Monster Hunter Ronin (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: May 24, 2024
Status: Complete
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Monster Hunter Ronin

A monster hunter ronin is a warrior who abandoned all pretense of serving an order for the singular purpose of monster hunting. Instead of honorable duels, they learn to focus on the target of their hunt, exploiting their weakness through their singular focus.

Class: Samurai

Level: 1st-15th

Replaces: Challenge, Order

Benefit: A monster hunter ronin

Monster Hunt (Ex): A monster hunter ronin does not gain the normal damage bonus granted by her challenge, instead gaining the favored enemy class feature of a ranger of her class level against the target of her challenge. The type covered by her favored enemy are Animal, Dragon, Humanoid (Giant) and Magical Beast. If she challenges a creature outside of those types, then the favored enemy bonus is halved for that target.

At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the monster hunter ronin adds another type from the ranger's favored enemy list to the type of creature she can challenge with monster hunt.

This ability alters challenge.

Mount (Ex): When selecting a mount, a monster hunter ronin may choose from the list of the Beast Rider.

This ability alters mount, but does not prevent the monster hunter ronin from trading her mount for another class feature as part of another archetype.

Wilderness Hunter (Ex): A monster hunter ronin add the Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Nature), and Survival skills to her list of class skills. The monster hunter ronin add half her level to any Knowledge checks made to identify a creature and to Survival to track a creature. Additionally the monster hunter ronin gain Harvest Part as a bonus feat.

This ability replaces the order.

Monster-Slaying Weaponry (Ex): A 2nd level monster hunter ronin gains the ability to use weaponry made for a creature one size larger than herself without penalty.

This ability replaces the order ability gained at 2nd level.

Superior Awareness (Ex): At 8th level the monster hunter ronin's constant battles with monsters increased her awareness tenfold. She adds half of her class level as an insight bonus to her initiative and gains the Uncanny Dodge class feature of a barbarian.

This ability replaces the order ability gained at 8th level.

Master Hunter (Ex): A 15th level monster hunter ronin has hunted thousands of beasts, and her skills at defeating them are legendary. She forevermore gains the favored enemy class feature with half the normal bonus granted to a ranger of her class level, applying to all creatures covered by her monster hunt class feature. This bonus overlaps with the higher bonus granted by her challenge.

This ability replaces the order ability gained at 15th level.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4508 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassSamurai +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA monster hunter ronin is a warrior who ab
A monster hunter ronin is a warrior who abandoned all pretense of serving an order for the singular purpose of monster hunting. Instead of honorable duels, they learn to focus on the target of their hunt, exploiting their weakness through their singular focus.
eir weakness through their singular focus. +
TitleMonster Hunter Ronin +