Talk:Vengeance (3.5e Cleric Domain)

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Revision as of 01:15, 10 February 2011 by ThunderGod Cid (talk | contribs)
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First, the ability as stated is usable every time you are TARGETED by an attack or ability. That means that every tims eomeone attacks you, wether they miss or not, deal damage or not, you can automatically deal an unnamed damage that is not subject to save or spellresistance to that person. Since their is no limit to the number of times/day this is usable it means that everytime someone targets you and it meets the requirements you automatically deal 1d6/3 levels in damage.

I think you should limit this ability to once a day, ant I think it should actually be when a target successfully deals damage to you. And 1d6/3 levels is a tad to powerful. Maybe 1d6/4 levels, since it automatically hits. Also, the damage should be based on your cleric levels. It would also be fitting if the damage was defined as Divine/Profane damage, in my opinion.

Looking at the retribution domain: "The Retribution domain is a deity domain that grants divine spellcasters retribution spell powers. A spellcaster that has been previously harmed by someone may make a strike of vengeance against said individual once per day. This blow inflicts maximum damage."


Greater dispel magic is not, and should never be, listed as a 1st level spell. You could put it as level 5 (It is normally a level 6 spell) but I would NEVER allow it to be a level 1 spell in my game. Not as a DM or as a player.

This is a foolhardy claim. Limitations of domain powers to once a day abilities was a horrible idea from the start. Anyone who has played a cleric probably ignores half of them entirely because they suck ass, especially compared to the rest of the cleric's repertoire. So citing th ALSO, it's only 6d6 damage tops (because no one should ever play over level 20 since epic rules irreparably blow chunks). So whoop-de-doo for 20 damage. For the record, the Retribution domain ability has to compete with the abilities of the Magic, Travel, and War domains, which are actually what a domain power should look like. So way to cite a pretty terrible domain power, dude. It just makes this sound even more appealing (I'll admit, I'm biased).
Secondly, Greater dispel magic is the only version of dispelling that is actually good (regular dispel magic works in no way whatsoever because of the capped bonus). Because it scales with caster level and doesn't have a retarded maximum (or at least one that anyone can foreseeably acheive), it is perfectly acceptable to have GDM at level 1. - TG Cid 01:15, 10 February 2011 (UTC)