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Irrational Antipathy (3.5e Flaw)

10 bytes removed, 20:24, 2 October 2023
You do not get along with a group of benevolent creatures.
You will not share resources nor information with them.<br>
You will not accept quests nor gifts from them.<br>
When you first interact with a member of this group, you may only roll Intimidate intimidate for your first action.<br>
You may not flirt with, compliment, or otherwise show social politeness, courtesy, deference, nor respect to a member of this group, regardless of any known or suspected consequences.<br>
You will not stand within 5 ft of a member of this type, nor share any furniture, vehicle nor structure with them; You will either leave or attempt to force them to leave.<br>
In combat situations you must target a member of this group if one is among your enemies, even if it isn't advantageous.<br>
If a member of this group is fighting on behalf of your allies, you are distracted during that battle, suffering a -4 penalty to all rolls.<br>
You have disadvantage on any Animal Handling animal handling rolls made with magical beasts or other non-intelligent creatures in your chosen group.<br>You have disadvantage on Diplomacy, Insight, diplomacy and Sense Motive sense motive checks when interacting with intelligent members of your chosen group.<br>
Your actions toward the members of this group will have negative social impact and consequences. Other non-evil creatures will have their dispositions toward you lowered one step for each instance that they witness you doing any of the above.
|special=The creature type chosen does not count as a favoured enemy, such as with the Ranger class ability.<br>
The hated creature type must be chosen from this list, unless a GM DM gives approval for an alternative:

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