfire levels you have stored (Thus 30 Spellfire levels would give you DR 3/Magic). Additionally, as a standard action, you may convert any number of Spellfire levels up to your Constitution score into temporary hitpoints, gaining 5 temporary HP for each Spellfire level converted in this fashion. These temporary hitpoints last until eaten away by damage, and can be dispelled as if a spell.

Spellfire Armory (Su): All weapons you pick up are treated as magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction, and this can be further enchanted as if it were a weapon. However, this doesn't allow the weapon to have more enchantments than normal, but you can pick and choose what enchantments, between the weapon's and this ability's, win out in the end. Changing enchantments is the same action as drawing a weapon.

Furthermore, you can create your own magic weapons and armor, as if you possessed the Craft Magic Arms And Armor feat. The Warrior must make a successful Concentration check (DC 20 + caster level) to emulate each spell normally required to create the item; And spend Spellfire levels equal to the spell level. Thus, to make a +1 Longsword, a Spellfire Warrior would need a Concentration check result of 27 or higher. To create a +1 Flaming Burst Longsword (caster level 12th), he would need a check result of 32 or higher to emulate the Fireball prerequisite.

The Spellfire Warrior must make a successful check for each prerequisite for each item he makes. If he fails a check, he can try again each day until the item is complete (see Creating Magic Items, page 282 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). If he comes to the end of the crafting time and he has still not successfully emulated one of the powers, he can make one final check—his last-ditch effort, even if he has already made a check that day. If that check also fails, then the creation process fails and the time, money, and XP expended to craft the item are lost.

Arcane Metabolism (Su): Beginning at 8th level, your magic reinforces your body even more. While you have Spellfire levels stored, you gain Fast Healing equal to 1/10th the number of Spellfire levels you currently have.

Dispelling Strike (Su): Whenever you perform a successful Spellfire Strike against a target, one of the magic items or active spells is targeted by a Dispel attempt using your HD as your caster level. If successful against a spell, you gain a number of Spellfire levels equal to the spell's level. Dispelling a magic item suppresses its power for 24 hours and you gain Spellfire levels equal to half the item's caster level. Spells of the highest spell level and magic items of the highest caster level are affected first.

Crown of Fire (Su): At 10th level, you learn to create a Crown of Fire. Doing so is a free action that costs 5 Spellfire levels, and it costs 5 Spellfire levels each round to maintain it. While the Crown is active, your body is wreathed in Spellfire, causing you to shed light as a Daylight spell, and granting you Damage Reduction X/Cold Iron, where X is your Constitution score, plus your class level. Anyone who strikes you in melee with a non-reach weapon takes 5d6 damage from the spellfire, and nonmagical weapons are melted by the spellfire before they ever touch your body. The Spell Resistance your Spellfire ignores uses your full Constitution score rather than your Con modifier while under the effects of the Crown of Fire. This ability doesn't interfere with any of your other Spellfire abilities.

Spellfire Sneak[edit]

Those who live life in the shadows learn to use their Spellfire to do so more easily.

Entry Requirements
Base Attack Bonus: +3.
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Hide 8 ranks, Move Silently 8 ranks, and either Open Lock, Disable Device or Search 8 ranks.
Special: Spellfire Wielder.

Table: The Spellfire Sneak

Hit Die: d6

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +2 +0 Expanded Storage 2, Knock, Ghostfire
2nd +1 +3 +3 +0 Sneak Strike 1, Blur, Ghostsight
3rd +2 +3 +3 +1 Expanded Storage 3, Invisibility
4th +3 +4 +4 +1 Sneak Strike 2, Silence, Darksight 30
5th +3 +4 +4 +1 Expanded Storage 4, Greater Invisibility
6th +4 +5 +5 +2 Sneak Strike 3, Dimension Door
7th +5 +5 +5 +2 Expanded Storage 5, Superior Invisibility
8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +2 Sneak Strike 4, Ethereal Jaunt
9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +3 Shadow Walk, Darksight 60
10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +3 Death Strike, Enervation

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level.)
Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Spellfire Sneak.

Expanded Storage (Ex): The Channeler's capacity for storing Spellfire energy levels is multiplied by the listed value. However, spellfire energy levels in excess of the Channeler's Constitution score is dangerous, with different effects depending upon the number of levels stored:

Constitution +1 to Constitution x2: The channeler's eyes glow brightly, and any creature, magic item, or spell effect that touches the Channeler causes 1 Spellfire energy level to be discharged as a harmless burst of light. Once per day, the Channeler must make a Concentration check (DC 15) or take 1d6 points of damage as one of her Spellfire energy level backfires.
Constitution x2+1 to Constitution x3: As above, plus the channeler's skin glows (shedding light as a candle), a touch releases 1d4 spellfire energy levels as light, and the channeler must make the backfire Concentration check every hour.
Constitution 3x+1 to Constitution x4: As above, except the channeler sheds light equal to a torch, feels a burning sensation within her body (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 20 to concentrate)) and must make the backfire Concentration check every minute. A touch releases 1d6 spellfire energy levels as a Flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her.
Constitution x4+1 to Constitution x 5: As above, except the character radiates a palpable (but non-damaging) heat to a radius of 20 feet, is in pain (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 25 to concentrate), and must make the backfire Concentration check every round. A touch releases 2d6 spellfire energy levels as a flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her. The channeler must make a Will save (DC 25) every round or be forced to expend a maximum-strength blast of energy at a random target within 30 feet in preference to any other action.

Additionally, you may add your Spellfire Channeler level to your Constitution score for the purposes of determining Spellfire level storage.

Knock (Sp): Beginning at 1st level, the Sneak may use Knock as a spell-like ability at will by expending 2 Spellfire levels each time.

Ghostfire (Su): As a stealthy being, glowing brightly would give away your position too easily. Thus, your abilities do not cause physical light; However, they do glow on the Ethereal plane (Twice as brightly as they would in the physical, in fact), which may attract unwanted attention from the denizens there, at the DM's discretion. As a side benefit, your Spellfire gains the Ghost Touch property.

Sneak Strike (Ex): At 2nd level and every even-numbered level thereafter except 10th, you gain one of: Sneak Attack, Skirmish, or Sudden Strike. This stacks with any existing instances of the abilities. Each time you choose Sneak Attack or Sudden Strike, the damage of the ability increases by 1d6; Each time you choose Skirmish, either the damage increases by 1d6 if the dodge bonus is equal to the number of dice (Thus if you had Skirmish +1d6/+1 AC and chose Skirmish, it would increase the damage by 1d6, but not increase the Dodge bonus) OR it increases the AC bonus by 1 if the number of extra damage dice was higher than the AC bonus (So if you had Skirmish +2d6/+1 AC, the AC bonus would increase by 1, but not the damage).

Blur (Sp): Beginning at 2nd level, the Sneak may use Blur as a spell-like ability at will by expending 2 Spellfire levels each time.

Ghostsight (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, you can see ethereal things as well as you can physical things. You can easily distinguish between the two, as ethereal objects seem transparent and a little blurry.

Invisibility (Sp): Beginning at 3rd level, the Sneak may use Invisibility as a spell-like ability at will by expending 2 Spellfire levels each time.

Silence (Sp): Beginning at 4th level, the Sneak may use Silence as a spell-like ability at will by expending 2 Spellfire levels each time.

Darksight (Ex): At 4th level, the Sneak gains Darkvision out to 30ft, or their existing Darkvision range increases by 30ft. At 9th level, the range (Or range increase) increases to 60ft.

Greater Invisibility (Sp): Beginning at 5th level, the Sneak may use Greater Invisibility as a spell-like ability at will by expending 4 Spellfire levels each time.

Dimension Door (Sp): Beginning at 6th level, the Sneak may use Dimension Door as a spell-like ability at will by expending 4 Spellfire levels each time.

Superior Invisibility (Sp): Beginning at 7th level, the Sneak may use Superior Invisibility as a spell-like ability at will by expending 8 Spellfire levels each time.

Ethereal Jaunt (Sp): Beginning at 8th level, the Sneak may use Ethereal Jaunt as a spell-like ability at will by expending 7 Spellfire levels each time.

Shadow Walk (Sp): Beginning at 9th level, the Sneak may use Shadow Walk as a spell-like ability at will by expending 6 Spellfire levels each time.

Death Strike (Ex): Beginning at 10th level, the Sneak gains Death Strike. This is the same as the Death Attack ability of the Assassin, except the save DC is equal to the number of Spellfire levels expended as part of the Strike, plus the Sneak's Constitution modifier.

Enervation (Sp): Beginning at 10th level, the Sneak may use Enervation as a spell-like ability at will by expending 4 Spellfire levels each time.

Spellfire Mage[edit]

Spellfire Magi meld their Spellfire into their Art, allowing them to create more powerful spell effects with less effort.

Entry Requirements
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Spellcraft OR Perform 8 ranks.
Feats: Any metamagic feat.
Spellcasting: Able to cast 2nd-level arcane spells.
Special: Spellfire Wielder.

Table: The Spellfire Mage

Hit Die: d4

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spellcasting
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Expanded Storage 2, Spellfire casting 0, Spellfire Metamagic 1 -
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Spellfire Casting 1, Spellfire Shape (Into Fire 1) +1 existing arcane casting
3rd +1 +3 +1 +3 Expanded Storage 3, Spellfire Casting 2, Spellfire Metamagic 2 +1 existing arcane casting
4th +2 +4 +1 +4 Spellfire Casting 3, Spellfire Shape +1 existing arcane casting
5th +2 +4 +1 +4 Expanded Storage 4, Spellfire Casting 4, Spellfire Metamagic 3 +1 existing arcane casting
6th +3 +5 +2 +5 Spellfire Casting 5, Spellfire Shape (Into Fire 2) +1 existing arcane casting
7th +3 +5 +2 +5 Expanded Storage 5, Spellfire Casting 6, Spellfire Metamagic 4 +1 existing arcane casting
8th +4 +6 +2 +6 Spellfire Casting 7, Spellfire Shape +1 existing arcane casting
9th +4 +6 +3 +6 Spellfire Casting 8, Spellfire Metamagic 5 +1 existing arcane casting
10th +5 +7 +3 +7 Spellfire Casting 9, Crown of Fire, Arcane Font (Into Fire 3) -

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level.)
Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Truespeak (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Spellfire Mage.

Spellcasting: At each level except 1st and 10th, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in an arcane spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a Spellfire Mage, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.

Expanded Storage (Ex): The Channeler's capacity for storing Spellfire energy levels is multiplied by the listed value. However, spellfire energy levels in excess of the Channeler's Constitution score is dangerous, with different effects depending upon the number of levels stored:

Constitution +1 to Constitution x2: The channeler's eyes glow brightly, and any creature, magic item, or spell effect that touches the Channeler causes 1 Spellfire energy level to be discharged as a harmless burst of light. Once per day, the Channeler must make a Concentration check (DC 15) or take 1d6 points of damage as one of her Spellfire energy level backfires.
Constitution x2+1 to Constitution x3: As above, plus the channeler's skin glows (shedding light as a candle), a touch releases 1d4 spellfire energy levels as light, and the channeler must make the backfire Concentration check every hour.
Constitution 3x+1 to Constitution x4: As above, except the channeler sheds light equal to a torch, feels a burning sensation within her body (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 20 to concentrate)) and must make the backfire Concentration check every minute. A touch releases 1d6 spellfire energy levels as a Flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her.
Constitution x4+1 to Constitution x 5: As above, except the character radiates a palpable (but non-damaging) heat to a radius of 20 feet, is in pain (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 25 to concentrate), and must make the backfire Concentration check every round. A touch releases 2d6 spellfire energy levels as a flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her. The channeler must make a Will save (DC 25) every round or be forced to expend a maximum-strength blast of energy at a random target within 30 feet in preference to any other action.

Additionally, you may add your Spellfire Channeler level to your Constitution score for the purposes of determining Spellfire level storage.

Spellfire Casting (Su): At each level, you learn to cast a spell level using Spellfire. This allows you to cast your spells without expending them, by expending a number of spellfire levels equal to the spell's level +1. So to cast a 3rd-level spell without expending it, you'd have to expend four Spellfire levels. At first, you can only cast 0th-level spells in this manner, but as you become more and more practiced, you can cast higher- and higher-level spells with Spellfire. However, attempting to do so requires a successful Concentration check (DC 20 + Spell level). This doesn't allow you to cast spells of a level you wouldn't ordinarily be able to cast.

Spellfire Metamagic (Su): At first level, you can use Spellfire to apply metamagic effects to your spells as you cast them. Each Spellfire level reduces the cost of the metamagic by 1 spell level. At 1st level, you can only spend 1 Spellfire level in this way (Meaning if you're a prepared caster, you can either spontaneously apply a +1 metamagic effect, like Reach spell or Still spell, OR if you're a spontaneous caster, you can reduce the cost of using a metamagic feat on a spell spontaneously by 1, to a minimum of 0). Metamagic effects reduced to +0 do not increase casting time. At each odd level, the number of spellfire levels you can spend on metamagic increases by 1, up to a maximum of 5 at level 9. This can be combined with Spellfire Casting, but you must remember that you can't spend more Spellfire levels in a single round that you have points of Constitution, and that any spellfire levels you spend that exceed your HD will burn you for one-half of 1d6 per level, with a Fort save for half, as described in the Spellfire Wielder template description.

Spellfire Shape (Su): At each even-numbered level, the Spellfire Mage learns a new shape for their Spellfire Blast. The default shape is a long-range Ray. Only one shape may be applied to each Spellfire Blast. The available shapes are:

  • Burst: Rather than a ray, you can create a burst that effects a 10ft radius, plus 5ft per 2 Spellfire levels spent. Creatures within the radius get a Reflex save for half damage (DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier).
  • Chain: The ray bounces to other targets. Each target must be within Close range of the previous one, and the Chain Blast can't strike the same creature twice. The ray can strike a number of targets equal to the number of Spellfire levels (Each target after the first is allowed a Reflex save for half damage; DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier). For each target beyond the first, the blast deals 1 less dice of damage. Thus if you expended 3 Spellfire levels to hit three targets; The first would take 3d6, the second would take 2d6 and the third would take 1d6, each with a Reflex save for half.
  • Cone: The blast takes the form of a cone, 10 feet long, plus 5ft per Spellfire level expended. Targets are allowed a Reflex save for half damage (DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier).
  • Line: The blast takes the form of a 5-foot-wide line. The line is 10 ft long per Spellfire level expended. Targets are allowed a Reflex save for half damage (DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier).
  • Flurry: You split the ray into multiple rays, each striking different targets. You can create a number of rays equal to the number of attacks you could make if you had a Base Attack Bonus equal to your HD, but each attack after the first suffers a cumulative -2 penalty on the attack roll (Just like normal attacks) AND deals 1 dice of damage less per ray. So if you were 11th level and used 3 Spellfire levels in a Flurry blast, you would create three rays - The first would be normal (Dealing 3d6 damage), but the second would suffer a -2 penalty on the attack roll and deal 2d6 damage, and the third ray would strike at a -4 penalty and only deal 1d6 damage.

Into Fire (Su): If you entered this prestige class as a spontaneous arcane caster (Such as a Sorcerer or Bard, but not a Wizard using the Signature Spell feat), beginning at 2nd level, you can convert a spell slot into Spellfire levels as a standard action. This generates a number of Spellfire levels equal to the spell's level.

At 6th level, this ability generates 2 Spellfire levels for every spell level consumed in this manner, and at 10th level, it generates 3 Spellfire levels for every spell level consumed. Spellthieves can also convert stolen spells into Spellfire levels in this manner.

Crown of Fire (Su): At 10th level, you learn to create a Crown of Fire. Doing so is a free action that costs 5 Spellfire levels, and it costs 5 Spellfire levels each round to maintain it. While the Crown is active, your body is wreathed in Spellfire, causing you to shed light as a Daylight spell, and granting you Damage Reduction X/Cold Iron, where X is your Constitution score, plus your class level. Anyone who strikes you in melee with a non-reach weapon takes 5d6 damage from the spellfire, and nonmagical weapons are melted by the spellfire before they ever touch your body. The Spell Resistance your Spellfire ignores uses your full Constitution score rather than your Con modifier while under the effects of the Crown of Fire. This ability doesn't interfere with any of your other Spellfire abilities.

Arcane Font (Su): Beginning at 10th level, once per day, you can enter a state of pure connection to the magic present in the universe. Immediately upon entering this state, your Spellfire levels are instantly placed at their maximum, though you don't need to make an Concentration checks and touching you doesn't discharge any Spellfire levels. Furthermore, during this state, you can cast any spell without expending it, and any of your abilities that cost Spellfire levels do not cost Spellfire levels to activate or maintain (Including Spellfire Metamagic and Crown of Fire). This state lasts up to 1 round per HD, but once it ends, you are subject to all the normal effects of having such a gigantic amount of Spellfire present within your body, AND for a number of rounds equal to the number of rounds you spent in that state, you can only take one move or standard action each round (Not both) and are prevented from taking a full-round action. You can, of course, end the Arcane Font prematurely by means of a standard action.

Spellfire Devotee[edit]

Servants of the divine blessed by Spellfire, Spellfire Devotees tend to focus on protection, healing and transformation.

Entry Requirements
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Heal 8 ranks, and either Survival, Knowledge (Religion) or (Perform) 8 ranks.
Spellcasting: Able to cast healing spells of at least 2nd level.
Special: Spellfire Wielder.

Table: The Spellfire Devotee

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spellcasting
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Expanded Storage 2, Spellfire Casting 0, Devoted Training, Spellspark Devotion 5/1 -
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Spellfire Casting 1, Improved Healing +1 existing spellcasting class
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Expanded Storage 3, Spellfire Casting 2 +1 existing spellcasting class
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Spellfire Casting 3, Gift Of Devotion +1 existing spellcasting class
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Expanded Storage 4, Spellfire Casting 4, Spellspark Devotion 3/1 +1 existing spellcasting class
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Spellfire Casting 5, Greater Healing +1 existing spellcasting class
7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Expanded Storage 5, Spellfire Casting 6, +1 existing spellcasting class
8th +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 Spellfire Casting 7, Gift Of Devotion +1 existing spellcasting class
9th +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 Spellfire Casting 8, Spellspark Devotion 1/1 +1 existing spellcasting class
10th +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 Spellfire Casting 9, Supreme Healing, Crown of Fire, Avatar Of The Spark -

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level.)
Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Control Shape (Wis), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) (Nature) (Religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Spellfire Devotee.

Spellcasting: At each level except 1st and 10th, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in whatever spellcasting class you used to qualify for the prestige class. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Spellfire Devotee, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known. The spellcasting class must be Divine, with the exception of Bard.

Expanded Storage (Ex): The Channeler's capacity for storing Spellfire energy levels is multiplied by the listed value. However, spellfire energy levels in excess of the Channeler's Constitution score is dangerous, with different effects depending upon the number of levels stored:

Constitution +1 to Constitution x2: The channeler's eyes glow brightly, and any creature, magic item, or spell effect that touches the Channeler causes 1 Spellfire energy level to be discharged as a harmless burst of light. Once per day, the Channeler must make a Concentration check (DC 15) or take 1d6 points of damage as one of her Spellfire energy level backfires.
Constitution x2+1 to Constitution x3: As above, plus the channeler's skin glows (shedding light as a candle), a touch releases 1d4 spellfire energy levels as light, and the channeler must make the backfire Concentration check every hour.
Constitution 3x+1 to Constitution x4: As above, except the channeler sheds light equal to a torch, feels a burning sensation within her body (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 20 to concentrate)) and must make the backfire Concentration check every minute. A touch releases 1d6 spellfire energy levels as a Flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her.
Constitution x4+1 to Constitution x 5: As above, except the character radiates a palpable (but non-damaging) heat to a radius of 20 feet, is in pain (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 25 to concentrate), and must make the backfire Concentration check every round. A touch releases 2d6 spellfire energy levels as a flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her. The channeler must make a Will save (DC 25) every round or be forced to expend a maximum-strength blast of energy at a random target within 30 feet in preference to any other action.

Additionally, you may add your Spellfire Channeler level to your Constitution score for the purposes of determining Spellfire level storage.

Spellfire Casting (Su): At each level, you learn to cast a spell level using Spellfire. This allows you to cast your spells without expending them, by expending a number of spellfire levels equal to the spell's level +1. So to cast a 3rd-level spell without expending it, you'd have to expend four Spellfire levels. At first, you can only cast 0th-level spells in this manner, but as you become more and more practiced, you can cast higher- and higher-level spells with Spellfire. However, attempting to do so requires a successful Concentration check (DC 20 + Spell level). This doesn't allow you to cast spells of a level you wouldn't ordinarily be able to cast.

Devoted Training: At each level, choose one of: Turn or Rebuke Undead, Wild Shape, or Bardic Music. If you have the ability already, you add one level to your effective class level for the purposes of determining all aspects of that ability. If you don't already possess the ability, it grants you the ability instead, at effective level 1. Subsequent Spellfire Devotee levels can then be used to increase your effective level with the ability. Wild Shape also advances your Animal Companion if you possess one, but doesn't grant you one if you do not already posses one. Note that Wild Shape is useless until your effective level is 5 or higher.

Spellspark Devotion (Su): If you possess Turn or Rebuke Undead, Wild Shape or Bardic Music, you can convert Spellfire levels into uses of that ability as a standard action. At 1st level, you may convert 5 Spellfire levels into one Turn/Rebuke Undead, Wild Shape or Bardic music attempt. Beginning at 5th level, you can convert 3 Spellfire levels into a special ability use, and at 9th level, you may convert Spellfire levels into special ability uses on a 1-for-1 basis.

Channel Devotion: Healing Word (Su): Beginning at 1st level, you may spend a use of Turn/Rebuke Undead, Wild Shape or Bardic Music as a standard action. Doing so heals all allies within 30 feet of you that can hear you for an amount equal to the amount they'd be healed if you had just expended a number of Spellfire levels equal to your Devotee class level or one'half your effective level for the special ability you used, whichever is higher (Thus, the Healing Word of a Bard 5/Spellfire Devotee 10 who chose Bardic Music at each Devotee level would heal his allies for 12d8+36 HP.

Improved Healing (Su): At 2nd level, your ability to heal with Spellfire grows. Instead of healing 2 HP per Spellfire level, it now heals 1d4+1 HP per Spellfire level.

At 6th level, this ability improved again, increasing to 1d6+2 per Spellfire level. At 10th level, the ability reaches its pinnacle, increasing to 1d8+3 per Spellfire level.

Gift Of Devotion (Su): At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, you can choose a beneficial effect to add to your healing spells. This affects any affect that heals HP damage that you create, including healing spells you cast, your Healing Word ability, healing via Spellfire and so forth, but not abilities originating from items.

  • Bank Life: Targets healed over their HP maximum retain the extra healing within themselves. It can be dispelled, but otherwise they can, at any time within the next hour, release the stored healing as a Swift action, healing themselves for the remaining amount. If there are still points left over, these are still retained for later use, but the duration is not refreshed.
  • Bolster: Targets healed over their HP maximum retain the extra healing as temporary hit points for 1 hour per caster level. These temporary hit points stack with themselves, up to a maximum number of temporary HP equal to the maximum number of Spellfire levels the Devotee who bestowed the healing effect could store. So in the case of a Devotee of 7th level with a Constitution score of 20 (20 x 5), the maximum amount of temporary hit points bestowed upon a single ally would be 100.
  • Fleshward: Targets healed gain DR X/Adamantine, where X is equal to the class level of the Devotee that produced the healing effect. This DR lasts for 1 round per class level.
  • Resistance: Upon healing a target, the Devotee chooses one energy type - Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire or Sonic. The healed target(s) gain Energy Resistance against this type of energy damage equal to the minimum healing the ability could bestow (Not counting effects like Empowering or Maximizing). This energy resistance lasts for 1 round per class level of the Devotee.
  • Stamina/Grace/Discipline: Targets healed by a Devotee with this ability are granted a Sacred bonus on one saving throw type (Fortitude, Reflex or Will) equal to one-half the Devotee's class level (Max +5). This lasts for 1 round per class level.
  • Restoration: For every 5 HP cured, the target is cured of 1 point of ability damage from the healed target. This applies on a per-target basis, and the ability scores are affected in order of Str>Dex>Con>Int>Wis>Cha. For every 10 points healed, you can reverse a point of ability drain,a dn for every 20 points healed, you reverse a single negative level.
  • Curing: For every 5 HP healed, you remove one of the dazed, fatigued, or sickened condition from each individual healed, on a per-target basis. For every 10 points healed, you can remove one of the exhausted, nauseated, poisoned, or stunned conditions from the target, and for every 20 healed, you remove one of the blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or diseased conditions.
  • Protection: Healed targets gain a Sacred bonus to armor class equal to one-half your class level (Max +5). This lasts a number of rounds equal to your Devotee class level.
  • Inspiration: Healed targets gain one-half your class level (Maximum +5) as a morale bonus on attack and damage rolls, lasting 1 round per class level.

Crown of Fire (Su): At 10th level, you learn to create a Crown of Fire. Doing so is a free action that costs 5 Spellfire levels, and it costs 5 Spellfire levels each round to maintain it. While the Crown is active, your body is wreathed in Spellfire, causing you to shed light as a Daylight spell, and granting you Damage Reduction X/Cold Iron, where X is your Constitution score, plus your class level. Anyone who strikes you in melee with a non-reach weapon takes 5d6 damage from the spellfire, and nonmagical weapons are melted by the spellfire before they ever touch your body. The Spell Resistance your Spellfire ignores uses your full Constitution score rather than your Con modifier while under the effects of the Crown of Fire. This ability doesn't interfere with any of your other Spellfire abilities.

Avatar Of The Spark: At 10th level, your devotion transforms you. Your type changes to Outsider, with the Native and Positive subtypes, as well as the Augmented subtype (Tied to whatever type you were before) and the Alignment subtypes associated with your alignment - Thus a Chaotic Good Elven Spellfire Devotee would be: Outsider (Augmented Humanoid, Chaos, Good, Native, Positive, Elf).

Furthermore, you gain one of the following abilities, depending on which of the class's three abilities in which your effective levels is highest. If your effective Turn/Rebuke Undead level was highest, you gain Mortal Instrument. If your Wild Shape level was highest, you gain Master of Beasts. If your Bardic Music ability was highest, you gain Maestro Of Life And Death.

Mortal Instrument (Su): Targets you Turn are instead Destroyed at your option. Targets you Rebuke are instead Commanded, at your option. In either case, both the turning check and turning damage rolls are always Empowered.

Master of Beasts (Su): While Wild Shaping, you may change your form once per round. If you have an animal companion, the Companion also Wild Shapes with you and may have a separate form from yourself.

Maestro Of Life And Death (Su): You add Heal, Harm, Raise Dead and Wail of the Banshee to your Bard spell list as 6th-level spells, and may cast those spells at will as spell-like abilities by spending 6 Spellfire levels.

Spellfire Aesthetic[edit]

Monks, Ninjas and other similar beings touched by Spellfire tend to attempt to fuel their search for perfection with the silver flames they hold within.

Entry Requirements
Base Attack Bonus: +3.
Skills: <Concentration 8 ranks, and 8 ranks in one of: Tumble, Hide or Balance.
Special: Spellfire Wielder and an AC Bonus class feature, such as from Monk, Ninja, Battle Dancer or Swordsage.

Table: The Spellfire Aesthetic

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +2 +2 Expanded Storage 2, Aesthetic Training, AC Bonus, Unarmed Strike, Ki Strike (Magic)
2nd +1 +3 +3 +3 Bonus Feat, Improved Healing, Fist Afire, Ki-Fire, Ki-Fire Shape
3rd +2 +3 +3 +3 Expanded Storage 3, Ki Strike (Ethical)
4th +3 +4 +4 +4 Bonus Feat, Ki-Fire Shape
5th +3 +4 +4 +4 Expanded Storage 4, Ki Strike (Moral), Ki Enchanter
6th +4 +5 +5 +5 Bonus Feat, Improved Fist Afire, Ki-Fire Shape
7th +5 +5 +5 +5 Expanded Storage 5, Ki Strike (Material)
8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Bonus Feat, Ki-Fire Shape
9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Ki Strike (Second Material)
10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +7 Bonus Feat, Ki-Fire Shape, Crown of Fire, Perfection

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level.)
Appraise (Int), Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Spellfire Aesthetic.

Expanded Storage (Ex): The Channeler's capacity for storing Spellfire energy levels is multiplied by the listed value. However, spellfire energy levels in excess of the Channeler's Constitution score is dangerous, with different effects depending upon the number of levels stored:

Constitution +1 to Constitution x2: The channeler's eyes glow brightly, and any creature, magic item, or spell effect that touches the Channeler causes 1 Spellfire energy level to be discharged as a harmless burst of light. Once per day, the Channeler must make a Concentration check (DC 15) or take 1d6 points of damage as one of her Spellfire energy level backfires.
Constitution x2+1 to Constitution x3: As above, plus the channeler's skin glows (shedding light as a candle), a touch releases 1d4 spellfire energy levels as light, and the channeler must make the backfire Concentration check every hour.
Constitution 3x+1 to Constitution x4: As above, except the channeler sheds light equal to a torch, feels a burning sensation within her body (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 20 to concentrate)) and must make the backfire Concentration check every minute. A touch releases 1d6 spellfire energy levels as a Flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her.
Constitution x4+1 to Constitution x 5: As above, except the character radiates a palpable (but non-damaging) heat to a radius of 20 feet, is in pain (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 25 to concentrate), and must make the backfire Concentration check every round. A touch releases 2d6 spellfire energy levels as a flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her. The channeler must make a Will save (DC 25) every round or be forced to expend a maximum-strength blast of energy at a random target within 30 feet in preference to any other action.

Additionally, you may add your Spellfire Channeler level to your Constitution score for the purposes of determining Spellfire level storage.

Aesthetic Training: At each level, choose one of the following groups of abilities to advance, or to gain: Monk, Ninja, Battle Dancer or Swordsage.

If you choose Monk, you gain the Flurry of Blows, Slow Fall, Fast Movement and Bonus Feats of a Monk of 1st level, or increase your effective level for the purposes of these abilities by 1.
If you choose Ninja, you gain the Ki Powers, Sudden Strike, Poison use and abilities with "Ghost" in the name of a Ninja of 1st level, or increase your effective level for the purposes of these abilities by 1.
If you choose Battle Dancer, you gain the Bonus Speed and Dances of a Battle Dancer of 1st level, or increase your effective level for the purposes of these abilities by 1.
If you choose Swordsage, you gain the Quick To Act, Discipline Focus, Maneuvers Known, Maneuvers Readied and Stances Known of a Swordsage of 1st level, or increase your effective level for the purposes of these abilities by 1.

AC Bonus (Ex): You may add your full Spellfire Aesthetic levels to your levels in whatever class granted you an AC bonus for the purposes of determining your total AC bonus. Thus a Monk 5/Spellfire Aesthetic 10 would have the AC Bonus of a 15th-level Monk.

Unarmed Strike (Ex): You gain the Unarmed Strike and Stunning Fist of a Monk of your Spellfire Aesthetic level, or if you already possess such an ability, you add your full Aesthetic levels to your effective level for the purposes of determining Unarmed damage and Stunning Fist uses.

Ki Strike (Su): Beginning at 1st level, while you have Spellfire levels stored, your Unarmed attacks and natural weapons count as Magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. At 3rd level, they overcome damage reduction as if they were aligned with the Ethical portion of your alignment (Lawful or Chaotic; If your Ethical alignment is Neutral, such as in the case of a Neutral Good character, you choose which Ethical alignment to use, but it cannot be changed afterwards). At 5th level, they overcome damage reduction as if they were aligned with the Moral component of your alignment (Good or Evil; If your Moral alignment is Neutral, such as in the case of a Lawful Neutral character, you choose which Moral alignment to use, but it cannot be changed afterwards). At 7th level, they overcome damage reduction as one special material (Such as Silver, Cold Iron, Adamantine, Byeshk and so forth); Once chosen, the material cannot be changed. Finally, at 9th level, you choose a second special material, with the same restrictions as the first.

Bonus Feat (Ex): At each even-numbered level, you gain one Fighter bonus feat your qualify for.

Fist Afire (Ex): At second level, you may choose to make a single melee attack with an unarmed strike (Or special Monk weapon) as a standard action. In doing so, you may expend any number of Spellfire levels as part of the attack; Adding 1d6 damage to the attack per Spellfire level expended. The Spellfire levels are not wasted if the attack misses; The attack remains charged for 1 minute or until the user discharges it or chooses to re-absorb the Spellfire levels.

At 6th level, this ability improves - The weapon remains charged for the duration of a full attack action, adding its extra damage to each successful attack before dissipating at the end of the round. You can also charge two weapons simultaneously.

Improved Healing (Su): At 2nd level, your ability to heal with Spellfire improves; You now heal 1d4+1 per Spellfire level expended rather than 2 hp per spellfire level.

Ki-Fire (Su): As a standard action, starting at 2nd level, the Spellfire Aesthetic can convert any number of Spellfire levels into Stunning Fist attempts, or vice versa.

Ki-Fire Shape (Su): At each even-numbered level, the Spellfire Aesthetic learns a new shape for their Spellfire Blast. The default shape is a long-range Ray. Only one shape may be applied to each Spellfire Blast. The available shapes are:

  • Burst: Rather than a ray, you can create a burst that effects a 10ft radius, plus 5ft per 2 Spellfire levels spent. Creatures within the radius get a Reflex save for half damage (DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier).
  • Chain: The ray bounces to other targets. Each target must be within Close range of the previous one, and the Chain Blast can't strike the same creature twice. The ray can strike a number of targets equal to the number of Spellfire levels (Each target after the first is allowed a Reflex save for half damage; DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier). For each target beyond the first, the blast deals 1 less dice of damage. Thus if you expended 3 Spellfire levels to hit three targets; The first would take 3d6, the second would take 2d6 and the third would take 1d6, each with a Reflex save for half.
  • Cone: The blast takes the form of a cone, 10 feet long, plus 5ft per Spellfire level expended. Targets are allowed a Reflex save for half damage (DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier).
  • Line: The blast takes the form of a 5-foot-wide line. The line is 10 ft long per Spellfire level expended. Targets are allowed a Reflex save for half damage (DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier).
  • Flurry: You split the ray into multiple rays, each striking different targets. You can create a number of rays equal to the number of attacks you could make if you had a Base Attack Bonus equal to your HD, but each attack after the first suffers a cumulative -2 penalty on the attack roll (Just like normal attacks) AND deals 1 dice of damage less per ray. So if you were 11th level and used 3 Spellfire levels in a Flurry blast, you would create three rays - The first would be normal (Dealing 3d6 damage), but the second would suffer a -2 penalty on the attack roll and deal 2d6 damage, and the third ray would strike at a -4 penalty and only deal 1d6 damage.

Ki Enchanter (Su): Beginning at 6th level, you can enchant your Unarmed Strikes as if they were manufactured weapons, and your AC Bonus as if it were armor, both as if you possessed the Craft Magic Arms And Armor feat. The Aesthetic must make a successful Concentration check (DC 20 + caster level) to emulate each spell normally required to create the item; And spend Spellfire levels equal to the spell level. Thus, to enchant his Unarmed Strike as a +1 weapon, a Spellfire Aesthetic would need a Concentration check result of 23 or higher. To enchant his fists as Flaming Burst (caster level 12th), he would need a check result of 32 or higher to emulate the Fireball prerequisite.

The Spellfire Aesthetic must make a successful check for each prerequisite for each item he makes. If he fails a check, he can try again each day until the item is complete (see Creating Magic Items, page 282 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). If he comes to the end of the crafting time and he has still not successfully emulated one of the powers, he can make one final check—his last-ditch effort, even if he has already made a check that day. If that check also fails, then the creation process fails and the time, money, and XP expended to craft the item are lost.

Crown of Fire (Su): At 10th level, you learn to create a Crown of Fire. Doing so is a free action that costs 5 Spellfire levels, and it costs 5 Spellfire levels each round to maintain it. While the Crown is active, your body is wreathed in Spellfire, causing you to shed light as a Daylight spell, and granting you Damage Reduction X/Cold Iron, where X is your Constitution score, plus your class level. Anyone who strikes you in melee with a non-reach weapon takes 5d6 damage from the spellfire, and nonmagical weapons are melted by the spellfire before they ever touch your body. The Spell Resistance your Spellfire ignores uses your full Constitution score rather than your Con modifier while under the effects of the Crown of Fire. This ability doesn't interfere with any of your other Spellfire abilities.

Perfection: At 10th level, you attain a form of perfection. Your type changes to Outsider, with the Native subtype, as well as the Augmented subtype (Tied to whatever type you were before) and the Alignment subtypes associated with your Ki Strike - Thus a Lawful Good Dwarven Spellfire Aesthetic would be: Outsider (Augmented Humanoid, Lawful, Good, Native, Dwarf). Furthermore, you cease to physically age (Preventing further ability score loss from aging but not reducing any losses already present), and you cannot die from old age. You are treated as an exceptionally long-lived creature for the purposes of being effected by Entropy.

Spellfire Shade[edit]

Casters of Shadow magic tend to find that the Spellfire is bothersome, but others see the shadow aspect of it and seek to bring it to the surface.

Entry Requirements
Skills: Concentrate 8 ranks, Knowledge (The Planes) 8 Ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks.
Feats: Any Metashadow feat.
Shadowcasting: Able to cast 3rd-level mysteries.
Special: Spellfire Wielder.

Table: The Spellfire Shade

Hit Die: d6

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Shadowcasting
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Expanded Storage 2, Creeping Darkness, Shadefire, Shadefire Fundamentals, Metashade 4, Resist Cold 5 +1 existing shadowcasting
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Shadefire Casting 1, Shadefire Jump 5/20ft +1 existing shadowcasting
3rd +1 +3 +1 +3 Expanded Storage 3, Shadefire Casting 2, Shadefire Shape +1 existing shadowcasting
4th +2 +4 +1 +4 Shadefire Casting 3, Shadefire Jump 4/40ft +1 existing shadowcasting
5th +2 +4 +1 +4 Expanded Storage 4, Shadefire Casting 4, Metashade 3, Resist Cold 10 +1 existing shadowcasting
6th +3 +5 +2 +5 Shadefire Casting 5, Shadefire Jump 3/80ft, Shadefire Shape +1 existing shadowcasting
7th +3 +5 +2 +5 Expanded Storage 5, Shadefire Casting 6 +1 existing shadowcasting
8th +4 +6 +2 +6 Shadefire Casting 7, Shadefire Jump 2/160ft +1 existing shadowcasting
9th +4 +6 +3 +6 Shadefire Casting 8, Metashade 2, Resist Cold 15, Shadefire Shape +1 existing shadowcasting
10th +5 +7 +3 +7 Shadefire Casting 9, Shadefire Jump 1/320ft, Crown of Fire, Shadow Of The Self +1 existing shadowcasting

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level.)
Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) (The Planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Spellfire Shade.

Proficiencies: Spellfire Shades gain proficiency in light armor if they did not already possess it, but gain no other proficiencies.

Shadowcasting: At each level, you gain new mysteries known and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a shadowcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one shadowcasting class before becoming a Spellfire Shade, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining caster level and spells known.

Expanded Storage (Ex): The Channeler's capacity for storing Spellfire energy levels is multiplied by the listed value. However, spellfire energy levels in excess of the Channeler's Constitution score is dangerous, with different effects depending upon the number of levels stored:

Constitution +1 to Constitution x2: The channeler's eyes glow brightly, and any creature, magic item, or spell effect that touches the Channeler causes 1 Spellfire energy level to be discharged as a harmless burst of light. Once per day, the Channeler must make a Concentration check (DC 15) or take 1d6 points of damage as one of her Spellfire energy level backfires.
Constitution x2+1 to Constitution x3: As above, plus the channeler's skin glows (shedding light as a candle), a touch releases 1d4 spellfire energy levels as light, and the channeler must make the backfire Concentration check every hour.
Constitution 3x+1 to Constitution x4: As above, except the channeler sheds light equal to a torch, feels a burning sensation within her body (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 20 to concentrate)) and must make the backfire Concentration check every minute. A touch releases 1d6 spellfire energy levels as a Flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her.
Constitution x4+1 to Constitution x 5: As above, except the character radiates a palpable (but non-damaging) heat to a radius of 20 feet, is in pain (treat as if distracted by non-damaging spell, DC 25 to concentrate), and must make the backfire Concentration check every round. A touch releases 2d6 spellfire energy levels as a flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the channeler and all creatures within 5 feet of her. The channeler must make a Will save (DC 25) every round or be forced to expend a maximum-strength blast of energy at a random target within 30 feet in preference to any other action.

Additionally, you may add your Spellfire Channeler level to your Constitution score for the purposes of determining Spellfire level storage.

Shadefire Casting (Su): At each level, you learn to cast a Mystery level using Spellfire. This allows you to cast your mysteries without expending them, by expending a number of spellfire levels equal to the mystery's level +1. So to cast a 3rd-level mystery without expending it, you'd have to expend four Spellfire levels. At first, you can only cast fundamental mysteries in this manner, but as you become more and more practiced, you can cast higher- and higher-level mysteries with Spellfire. However, attempting to do so requires a successful Concentration check (DC 20 + Spell level). This doesn't allow you to cast mysteries of a level you wouldn't ordinarily be able to cast.

Creeping Darkness: Your Spellfire Shade levels stack with your Shadowcaster levels for the purposes of determining your Sustaining Shadow ability, bonus fundamentals and Umbral Sight ability.

Shadefire (Su): Your Spellfire is ghostly and sheds no light, invisible to the naked eye. However, it's rather brightly visible to Darkvision, and to anything that can see invisible objects.

Metashade (Su): At 1st level, you can spend a standard action to turn 4 Spellfire levels into 1 daily use of a single Metashadow feat you know. At 5th level, you only need 3 Spellfire levels to generate a Metashadow use, and at 9th level, you only need 2 Spellfire levels per Metashadow use.

Shadefire Jump (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, you gain the ability to step through shadows. This functions exactly as the Dimension door spell, except that transport must begin and end in an area with at least some shadow. The action varies by distance; If the movement is one-quarter your maximum distance or less, you can do it as a Swift action. If the distance is greater than one-quarter but less than or equal to one-half, you can do it as a Move action. Traveling a distance greater than half, up to your maximum distance, requires a Standard action. You can jump up to 20 feet per day this way, but you can spend 5 Spellfire levels as a swift action to recharge 20 feet of Shadefire Jump. At each even-numbered level, the distance you can jump doubles, and it requires 1 less Spellfire level to regain 20 feet of Shadefire Jump, but it can never require less than 1 Spellfire level.

Resist Cold (Ex): Your body is so full of shadow that you have become resistant to the effects of cold. Beginning at 1st level, you have resistance to Cold 5. This increases to Cold Resistance 10 at level 5, and to 15 at level 9.

Shadefire Shape (Su): At each level divisible by 3, the Spellfire Shade learns a new shape for their Spellfire Blast. The default shape is a long-range Ray. Only one shape may be applied to each Spellfire Blast. The available shapes are:

  • Burst: Rather than a ray, you can create a burst that effects a 10ft radius, plus 5ft per 2 Spellfire levels spent. Creatures within the radius get a Reflex save for half damage (DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier).
  • Chain: The ray bounces to other targets. Each target must be within Close range of the previous one, and the Chain Blast can't strike the same creature twice. The ray can strike a number of targets equal to the number of Spellfire levels (Each target after the first is allowed a Reflex save for half damage; DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier). For each target beyond the first, the blast deals 1 less dice of damage. Thus if you expended 3 Spellfire levels to hit three targets; The first would take 3d6, the second would take 2d6 and the third would take 1d6, each with a Reflex save for half.
  • Cone: The blast takes the form of a cone, 10 feet long, plus 5ft per Spellfire level expended. Targets are allowed a Reflex save for half damage (DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier).
  • Line: The blast takes the form of a 5-foot-wide line. The line is 10 ft long per Spellfire level expended. Targets are allowed a Reflex save for half damage (DC= 1/2 HD + number of Spellfire levels expended + Con modifier).
  • Flurry: You split the ray into multiple rays, each striking different targets. You can create a number of rays equal to the number of attacks you could make if you had a Base Attack Bonus equal to your HD, but each attack after the first suffers a cumulative -2 penalty on the attack roll (Just like normal attacks) AND deals 1 dice of damage less per ray. So if you were 11th level and used 3 Spellfire levels in a Flurry blast, you would create three rays - The first would be normal (Dealing 3d6 damage), but the second would suffer a -2 penalty on the attack roll and deal 2d6 damage, and the third ray would strike at a -4 penalty and only deal 1d6 damage.

Crown of Fire (Su): At 10th level, you learn to create a Crown of Fire. Doing so is a free action that costs 5 Spellfire levels, and it costs 5 Spellfire levels each round to maintain it. While the Crown is active, your body is wreathed in Spellfire, causing you to shed light as a Daylight spell, and granting you Damage Reduction X/Cold Iron, where X is your Constitution score, plus your class level. Anyone who strikes you in melee with a non-reach weapon takes 5d6 damage from the spellfire, and nonmagical weapons are melted by the spellfire before they ever touch your body. The Spell Resistance your Spellfire ignores uses your full Constitution score rather than your Con modifier while under the effects of the Crown of Fire. This ability doesn't interfere with any of your other Spellfire abilities.

Shadow Of The Self: At 10th level, you merge into shadow. Your type changes to Outsider, with the Native subtype, as well as the Augmented subtype (Tied to whatever type you were before). Furthermore, nonmagical attacks suffer a 50% miss chance when used against you, as you've become partially insubstantial. Magical attacks and spells that aren't explicitly composed of shadow or force suffer a 20% change to miss you. Extraplanar spells and Ghost Touch weapons affect you normally. Finally, you can Fly at a speed of 40ft with Perfect maneuverability for 1 round by expending 2 Spellfire levels as a free action. Expending more Spellfire levels extends the duration accordingly.

Spellfire Psychic[edit]

Those blessed by both Spellfire and Psionics are a rare bunch indeed, but they blur the line between magic and the mind.

Spellfire Binder[edit]

While vestiges enjoy living a mortal life through the living, willing vessel known as a Binder, very few are ever invited to experience the life of someone gifted by Spellfire. Those that do become much more likely to return for more.

Spellfire Incarnate[edit]

Sometimes those imbued with Spellfire dabble in soulstuff, and learn to transition magic into spiritual energy and back again.

Spellfire Initiator[edit]

Rare but powerful, these individuals have spent their lives studying martial arts, and have learned to combine them with Spellfire into a seamless whole.

Spellfire Mastermaker[edit]

The skilled makers known as Artificers make magic items, and can consume other magic items in order to use their essence in their current project. Those gifted with Spellfire can instead absorb and use the magic from raw spells, as well as other interesting abilities.

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Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorZhenra-Khal +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionOther +
Class AbilityAlternate Magic +
Class Ability ProgressionOther +
Fortitude Save ProgressionGood +
Identifier3.5e Prestige Class +
Length10 +
Minimum Level5 +
RatingUnrated +
Reflex Save ProgressionOther +
SkillBalance +, Climb +, Concentration +, Craft +, Diplomacy +, Heal +, Iaijutsu Focus +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Martial Lore +, Profession +, Ride +, Spellcraft +, Spot +, Survival +, Swim +, Tumble +, Use Magic Device +, Appraise +, Bluff +, Decipher Script +, Disable Device +, Disguise +, Escape Artist +, Forgery +, Gather Information +, Hide +, Move Silently +, Open Lock +, Perform +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Sleight of Hand +, Use Rope +, Speak Language +, Truespeak +, Control Shape +, Handle Animal + and Autohypnosis +
Skill Points4 + and 6 +
SummaryAn update to the 3.0e Spellfire Channeler that doesn't inherently suck. +
TitleSpellfire Channeler +
Will Save ProgressionOther +