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(Created page with "== I summon oil! == Good old anymug. One question, well, two. No caster level (if Goblins never specified set it the lowest of whatever seems fitting) and why is it faint.....")
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Revision as of 23:21, 2 February 2014

I summon oil!

Good old anymug. One question, well, two. No caster level (if Goblins never specified set it the lowest of whatever seems fitting) and why is it faint... divination? Seems conjuration if anything.

Out of curiosity, is the uncraftable thing something Goblins actually specified? Seemed like it is something that could be crafted, especially since it was made at least once before. Did the dwarves forget how? -- Eiji-kun (talk) 23:21, 2 February 2014 (UTC)