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Countermand (3.5e Power)

2,903 bytes added, 05:20, 18 June 2018
Created page with "{{author |author_name=Eiji-kun |date_created=6-17-18 |status=Complete |balance=Very High }} <onlyinclude>{{3.5e Power |name=Countermand |disc=Psychokinesis |desc= |lvl=Psion/..."
|balance=Very High

<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Power
|lvl=Psion/Wilder 7
|time=1 standard action
|range=Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
|subj=See text
|summary=You can disable or destroy a multitude of devices, traps, or locks.

You can target any of the following of objects or effects with this power as a ranged touch attack, undoing its effects or reverting it to a different state. Unless specifically stated otherwise, this spell affects magical and mundane hazards of the indicated type equally.

''Countermanifest:'' If cast as a readied action this power can be used to counterspell any spell or power of equal or lower level without fail.

''Difficult Terrain:'' Webs, slime, grease, and other substances that would hamper movement are destroyed in a 20-foot radius spread.

''Ectoplasm and Force:''A 5-foot-diameter hole is created in a ''[[SRD:Wall of Force|wall of force]]'', ''[[SRD:Forcecage|forcecage]]'', or similar spell, power, or effect including objects but not creatures made of ectoplasm. This function of the power does not destroy the targeted effect, but creatures trapped by it might be able to wriggle free.

''Locks, Restraints, and Doors:'' The power unties knots and causes chains, manacles, and similar restraining devices to fall away. Entangle and similar magical effects are dispelled. Doors (or chests, drawers, cabinets, and so on) that are locked, barred, or under the effect of an ''[[SRD:Arcane Lock|arcane lock]]'' spell are opened.

''Magic Jar and Possessions:'' A ''[[SRD:Magic Jar|magic jar]]'' spell, possession, or similar effect is dispelled or ended if the power targets the crystal holding the soul or the possessed creature.

''Polymorph:'' A creature that has been polymorphed, turned to stone, or otherwise transformed from its natural state is returned to its natural form.

''Traps:'' Any trap targeted by the power is sprung. This version of the power can have adverse effects on creatures standing within a trap's area. You must be aware of a trap to manifest this power on it. Alternatively you can choose to simply disable the trap for up to 5 rounds.

'''Augment:''' If you spend 4 additional power points, if you disable a magical trap, lock, or other effect set by a caster or manifester you can instead take control of it and set any perimeters such as which creatures it triggers against. The original caster or manifester can reassert control as a standard action from unlimited range, though only when they become aware that it has been tampered with. Tampering is revealed through any form of detection or divination.

{{3.5e Psion/Wilder Powers Breadcrumb}}<br/>

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