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Natural Heavyweight, Tome (3.5e Feat)

49 bytes added, 14:06, 13 February 2016
Undo revision 251946 by (talk)And likewise.
|bab0=You gain a +4 bonus on all [[SRD:Strength|strength]]-based checks. Your carrying capacity doubles.
|bab1=You gain a slam attack dealing damage based on your size (1d8 for Medium). Your carrying capacity is now tripled.
|bab6=You count as one size bigger for the purpose of everything beneficial to you(you do not gain ability score changes or reach). It stacks with similar effects. Your carrying capacity is now quadrupled.
|bab11=You gain the Rock Throwing ability of any standard Giant with a Strength score equal to or less than your own. Your carrying capacity is now multiplied by 5.
|bab16=You double your strength modifier for the purpose of dealing damage with melee weapons, your carrying capacity is now multiplied by 10.

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