Greater Character Sizes (3.5e Other)

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Author: Franken Kesey (talk)
Date Created: 03/31/2011
Status: Fin
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A chart for creatures larger than colossal

Table: Greater Creature Size and Scale
Attack &
AC Modifier
Special Attacks
Height or
Weight In Tons3 Space4 Natural Reach4 Carrying Capacity Mulitplier
Feet Miles Tall Long Biped Quadruped
Colossal −8 +16 −16 64–128 0.01–0.02 125–1000 30' 30' 20' ×16 ×24
Deka-C1 −16 +22 −22 128–256 0.02–0.05 1000–8000 40' 40' 20' ×32 ×48
Hecto-C2 −32 +28 −28 256–512 0.05–0.10 8000–64,000 50' 50' 25' ×64 ×96
Kilo-C3 −64 +34 −34 512–1024 0.10–0.19 64,000–512,000 65' 65' 35' ×128 ×192
Mega-C4 −128 +40 −40 1024–2048 0.19–0.39 512,000–4,096,000 80' 80' 40' ×256 ×384
Giga-C5 −256 +46 −46 2048–4096 0.39–0.78 4,096,000–32,768,000 95' 95' 45' ×512 ×768
Tera-C6 −512 +52 −52 4096–8192 0.78–1.55 32,768,000–262,144,000 115' 115' 60' ×1024 ×1536
Peta-C7 −1024 +58 −58 8192–16384 1.55–3.10 16 262,144,000–2,097,152,000 135' 135' 70' ×2048 ×3072
Exa-C8 −2048 +64 −64 16384–32786 3.10–6.21 2,097,152,000–16,777,216,000 155' 155' 80' ×4096 ×6144
Zetta-C9 −4096 +70 −70 32786–65536 6.21–12.41 16,777,216,000–134,217,728,000 180' 180' 90' ×8192 ×12288
Yotta-C10 −8192 +76 −76 65636–131072 12.41–24.82 134,217,728,000 or more 210' 210' 105' ×16384 ×24576
  1. This modifier applies to the bull rush, grapple, overrun, and trip special attacks.
  2. Biped's height, quadruped's body length (nose to base of tail)
  3. Assumes that the creature is roughly as dense as a regular animal. A creature made of stone will weigh considerably more. A gaseous creature will weigh much less.
  4. These values are typical for creatures of the indicated size. Some exceptions exist.

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AuthorFranken Kesey +
Identifier3.5e Other +
RatingUnrated +
TitleGreater Character Sizes +