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Dragon, Green

In certain rare instances, green dragons have been know to take control of (rather than simply devour) small enclaves of forest-dwelling humanoids. Some of those humanoids later give birth to half-dragon offspring, creating bloodlines that last centuries. Descendants of a green dragon are often voracious and belligerent, picking fights with little or no provocation.

Bloodline Traits
Minor Intermediate
2nd +2 on Move Silently checks
4th +2 on Move Silently checks Alertness
6th Strength +1
8th Alertness Resistance to acid 5 (Ex)
10th Green dragon affinity +21
12th Strength +1 +1 to natural armor
14th +2 on Bluff checks
16th Resistance to acid 5 (Ex) Resistance to acid 10 (Ex)
18th Constitution +1
20th Green dragon affinity +21 Water breathing (Ex)2
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with green dragons.
  2. You can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use special abilities while submerged.

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