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Golem Overlord (3.5e Monster)

225 bytes removed, 20:37, 9 August 2011
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|summary=As the iron colossus stirred, all manner of objects surrounding it began to stir too; all with a single will.
|name=Golem Overlord
|al=LN |size=[[SRD:Gargantuan|Gargantuan]] |type=[[SRD:Construct Type|Construct]]
|init=+2 |listen=+14 |spot=+14 |sens=[[SRD:Arcane sightSight|Arcane sight]] (250 ft. instead), Darkvision 250 ft., low-light vision
|ac=41 |touch=27 |flat=39 |acmods=-4 Size, +2 Dex, +19 deflection, +6 natural, +8 armor
|san4=Consume Object ([[Ex]])
|sad4=As a full round action, the golem overlord can consume one of its animated objects that is smaller than itself within its reach to regain hitpoints. It regains 10 hitpoints for a small object, 20 for a medium object, 40 for a large object, or 80 for a huge object. The object counts against the aura of animation for the next 5 rounds, even though it is destroyed.
|san10=Solo Encounter ([[Ex]])
|sad10=The golem overlord is meant to be fought on its own by a party with CR 14 (it brings its own mooks to the battle). As such, it has increased HP, AC, Saves, etc. for a monster of its CR.

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