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Pheromone Control (3.5e Feat)

254 bytes added, 20:32, 2 October 2023
You gain the ability to regulate your own pheromones and manipulate others almost undetected.
|fluff=You gain the ability to regulate your own pheromones. These pheromones are imperceptible to most creatures lacking the specialised organs to precisely sense chemical scents, such as vermin, although most humanoid creatures are susceptible to them on a subconscious level.
|benefit=As a standard action, you may choose to release a dose of your pheromones. You choose the type of pheromone to release before you do so. Releasing pheromones does not require a roll.<br>
'''Potent oxytocin and phenethylamine:''' Creatures that would normally be attracted to you become aroused. You gain a +2 bonus when attempting to seduce and flirt toward with these targets.<br> '''Oxytocin and vasopressin:''' Neutral targets see you as similar to them, even if you look or act nothing like them, and treat you like a peer. Helpful or Friendly friendly targets treat you like familymore favourably. You gain a +2 bonus when attempting to Diplomacy use diplomacy toward these targets and they also have gain a -2 penalty when attempting to Sense Motive sense motive toward you.<br> '''Potent cortisol and adrenaline:''' You gain a +2 bonus when attempting to intimidate these targets. Targets are that fail their will save against your intimidations become wary of you and [ At Bay]. +2 attempt to Intimidate these targetsstay at least 15 feet away from you, if possible.<br> '''Dopamine and serotonin:''' Targets find you very more intelligent, wise, agreeable, and trustworthythan they otherwise would have. You gain a +2 bonus when attempting to Bluff use bluff toward these targets and they also have gain a -2 penalty to resist being distracted by you.<br> '''Potent endorphins and anandamide:''' Targets feel an ecstacy ecstasy response to pain stimuli.<br> '''Corticotropin, glucocorticoid and dynorphin:''' The targets become uneasy and anxious, suffering from distraction. These targets take gain a -2 penalty when attempting to save against disorientation, confusion, paranoia, shock, and being startled. Furthermore, they suffer a -1 penalty on their Charisma charisma based rolls.<br> Your pheromones affect targets that are within 30 feet of you and the effects last for 1 hourminute.<br> You can use your pheromones a number of times per day equal to your Charisma charisma score modifier.<br>
A target cannot be under the effects of more than one type of pheromone. Changing your pheromone overrides any prior effects caused by pheromones.

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