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Eraser Dragon (3.5e Monster)

No change in size, 16:08, 8 September 2015
''There were no less than 6 errors in that sentence you just said boy, the most important one being that you called me a [[SRD:White Dragon|white dragon]]...''
Eraser Dragons ('''dracos palimpsest'''), also known as whiteout dragons, nega-dragons, or dispel dragons, are a breed of dragon commonly confused with white dragons, much to their chagrin. Unlike the relatively dull-witted white dragons, eraser dragons are disturbingly intelligent and painfully alert. They have a bad reputation of being snobby, as eraser dragons seem to possess racial OCD over perfection in certain fields, often correcting others the moment they detect a spelling error, a grammatical mishap, or going out of their way to "correct" the arrangement of objects and works of art. Their lairs need not be pristine, though they often are, but an eraser dragon certainly knows whenever things have been moved, for they have arranged their lairs just so to their liking. Outwardly, they resemble white dragons, with strange eyes whose whites of their eyes and black pupils are polarity reversed. Wyrmlings appear to nearly be made out of a matte white liquid, so fine are their scales and so gentle their movements. As the eraser dragon ages, its color does not fade, but its skin cracks and seems to become brittle, with fresh white liquid flowing underneeth, and their eyes transform from highly contrasted inverted colors to an even monochrome gray sphere. Their bodies are sleek and serpentine, with wings tipped with sharp bone points, and a "bushy" tail tip composed of dozens of flexible spines. It has two foward curving horns that dip over its head and nostrils, and a sharp jutting jaw flat and shovel-like. They give off a faintly unpleasant oder odor of paint. Their similar wyrmling scale appearance and the fact that it produces a stark white ichor gives some credibility to the idea that eraser dragons and [[Pendragon (3.5e Monster)|pendragons]] are related, yet the two species have an unexplained rivalry, perhaps stemming from the pendragon's desire to write against the eraser's dragon's preference for unblemished, prestine surfaces devoid of text.
Eraser dragons are loners, a result of their OCD making them socially abrasive, combined with a need for perfection. They are also introspective and likely to follow monk or paladin-like paths of thought and enlightenment. Solitude is a blessing, silence is golden, and the utter white blank expanse of an empty snowfield is beauty. They prefer wastes, and can hide best in the cold tundras, yet this is also the home of white dragons, furthering the confusion between them. Then again, there is an advantage to being presumed dull-witted when you are in combat.
;Negation ([[Su]]): A young eraser dragon can negate the full effect of spells upon it with effort. They gain the benefits of evasion and mettle, allowing them to take no damage on a successful [[Reflex]] save and suffer no effect on a successful [[Fort]] or [[Will]] partial save. This is a result of directly negating the circumstances of the effect, rather than through actual evasion, and so may be used even if in heavy armor, encumbered, or otherwise impeded, but not if the dragon is unconcious or helpless.
;Whiteout Aura ([[Su]]): An eraser dragon can blot out the senses, "whiting out" reality as it does. Any creature within 10 ft. per age category of the eraser dragon (minimum 40ft 40 ft aura when gained as a juvenile) must make a [[Will]] save or become unable to perceive their surroundings, transforming everything into a white void. They are effectively [[SRD:Blinded|blind]] until the dragon attacks them or performs an action which would break the conditions of ''[[SRD:Invisibility|invisibility]]''. The effect lasts for 1 minute per age category, and a successful save renders you immune to the effect for 24 hours. The saving throw is [[Charisma]] based.
;Spell-Like Abilities ([[Sp]]): At will— ''[[SRD:Erase|erase]]'' (very young and older), 2/day— ''[[SRD:Enervation|enervation]]'' (adult and older), ''ruby ray of reversal''<sup>SpC</sup> (old and older); 1/day— ''[[SRD:Antimagic Field|antimagic field]]'' (ancient and older), ''[[SRD:Mage's Disjunction|mage's disjunction]]'' (great wyrm)

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