Natural Psychic (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 26th January 2016
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Natural Psychic

A natural psychic is very similar to a sorcerer, her psionic powers are a result of her bloodline or perhaps experiment done to her ancestors. In any case a bit of taint from psionic creature remains in her blood, although it grant her new strange abilities.

Class: Psion

Level: 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th

Replaces: Skills, Intelligence-based Powers, 5th level Bonus Feats

Benefit: A natural psychic base her Powers (DC, power points and whatnot) on her Charisma instead of her Intelligence. Additionally you gain the following class features:

Skills: The psion's skill list and skill points changes to the following;

(4 + Int modifier) Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Psicraft (Int) and Spot (Wis).

The list is still modified by the Psion discipline as normal.

Power Known: Your power known (but not power point or maximum power level known) change to be identical to the Psychic Warrior.

Psionic Bloodline: A natural psychic choose a bloodline at 1st level and she select a single power form it list, at 3rd, 5th, 8th, 15th and 20th level you select another power from the list, once a power is selected it cannot be changed.

Efficient Metapsionic: An natural psychic is better at using metapsionic than most, at 2nd, 6th and 12th level she gain a single [metapisonic] feat as a bonus feat. At 20th level she does not expend her psionic focus when using [metapisonic] feats.



Somewhere in your bloodline lurk the dark power of the aboleth, one of your ancestor was probably a product of one their horrible experiments.

Eternal Memory (Ex): The natural psychic gain a perfect memory, she always remember anything she witnessed with perfect accuracy as if she memorized it with Autohypnosis.

Enthrall: You add psionic dominate to your list of power known for free, additionally you reuce the amount of power point any augment taht change the duration of the power by 1.

Gills of the Aboleth (Ex): You gain the Aquatic Subtype with the Amphibious (Ex) extraordinary ability.

Illusory Image (Su): You gain the ability to use silent image as a supernatural ability by expending your psionic focus. At 8th level you may instead replicate the effect of major image instead.

Mind Reader: You add mind probe to your list of power known for free, additionally whenever you successfully use it you may use a telepathy power you know that take a standard action or faster to manifest as an immediate action. You must be 5th level or higher to take this bloodline power.

Hypnotize: You can use enthrall and hypnotic pattern as supernatural abilities at will. You must be 5th level or higher to take this bloodline power.

Total Recall: You gain the Total Recall feat as a bonus feat.

Probing the Unknown (Su): The natural psychic is capable of dwelling on her aboleth heritage, unlocking the secrets of her forefathers. She gain the ability to replicate the commune at the cost of 7 power points. You must be 8th level or higher to take this bloodline power.



As human evolved from monkeys, men are meant to evolve into something else, perhaps you are the the next evolutionary step of your kind.

Adaptive Power (Ps): Whenever your power fail either by the target succeeding it saving throw or failing to defeat power resistance, if you use the same power again on the same target within 1 round you gain a +2 bonus on it DC and a +10 bonus on manifester level checks to overcome power resistance.

Deforming Mutation (Ex): You gain a deforming mutation which grant you n 3 additional power points and the Willing Deformity feat as a bonus feat. You do not need to be evil in order to take deformity feats. You may not take Deforming Mutation if you possess X-Mutation.

Evolved Talent (Ex) and (Ps): Choose a single power you know, you gain a +2 bonus to manifester level when manifesting this power and may use it a psi-like ability twice per day. Whenever you gain a class level you may change which power is affected by Evolved Talent.

Giant Brain (Ex): Your brain become much more psionically potent, enlarging your head. You permanently fall under the effect of a mild form of big head mode but you gain a +1 bonus on your manifester level on telepathy power. You must be 8th level or higher to take this bloodline power.

Mind Shield (Su): You add your Charisma modifier to your Will saving throw, this does not stack with similar abilities such as a Paladin's divine grace. You must be 5th level or higher to take this bloodline power.

Telekinetic (Su): You can use far hand as a psi-like ability at will and may perform any one-handed task they could with their actual hand, including wielding a weapon, out to a 30 foot range (though you still threaten with your normal reach).

Telepathy (Su): You gain telepathy out of 100 ft, if you already possess telepathy increase it range by 50 ft. You must be at least level 5 before taking this bloodline power.

X-Mutation (Ex): You gain a highly formidable mutation that does not disfigure your anything so you'l stay hot, you gain 3 additional power points plus one additional power points per HDs you possess.



The Mind Flayer are terrible creatures from the future, whether or not your descent from them... or into them is unknown. But you possess a fragment of their terrible power.

Brain Death: You add mind thrust to your list of power known for free, when you manifest mind thrust you may have it force a Fortitude save instead of a Will save. If you do it lose the [mind-affecting] tag.

Cerebral Scent: You gain scent but only for creature with an Intelligence score, you detect creature 3 or less Intelligence at half the normal range and create with 18 or more Intelligence at twice the normal range.

Dimensional Jaunter: You can use psionic dimension door as a psi-like ability at will. You must be 12th level or higher to take this bloodline power.

Illithid Metamorphosis: You select Illithid HeritageLM feat you meet the prerequisites for as a bonus feat. You may select this bloodline multiple time, each time selecting a new feat.

Mind Blast: You add psionic blast to your list of power known, when you manifest psionic blast the save become fortitude partial, staggering any creature who successfully save for 1 round.

Telepathy: You gain telepathy out of 100 ft, if you already possess telepathy increase it range by 50 ft. You must be at least level 5 before taking this bloodline power.



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Leziad's Homebrew (4507 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
ClassPsion +
Identifier3.5e Alternate Class Feature +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryA natural psychic is very similar to a sor
A natural psychic is very similar to a sorcerer, her psionic powers are a result of her bloodline or perhaps experiment done to her ancestors. In any case a bit of taint from psionic creature remains in her blood, although it grant her new strange abilities.
though it grant her new strange abilities. +
TitleNatural Psychic +