no edit summary
===New Format===
<pre>{{Template Sandbox/5e Monster
|name= <!--Creature Name-->
|sorttext= <!--usually blank. text to sort by-->
|monsterref= <!--name refered to in text-->
|size= <!--Medium, Large, etc.-->
|type= <!--Dragon, Humanoid, Outsider, Swarm, etc.-->
|swarm= <!--if swarm, enter size of individual creature of the swarm-->
|subtype= <!--Elf, Goblinoid, etc.-->
|align= <!--Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil-->
|ac= <!--armor class-->
|acfluff= <!--reason if given-->
|hp= <!--number of hit points-->
|hd= <!--10d8, 4d12, etc.-->
|speed= <!--walking speed in feet, other speed (fly, swim) in feet-->
|saves= <!--bonus to save; {{5eStr}} +5-->
|skills= <!--{{SRD5|Stealth}} +3-->
|damagevulnerabilities= <!--usually blank. bludgeoning, slashing, piercing-->
|damageresistances= <!--bludgeoning, slashing, piercing-->
|damageimmunity= <!--damage type; fire, radiant-->
|conditionimmunity= <!--condition; charmed, petrified-->
|senses= <!--darkvision 60 feet, Tremorsense 30 feet-->
|perception= <!--Passive Perception; 15-->
|languages= <!--{{5eLang|Common}}, Goblin, None, etc.-->
|cr= <!--Challenge Rating-->
|xp= <!--blank unless less than CR 1/8 or greater than CR 30-->
|summary= <!-- 1-2 line unofficial, UNPLAGIRIZED, description -->
|feature1=<!--monster feature names up to 10-->
|action1=<!--actions up to 10-->
|reaction1=<!--reactions up to 5-->
|legend1=<!--legendary actions up to 5-->
|haslair=<!--blank, true is has lair-->
===Legacy Format===
<pre>{{Template Sandbox/5e Monster
|name= <!--Creature Name-->
===Add'l Optional Entries===
|npc=true <!-- if NPC , blank otherwise -->|canon=true <!-- if canon, blank otherwise -->|hpnote= <!--if hp is calculated, how-->|maturity= <!--some monsters, like dragons, have different maturity levels-->|movetype= <!--movement type; i.e. Walk, Fly, etc. for Beasts only-->|sizenaote= <!--if size is not standard-->|toc= <!--blank, true if table of contents is desired-->
==Exampless=Example====New Format===<pre>{{Template Sandbox/5e Monster|name=Foo|sorttext=|monsterref=Foo|size=Large|type=Dragon|swarm=|subtype=Titan, Epic|align=Lawful Good|ac=30|acfluff=invulnerable|hp=20000|hd=500d10+10000|speed=40 feet, [[SRD5:Flying|flying]] 100 feet|str=30|dex=30|con=30|int=30|wis=30|cha=30|saves=All +20|skills=[[Stealth]] +10, [[SRD5:Athletics|Athletics]] +9|damagevulnerabilities= <!--usually blank. bludgeoning, slashing, piercing-->|damageresistances=bludgeoning, slashing, piercing|damageimmunity=[[SRD5:Fire|fire]], [[SRD5:Thunder|thunder]]|conditionimmunity=[[SRD5:Charmed|charmed]], [[SRD5:Frightened|frightened]]|senses=[[SRD5:Darkvision|darkvision]], [[SRD5:Truesight|truesight]]|perception=+10|languages=all|cr=1|xp= <!--blank unless less than CR 1/8 or greater than CR 30-->|summary=The foo is a fake monster for descriptive purposes only <!-- 1-2 line unofficial, UNPLAGIRIZED, description --> |feature1=Fooishness<!--monster feature names up to 10-->|flimit1=|fdesc1=The creature acts fooishly.|feature2=Barsome<!--monster feature names up to 10-->|flimit2=|fdesc2=The creature is barish.|action1=Mulitattack<!--action names up to 10-->|alimit1=|adesc1=The foo may make two claws attacks, a claw and bite attack, or a claw and psychic wave attack.|action2=Psychic Wave<!--action names up to 10-->|alimit2={{SRD5|Recharge}} 5-6|adesc2=The foo can attack in a [[SRD5:Cone|cone]] 120 ft. long. Enemies in the zone must make a [[SRD5:Charisma|Charisma]] [[SRD5:Saving Throw|saving throw]] ([[SRD5:DC|DC 17]] taking 50 (10d10) [[SRD5:Psychic|psychic]] damage on a failure or taking [[SRD5:Half|half]] damage on a successful save.|action3=Claw<!--action names up to 10-->|alimit3=|adesc3=''{{SRD5|Melee Weapon Attack}}:'' +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. ''Hit' 5 (2d6+8) {{srd5lc|Slashing}} damage.|action4=Bite<!--action names up to 10-->|alimit4=|adesc4=''Melee Weapon Attack:'' +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. ''Hit'' 19 (2d10+8) [[SRD5:Piercing|piercing]] damage.|reaction1=Bar Bar Away<!--action names up to 5-->|rlimit1=|rdesc1=As a {{srd5lc|Reaction}} to taking damage, the foo may teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space|legend1=Tail<!--legendary action names up to 5-->|lgdlimit1=|lgddesc1=''Melee Weapon Attack:'' +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. ''Hit'' 17 (2d8+8) [[SRD5:Bludgeoning|bludgeoning]] damage.|legend2=Psychic Probe|lgdlimit2=|lgddesc2=All creatures within 300 ft. of the Foo must succeed in a [[SRD5:Stealth|stealth]] check (DC 17) or be seen by the Foo.|legend3=Psychic Drain|lgdlimit3=1/Day|lgddesc3=One creature within 120 ft. of it must make a DC 16 [[SRD5:Wisdom|wisdom]] save or gain one level of [[SRD5:Exhaustion|exhaustion]].|haslair=<!--blank, true is has lair-->}}</pre> ====Produces===={{Template Sandbox/5e Monster|name=Foo|sorttext=|monsterref=Foo|size=Large|type=Dragon|swarm=|subtype=Titan, Epic|align=Lawful Good|ac=30|acfluff=invulnerable|hp=20000|hd=500d10+10000|speed=40 feet, [[SRD5:Flying|flying]] 100 feet|str=30|dex=30|con=30|int=30|wis=30|cha=30|saves=All +20|skills=[[Stealth]] +10, [[SRD5:Athletics|Athletics]] +9|damagevulnerabilities= <!--usually blank. bludgeoning, slashing, piercing-->|damageresistances=bludgeoning, slashing, piercing|damageimmunity=[[SRD5:Fire|fire]], [[SRD5:Thunder|thunder]]|conditionimmunity=[[SRD5:Charmed|charmed]], [[SRD5:Frightened|frightened]]|senses=[[SRD5:Darkvision|darkvision]], [[SRD5:Truesight|truesight]]|perception=+10|languages=all|cr=1|xp= <!--blank unless less than CR 1/8 or greater than CR 30-->|summary=The foo is a fake monster for descriptive purposes only <!-- 1-2 line unofficial, UNPLAGIRIZED, description --> |feature1=Fooishness<!--monster feature names up to 10-->|flimit1=|fdesc1=The creature acts fooishly.|feature2=Barsome<!--monster feature names up to 10-->|flimit2=|fdesc2=The creature is barish.|action1=Mulitattack<!--action names up to 10-->|alimit1=|adesc1=The foo may make two claws attacks, a claw and bite attack, or a claw and psychic wave attack.|action2=Psychic Wave<!--action names up to 10-->|alimit2={{SRD5|Recharge}} 5-6|adesc2=The foo can attack in a [[SRD5:Cone|cone]] 120 ft. long. Enemies in the zone must make a [[SRD5:Charisma|Charisma]] [[SRD5:Saving Throw|saving throw]] ([[SRD5:DC|DC 17]] taking 50 (10d10) [[SRD5:Psychic|psychic]] damage on a failure or taking [[SRD5:Half|half]] damage on a successful save.|action3=Claw<!--action names up to 10-->|alimit3=|adesc3=''{{SRD5|Melee Weapon Attack}}:'' +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. ''Hit' 5 (2d6+8) {{srd5lc|Slashing}} damage.|action4=Bite<!--action names up to 10-->|alimit4=|adesc4=''Melee Weapon Attack:'' +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. ''Hit'' 19 (2d10+8) [[SRD5:Piercing|piercing]] damage.|reaction1=Bar Bar Away<!--action names up to 5-->|rlimit1=|rdesc1=As a {{srd5lc|Reaction}} to taking damage, the foo may teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space|legend1=Tail<!--legendary action names up to 5-->|lgdlimit1=|lgddesc1=''Melee Weapon Attack:'' +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. ''Hit'' 17 (2d8+8) [[SRD5:Bludgeoning|bludgeoning]] damage.|legend2=Psychic Probe|lgdlimit2=|lgddesc2=All creatures within 300 ft. of the Foo must succeed in a [[SRD5:Stealth|stealth]] check (DC 17) or be seen by the Foo.|legend3=Psychic Drain|lgdlimit3=1/Day|lgddesc3=One creature within 120 ft. of it must make a DC 16 [[SRD5:Wisdom|wisdom]] save or gain one level of [[SRD5:Exhaustion|exhaustion]].|haslair=<!--blank, true is has lair-->|nodb=true}} ===Legacy===
<pre>{{Template Sandbox/5e Monster