Difference between revisions of "Canon:5e Race List"

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(added monstrous adventurers from Volo's)
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* PHB [[Publication:Player's Handbook (5e)]]
* PHB [[Publication:Player's Handbook (5e)]]
* [[SRD5|SRD]] [[Publication:SRD-OGL v5.1]]
* [[SRD5|SRD]] [[Publication:SRD-OGL v5.1]]
* SWAG [[Publication:Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide]]
* SCAG [[Publication:Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide]]
* UA Eberron [[Publication:UA Eberron v1.1]]
* UA Eberron [[Publication:UA Eberron v1.1]]
* UA Waterborne [[Publication:UA Waterborne v3]]
* UA Waterborne [[Publication:UA Waterborne v3]]
* VGtM [[Publication:Volo's Guide to Monsters]]
* VGtM [[Publication:Volo's Guide to Monsters]]

Revision as of 20:32, 21 November 2016

Disambiguation.png Not the article you are looking for?
see 5e Races (disambiguation).

The following are the races listed in 5th ed. publications.

Class Subclass Source1
Aasimar VGtM, DMG
Fallen VGtM
Protector VGtM
Scourge VGtM
Aarakocra EE1
Bugbear VGtM
Changeling UA Ebberon
Dragonborn Black PHB, SRD
Brass PHB, SRD
Bronze PHB, SRD
Copper PHB, SRD
Green PHB, SRD
Silver PHB, SRD
White PHB, SRD
Dwarf Gray Dwarf (Duergar) SCAG
Hill Dwarf PHB, SRD
Mountain Dwarf PHB
Elf Dark Elf (Drow) PHB
Eladrin DMG
High Elf PHB, SRD
Wood Elf PHB
Firbolg VGtM
Genasi Air EE1
Earth EE1
Fire EE1
Water EE1
Gnome Deep Gnome (Svirfnblin) SCAG, EE1
Forest Gnome PHB
Rock Gnome PHB, SRD
Goblin VGtM
Goliath VGtM, EE1
Half-Elf PHB, SRD
Half-Orc PHB, SRD
Halfling Lightfoot Halfling PHB, SRD
Stout PHB
Hobgoblin VGtM
Human (Standard) PHB, SRD
Variant PHB
Kenku VGtM
Kobold VGtM
Lizardfolk VGtM
Minotaur (Krynn) UA Waterborne
Orc VGtM
Shifter Beasthide UA Eberron
Cliffwalk UA Eberron
Longstride UA Eberron
Longtooth UA Eberron
Razorclaw UA Eberron
Wildhunt UA Eberron
Tabaxi VGtM
Tiefling PHB, SRD
Triton VGtM
Warforged UA Eberron
Yuan-ti VGtM

1 Notes on Sources:

  • Sometimes there are conflicts between the published versions. In this case, the publication to the left overrides the publication to the right.
  • Linked races and subraces are in the 5th ed. SRD.


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