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Dragons are dichotomized between their breed (strong or weak), their alignment, and their specific color.  
Dragons are dichotomized between their breed (strong or weak), their alignment, and their specific color (which determines their elemental subtype).  
===Chromatic Dragons===
===Chromatic Dragons (Evil)===
* Black
* Black (Earth)
* Green
* Green (Earth)
* White
* White (Cold)
* Blue
* Blue (Air)
* Red
* Red (Fire)
===Metallic Dragons===
===Metallic Dragons (Good)===
* Brass
* Brass (Earth)
* Bronze
* Bronze (Air)
* Copper
* Copper (Fire)
* Silver
* Silver (Cold)
* Gold
* Gold (Fire)
==Dragon Advancement==
==Dragon Advancement==

Revision as of 12:59, 31 March 2018


Dragons are dichotomized between their breed (strong or weak), their alignment, and their specific color (which determines their elemental subtype).

Chromatic Dragons (Evil)


  • Black (Earth)
  • Green (Earth)
  • White (Cold)


  • Blue (Air)
  • Red (Fire)

Metallic Dragons (Good)


  • Brass (Earth)
  • Bronze (Air)
  • Copper (Fire)


  • Silver (Cold)
  • Gold (Fire)

Dragon Advancement

Only nine age categories now, only epic dragons should be only be Bahamut and Tiamat

Weak-Breed Dragons by Age

Age Size Hit Dice (hp) Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Base Attack/Grapple Attack Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Armor Class (Touch, Flat-Footed) CR
Wyrmling S 1d12+1 (8 hp) 10 20 13 14 +1/ +6 +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 1
Young M 3d12+6 (26 hp) 14 18 15 16 +3/ +6 +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 3
Juvenile M 5d12+15 (48 hp) 18 16 17 18 +5/ +6 +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 5
Young Adult L 7d12+28 (73 hp) 22 14 19 20 +7/ +6 +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 7
Adult L 9d12+45 (94 hp) 26 12 21 22 +9/ +6 +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 9
Old H 11d12+66 (128 hp) 30 10 23 24 +11/ +6 +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 11
Ancient H 13d12+91 (176 hp) 34 10 25 26 +13/ +6 +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 13
Wyrm G 15d12+120 (218 hp) 38 10 27 28 +15/ +6 +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 15
Great Wyrm G 17d12+153 (264 hp) 42 10 29 30 +17/ +6 +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 17

Strong-Breed Dragons by Age

Age Size Hit Dice (hp) Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Base Attack/Grapple Attack Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Armor Class (Touch, Flat-Footed) CR
Wyrmling M 2d12+8 (21 hp) 12 18 14 16 +2/ +3 +3 +3 +3 2d6 (14) 2
Young L 4d12+12 (38 hp) 16 16 16 18 +4/ +6 +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 4
Juvenile L 6d12+24 (63 hp) 20 14 18 20 +6/ +6 +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 6
Young Adult H 8d12+40 (92 hp) 24 12 20 22 +8/ +6 +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 8
Adult H 10d12+60 (125 hp) 28 10 22 24 +10/ +6 +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 10
Old G 12d12+84 (162 hp) 32 10 24 26 +12/ +6 +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 12
Ancient G 14d12+112 (203 hp) 36 10 26 28 +14/ +14 +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 14
Wyrm C 16d12+144 (248 hp) 40 10 28 30 +16/ +16 +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 16
Great Wyrm C 18d12+180 (297 hp) 44 10 30 32 +18/ + +5 +5 +5 2d6 (14) 18

Natural Attacks

Fascinating. It appears that in an antimagic field you cease to be a mighty wizard and become a pointy-eared monkey. While I, of course, am still a dragon.

Dragons don't need magic to be awesome. They are large and ferocious combatants boasting a plethora of natural weapons, which increase in both number and lethality as the dragon ages.

Bite: At CR 1, a dragon has only a bite attack at its disposal.

Claws: By CR 3, they have developed two claw attacks.

Wings: Once a dragon attains CR 7, it gains two wing attacks. Its wings are now also powerful enough to generate a gust of wind effect at will as a standard action (this effect is an extraordinary ability).

Tail Slap: At CR 11, a dragon acquires a tail slap attack. If it takes a standard action, the dragon may make a tail slap attack against every opponent within its normal melee reach.

Crush: A CR 15 dragon has the ability to drop on its foes and deal heavy damage, gaining the Crush attack option. As a move action useable only when in flight, the dragon may drop and deal bludgeoning damage to all within its space. In addition, any falling damage that would have normally been dealt to the dragon is instead dealt to those hit by its crush attack. The dragon does not need to make an attack roll when it uses the Crush option, but all affected creatures are entitled to a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ the dragon’s Challenge Rating + its Constitution modifier) for half damage.

Special Abilities

Equal and Opposite (Ex)

Each dragon has an elemental subtype and elemental damage associated with it:

  • Earth = Acid damage
  • Air = Electricity damage
  • Fire = Fire damage
  • Cold = Cold Damage

Each of these elements is the inverse to another; cold to fire, and air to earth. The dragon is immune to the elemental damage that corresponds its subtype, but takes double normal damage from its opposing element.

Mortal Form (Su)

Dragon can assume the form of a Medium-size mortal humanoid of its choice, gaining new Strength and Dexterity scores equal to 10 + 1 per each additional age category after Wyrmling. The dragon’s Constitution and mental ability scores remain the same, and while it loses abilities intrinsic to its physical body--natural weapons, breath weapon, etc.--it retains the ability to use spell-like abilities from its associate domain spells (see below).

Breath Weapon (Ex)

True dragons have a breath weapon, which manifests as an elemental attack that deals damage corresponds to the dragon’s age and type (see the list below for specific breath types). Regardless of what element the breath weapon is, it always deals an amount of damage per Challenge Rating of the dragon that increases with the dragon‘s age (see the table below).

Table: Breath Weapon Damage Dice by Age Category

Age Category Damage per CR
Wyrmling—Young 1d6
Juvenile—Young Adult 1d8
Adult—Mature 1d10
Old—Ancient 1d12
Wyrm—Great Wyrm 10

The dragon’s breath weapon damage can be utilized in two (later three) key ways:

  • Bite: The dragon adds its breath weapon damage to a successful bite attack.
  • Single Square: As a wyrmling, the dragon is not yet capable of producing an area-effect breath weapon, but may target a single 5x5 square within Close range (25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 Challenge Rating of the dragon). This range increases to Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft. per CR) at the Juvenile age category and Long range (400 ft. + 40 ft. per CR) at the Adult age category.
  • Area Effect: A Young or older dragon can create an area of effect breath weapon which can be shaped as a cone or a line at the dragon’s discretion, the exact dimensions being based on the dragon’s size (per the table on the SRD:Dragon page).

No matter how the dragon uses its breath weapon, it must wait one round after using its breath weapon before it may use the ability again. For either the single square or area effect options, a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ the dragon’s CR + it’s Con modifier) is allowed for half damage; any character that does not have evasion may gain the benefits of evasion against this effect by spending an immediate action. A character with evasion that uses an immediate action gains the benefits of improved evasion if they do not already have it.

Dragonfear (Ex)

Spell-Like Abilities

A dragon casts spells from three cleric domains as spell-like abilities. Every good-aligned dragon may cast spell-like abilities from the Good domain, while evil dragons receive them from the Evil domain. The other two domains they acquire spell-like abilities from are determined by the species of the particular dragon (see below).

A dragon is considered to have a caster level equal to its Challenge Rating; any saving throws required have a save DC equal to 10 + ½ the dragon’s CR + their Charisma modifier). A dragon gains new spell-like abilities at each CR where a wizard of equal level would gain new spells. In spite of gaining domain spells as spell-like abilities, the dragon does not gain the granted powers of the domains that they have access to.