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Jiu Jitsu (3.5e Feat)

191 bytes added, 00:00, 25 May 2019
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|summary=You use the strength of opponents against them.
|prereqs=Character Level 5
|benefit=As an immediate action, whenever an opponent attacks you, you may turn their damage back onto them. In effect, any damage that they were about to deal you backfires and hits them instead. A successful Reflex save (DC10+1/2character level+Dex modifier) by the opponent negates this effect, and you receive damage as normal. This has a 1d4+2 round cooldown. This has a range of 30' (, thus can be used on thrown and other range attacks, including spells; (see below). This has a 1d4+2 round cooldownHowever, the source of the attack must be withing 30 feet (i.e., if an archer attacked outside of that range this feat would have no effect, and you would receive damage as normal).|special=This can be applied to damage from energy and spells. However, when used this way it is a Will save (DC10+1/2character level+Wis modifier) to resist. This cannot be used to reverse negative levels, ability damage, or death effects.}}
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