Artificer (5e)

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 5th edition (2014) Pointer  + 

Artificer is a class in 5th edition, described in Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron.

Hit Die: 1d8
Saves: Constitution, Intelligence

Magical Tinkering
Infuse Item
Artificer Specialist
The Right Tool for the Job
Ability Score Improvement
Tool Expertise
Flash of Genius
Magic Item Adept
Spell-Storing Item
Magic Item Savant
Magic Item Master
Soul of Artifice

Unofficial Description: This magic user produces magic through arcane devices and substances

Artificer Specialists

(8 official and unofficial Artificer Specialists.)

Artificer SpecialistFeaturesSummarySource
AlchemistAlchemist Spells, Tool Proficiency, Experimental Elixir, Restorative Reagents, Chemical Mastery, Alchemical SavantArtificer that specializes in the use of chemicals and materials.Eberron Rising from the Last War
ArchivistTools of the Trade, Archivist Spells, Artificial Mind, Mind Network, Pure Information!Deprecated! Artificer that specializes in the storing information.UA Artificer2 2019
ArmorerTools of the Trade, Armorer Spells, Armor Model, Extra Attack, Armor Modifications, Perfected Armor, Arcane ArmorThese artificers specialize in armor and protection.Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
ArtilleristArtillerist Spells, Fortified Position, Tool Proficiency, Eldritch Cannon, Arcane Firearm, Explosive CannonArtificer that specializes in explosives, defenses, and sidearms.Eberron Rising from the Last War
Battle SmithBattle Smith Spells, Battle Ready, Arcane Jolt, Improved Defender, Tool Proficiency, Steel Defender, Extra AttackArtificer that specializes in protection and healing.Eberron Rising from the Last War
BombardierTool Proficiency, Bombardier Spells, Grenadier, Explosive Savant, Lesser Modification, Evasion, Improved Modification, Demolition, Greater ModificationYour alchemy goes towards the production of magical explosives.Eiji-kun
JetpackerArtificers who dream of being able to soar in the sky dedicate themselves to the study and practice of the jetpacker specialty.the bluez in the dungeon
TormentorSome artificers are used to inflict terrible torments, as they have learned the art of torturing and wounding without killing, becoming known torturers and interrogators.the bluez in the dungeon

Artificer Spell List

see Artificer Spell List

Artificer Infused Items List

see Artificer Infused Items List

Sources and Notes

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Facts about "Artificer (5e)"
AuthorWayfinder's Guide to Eberron +
Canontrue +
ClassArtificer + and true +
FeaturesMagical Tinkering +, Spellcasting +, Infuse Item +, Artificer Specialist +, The Right Tool for the Job +, Ability Score Improvement +, Tool Expertise +, Flash of Genius +, Magic Item Adept +, Spell-Storing Item +, Magic Item Savant +, Magic Item Master + and Soul of Artifice +
Hit Die1d8 +
PublicationWayfinder's Guide to Eberron +
SaveConstitution, Intelligence +
SummaryThis magic user produces magic through arcane devices and substances +