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(Created page with "{{author |author_name=Eiji-kun |date_created=3-4-13 |status=Complete }} {{Tocright}} == Behemothian == [[Summary::Towering over all others, behemothian creatures are of mas...")
(Special Qualities)
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'''Energy Resistance {{Ex}}:''' Sheer size grants an amount of protection from the elements.  Behemothian creatures have energy resistance 10 to all energy damage (acid, cold, electric, fire, and sonic).
'''Energy Resistance {{Ex}}:''' Sheer size grants an amount of protection from the elements.  Behemothian creatures have energy resistance 10 to all energy damage (acid, cold, electric, fire, and sonic).
'''Giant Toughness {{Ex}}:''' For each size category the creature increased from this template, the behemothian creature gains an extra +30 bonus hp.
'''Giant Toughness {{Ex}}:''' For each size category the creature increased from this template, the behemothian creature gains an extra +30 bonus hp, and is considered to have +3 more HD for the purposes of spells and effects which are based on HD.
'''Massive Body {{Ex}}:''' The massive body of a behemothian creature makes it immune to death from massive damage and death effects.  It also gains a +4 bonus on saves against poison.
'''Massive Body {{Ex}}:''' The massive body of a behemothian creature makes it immune to death from massive damage and death effects.  It also gains a +4 bonus on saves against poison.

Revision as of 09:12, 4 March 2013

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 3-4-13
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Towering over all others, behemothian creatures are of massive size and scale. These giant creatures of legend supposedly walked the ancient earth in times long past.

In distant past giants ruled, and before them the titans towered over all. Among the titans, born with the same quasi-divine spark as the titans, were creatures of other lands. These beings grew to massive size and devastated the land around them, for their appetites and territories grew with their bulk. The gods had banished or slain such beings long ago, but every so often one is born and returns to dominate the world.

Creating a Behemothian Creature

This is an inherited template which can be added to any creature.

Size and Type

The creature retains the same type, but its size becomes Colossal+, or Titanic if using expanded size categories.

Table: Titanic Creature Size and Scale
Attack and
AC Modifier
Special Attacks
Height or
Weight3 Space4 Natural Reach4 Carrying Capacity Mulitplier
Tall Long Biped Quadruped
Titanic −16 +20 −20 128 ft.–256 ft. 1024 tons–8192 tons 60 ft. 60 ft. 30 ft. ×32 ×48
  1. This modifier applies to the bull rush, grapple, overrun, and trip special attacks.
  2. Biped's height, quadruped's body length (nose to base of tail)
  3. Assumes that the creature is roughly as dense as a regular animal. A creature made of stone will weigh considerably more. A gaseous creature will weigh much less.
  4. These values are typical for creatures of the indicated size. Some exceptions exist.


The creature's gains a +20 foot bonus on all movement speeds, up to a maximum of twice their movement speed. A flying creature's maneuverability drops by one for every two size categories it increases by.

Armor Class

The behemothian gains a natural armor bonus as shown on Table: Expanded Changes to Statistics by Size (see below).


If the creature had no natural weapons previously, it gains a slam attack which deals 6d6 plus strength modifier in damage.

Special Attacks

Shake Off (Ex): If a smaller being is climbing a behemothian creature, the behemothian can shake it off as a move action by vibrating its body violently. The behemothian creature makes a a check of the creature's BAB + Strength, opposed by the grappling creature's climb check. If successful, the behemothian creature throws off the climbing opponent, launching them 1d6x10 feet in a random direction and dealing appropriate falling damage.

Titanic Blow (Ex): Every hit from the behemothian creature is like getting hit with a ton of bricks. A behemothian creature which strikes in melee can choose to make a free bull rush attempt without provoking. If successful, the creature is knocked back without the behemothian creature needing to follow it, and falls prone in its spot.

Titanic Stomp (Ex): As a standard action the behemothian creature can strike at the ground and cause creatures to tumble down. All creatures within a 20 foot burst must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Strength modifier) or fall down prone and take 1d4 nonlethal damage per CR, save negates.

Trample (Ex): A behemothian creature gains the trample ability.

Special Qualities

Damage Reduction (Ex): All behemothian creatures have DR 10/magic or siege weapons due to sheer size and bulk. Traditional weapons simply do not deal enough damage.

Energy Resistance (Ex): Sheer size grants an amount of protection from the elements. Behemothian creatures have energy resistance 10 to all energy damage (acid, cold, electric, fire, and sonic).

Giant Toughness (Ex): For each size category the creature increased from this template, the behemothian creature gains an extra +30 bonus hp, and is considered to have +3 more HD for the purposes of spells and effects which are based on HD.

Massive Body (Ex): The massive body of a behemothian creature makes it immune to death from massive damage and death effects. It also gains a +4 bonus on saves against poison.

Its massive body is also a downside, as creatures three sizes or smaller (Large or smaller) can scale its body as if it were mobile terrain. Such creatures can make a grapple check against a DC of 20 to grab on. The smaller creature is considered grappling but the behemothian creature is not. The smaller creature enjoys soft cover while in this space but is also typically flatfooted. A behemothian creature can dislodge the climbing offending creature with its Shake Off ability, or by making a successful grapple and pin attempt against its climbing adversary.

Worldshaker (Ex): The sheer size of a behemothian creature causes the ground to quake as it passes. All those within 10 feet of a moving or burrowing behemothian creature must make DC 15 Balance checks, or fall prone. No matter how many times a behemothian creature passes a creature need only make the check once.

Flying behemothian creatures that fly with wings have a similar effect, but instead create a billowing windstorm around them which duplicates the effect of severe wind in 10 feet while it is flying by or hovering.

Swimming behemothian creatures also disrupt their environment. All those within 10 feet have the water churned into stormy water (a DC 20 Swim check) if not already worse.


Apply the changes to ability score associated with a creature changing size, as seen on Table: Expanded Changes to Statistics by Size (see below).

Table: Expanded Changes to Statistics by Size
Old Size1 New Size Str Dex Con Natural
Fine Diminutive Same –2 Same Same –4
Diminutive Tiny +2 –2 Same Same –2
Tiny Small +4 –2 Same Same –1
Small Medium +4 –2 +2 Same –1
Medium Large +8 –2 +4 +2 –1
Large Huge +8 –2 +4 +3 –1
Huge Gargantuan +8 Same +4 +4 –2
Gargantuan Colossal +8 Same +4 +5 –4
Colossal Titanic +16 Same +4 +6 –8
  1. Repeat the adjustment if the creature moves up more than one size.


Behemothian creatures gain Great Fortitude as a bonus feat.


Solitary, or with previous species as appropriate.

Challenge Rating

+2 CR plus +1 CR for each size increase.

Level Adjustment


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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5648 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Identifier3.5e Template +
Level AdjustmentN/A +
RatingUnrated +
SizeColossal +
SummaryTowering over all others, behemothian creatures are of massive size and scale. These giant creatures of legend supposedly walked the ancient earth in times long past. +
TitleBehemothian +