Eddanic Paladin (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 20th March 2015
Status: Finished
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Eddanic Paladin

Class: Paladin

Level: 1st-20th

Replaces: Aura of Good, Code of Conduct, Turn Undead, Special Mount

Benefit: An eddanic paladin receive the follow class features:

Code of Honor: A Eddanic Paladin can be any good alignment and his code is relaxed, he simply must maintain her good alignment not to fall. A paladin may still fall if he fall out of grace of her patron deity or whatever source granted her her's powers, although he may just need to find another power source to regain her abilities. He does gain a code of honor however:

  • Must strive to die in battle and not a coward but...
  • Must make sure he does not his comrade killed.
  • Must never gain the +2 attack benefit from flanking, though you may choose to flank and may still benefit from sneak attack.
  • Must never employ poisons, you will win by strength and skill and direct threat.
  • Must not kill a helpless creature that you did not previously defeated in combat.
  • If issued a challenge( such as from the knight class), you must accept.
  • Must not mistreat his captives.

If he violate his code of honor he lose one of his smite evil attempt for the day, if he does not have any smite evil attempt remain he take a cumulative -1 penalty to attack roll and AC for 24 hours.

Poetic Edda (Ex): An eddanic paladin gain bardic lore as a bard of his class level.

Smite Giant: A eddanic paladin can apply his smite evil on creatures of the giant type of any alignment as well as evil creatures. If a giant she smite is within the range of alignment the paladin can smite he deal twice the normal amount of bonus smite damage.

Raven Companion: At 3rd level a eddanic paladin gain a Raven familiar using your class level as effective Wizard level. If slain your raven companion return to you automatically after 3 days with no additional penalties.

Dedication to War: An 4th level eddanic paladin count his paladin level as effective fighter level -3. He also add the spells from the war domain to his spell list and may spontaneously cast them like a cleric can spontaneously cast cure/inflict spells.

Raven's Sight (Ps): At 6th level a eddanic paladin is capable of using sense link as a standard action, but only between her and her raven familiar.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4498 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassPaladin +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
Rated ByEiji-kun +, Wildmage +, Spanambula + and Ghostwheel +
RatingRated 3.8 / 4 +
TitleEddanic Paladin +