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Thought-Destroying Contradiction (3.5e Maneuver)

1 byte added, 22:36, 18 April 2011
|save=Will negates
|summary=Negate an ability being used.
|fluff=Arguing To argue with the master logicians of the Infinite Lotus is to doom yourself to failure very quickly. However, these are but mere practice runs for true mastery - which requires arguing against the universe itself, proving to it that something being done is not correct, and needs to be removed for its own safety. Although this terrifying power is immense, it can only be used in limited ways at first, for fear that the universe might win the argument - and remove the Infinite Lotus practitioner instead. One of the simplest applications of this idea is to cause the power of others to fail, by creatively convincing the universe that this power doesn't belong there.
|text=You can use this counter whenever any ability requiring an action begins within range. Note that abilities that begin outside this range, but affect an area or target within that range cannot be affected by this. The creature or object using this ability must make a Will save - if this is failed, the ability is wasted and does nothing, but any limited resources it required are still expended (including its action cost).

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