User:Rithaniel/Planetwisted (3.5e Template)

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Author: Rithaniel (talk)
Date Created: September 4, 2009
Status: WIP
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Planetwisted never quite look like their normal brethren.

Ice shines on the flank of the beast before you, and icicles dangle from it's mouth. Surely this creature must be dead, having frozen solid in terrible place. But no, it cranes it's neck, turning to look at you, the ice bending in tandum with it's body.

A planetwisted is a creature that has been directly affected by the energies that make up the planes, and who have been forever changed by it. A planetwisted's physical appearance can vary vastly. Certain planetwisted appear to be angels, pure and simple, while others appear to have been the offspring of a human and an elemental. Regardless, all planetwisted are far different from their 'natural' cousins.

Creating a Planetwisted

Planetwisted is an acquired template that can be applied to any creature that has either spent an extreme ammount of time upon a different plane of existance, or undergone a ritual to expose their body to raw planar forces. Should someone wish to make themselves a planetwisted via a ritual, it is suggested that, for every +1 LA of the template, it cost either 3000 xp (the cost buy off the LA) or 15,000g (x5 the cost of XP). Of course, a plot or quest to obtain the template may be required. You may choose as many benefits or penalties from the list of modifacations below as you wish. The visual appearance of a planetwisted always varies.

All of the effects given below are extraordinary abilities, unless otherwise noted. At the end of each modifacation description, there is a cost listed, with the unit p. These cost are what determine the cost of this template, as detailed below.

Minor Benefits

The following are all minor modifacations that heighten a characters physical abilities.

Swift Footed: You gain a +10 foot increase to your land speed. This modifacation can be taken multiple times, and it's effects stack. Though, this template cannot add more than +30 feet to a characters land speed. Cost: 1p

Increased Ability: You gain a +2 bonus to one of your ability scores. This modifacation can be selected multiple times, and it's effects stack, but it cannot grant more than a +6 bonus to any single ability score. Cost: 1p

Eternally Rested: You no longer require sleep to survive. Cost: 1p

Breathless: You no longer require air to survive. Cost: 1p

Hungerless: You no longer require food to survive. Cost: 1p

Fast Healing: You gain fast healing equal to (1 + ¼ your HD). Cost: 2p

Bonus Feat: You gain a bonus feat. You may only select this modifacation once. Cost: 2p

Extreme Awareness: You gain Blindsight out to 20 ft. Cost: 2p

Pulse Sight: You gain Tremorsense out to 40 ft. Cost: 2p

Scent: You gain the scent quality. Cost: 2p

Natural Skill: You gain a +10 inherent bonus to a single skill. For example, your body could be encased in slippery slime, that grants you a +10 bonus to escape artist, or perhaps your body has turned into a ghost like shadow, granting you a bonus to hide. Cost: 2p

Flight: You gain powerful wings that may be feathered, batlike, or even made of stone, grating you a flight speed equal to (your land speed−10) at Average Maneuverability. At 5 HD, this upgrades to good maneuverability. At 10 HD, this flight maneuverability upgrades to perfect. Cost: 2p

Aquatic: You gain fins, powerful leg muscles that can propell you forward extremely quickly, and gills, granting you a swim speed equal to (your land speed−10 feet), and the ability to breath underwater without a problem. At 5 HD, this swim speed improves to (your land speed). At 10 HD, this swim speed improves to (your land speed+10 feet). Cost: 2p

Infernal Wound (Su): The damage you deal with manufactured weapons causes a persistent wound. A creature injured by a manufactured weapon you use loses 2 additional hit points each round. The wound does not heal naturally and resists healing spells. The continuing hit point loss can be stopped by a Heal check, a cure spell, or a heal spell. However, a character attempting to cast a cure spell or a heal spell on a creature damaged by a manufactured weapon you use must succeed on a caster level check, or the spell has no effect on the injured character. A successful Heal check automatically stops the continuing hit point loss as well as restoring hit points. The infernal wound is a supernatural ability of you, not of the weapon you use. The check DCs are (10 + half your HD + your Con modifier). Cost: 2p

Tongues (Su): You can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell (caster level equal to your Hit Dice). This ability is always active. Cost: 2p

Hard Skin: You gain a +2 natural armor bonus to your AC at 1 HD and an addition +1 every 4 HD beyond (4th, 8th, 12th, etc). If you already have natural armor, use whichever value is higher. Cost: 3p

Ice Body: You gain immunity to cold. A character cannot take this modifacation if he selects the Regeneration major benefit, or the Warm Body minor penalty. Cost: 3p

Flame Body: You gain immunity to fire. A character cannot take this modifacation if he selects the Regeneration major benefit, or the Chill Body minor penalty. Cost: 3p

Dense Body: All of your HD, both past and future, improve by one step, to a maximum of d12. Cost: 3p

Perfect Form: Your body has become in tune with battle, and all of it's dips and flows. You never take a penalty to attack rolls greater that −5. Even penalties made because an attack being an iterative attack is never greater than −5. Cost: 3p

Major Benefits

The following are all major modifacations that heighten a characters physical abilities. A character may only have a single major positive modifacation per 10p worth of modifacations.

Ageless: You no longer takes penalties to your ability scores for aging and no longer have a maximum age, allowing you to live forever. Bonuses to ability scores for aging still accrue. Cost: 4p

Inexorable Strength: Your physical body is judgement itself, and it seems that nothing can stop you. Any melee attack you make ignores hardness and damage reduction. Cost: 4p

Powerful Build (Ex): Your physical stature lets you function in many ways as if you were one size category larger. Whenever you are subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), you are treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to you. You are also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect you. You can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, your space and reach remain those of a creature of your actual size. The benefits of this special quality stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category. Cost: 4p

Aura of Power: Whether by divine blessing, or your own sheer presence, you gain a +1 deflection bonus to your AC, this deflection bonus increases by an addition +1 every 3 HD beyond (3rd, 6th, 9th, etc). Cost: 6p

Wisp Form (Su): You gain the ability to, as a standard action, go ethereal as though by the effects of an ethereal jaunt spell. This etherealness lasts a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier, and can be used up to three times per day. Cost: 6p

Regeneration: Your body restores itself at a phenomenal rate, granting you regeneration equal to (1 + ¼ your HD). When you gain this modifacation, you must select two options from the following list as ways to bypass your regeneration. Cost: 7p

  • Chaotic-aligned damage
  • Lawful-aligned damage
  • Good-aligned damage
  • Evil-aligned damage
  • Fire damage
  • Cold damage
  • Force damage
  • Bludgeoning damage
  • Slashing damage
  • Peircing damage
  • Damage from an adamantine weapon
  • Damage from a cold iron weapon
  • Damage from a silver weapon

Minor Penalties

The following are all minor modifacations that lower a characters physical abilities.

Decreased Ability: You gain a −2 penalty to one of your ability scores. This modifacation can be selected multiple times, and it's effects stack, but it cannot impose more than a −6 bonus to any single ability score. Cost: −1p

Slow Footed: Your land speed is decreased by 10 feet. This modifacation can be taken multiple times, and it's effects stack. Though, this template cannot lower a creatures land speed beneath 10 feet. Cost: −1p

Slow Body: You no longer add any ability score modifier to your Reflex save, unless it is negative in value. Bonuses from other sources, such as feats or class features, still applies. Cost: −2p

Weak Mind: You no longer add any ability score modifier to your Will save, unless it is negative in value. Bonuses from other sources, such as feats or class features, still applies. Cost: −2p

Fragile Health: You no longer add any ability score modifier to your Fortitude save, unless it is negative in value. Bonuses from other sources, such as feats or class features, still applies. Cost: −2p

Magic Magnet: You gain a penalty to your touch AC equal to (2 + ¼ your HD). This penalty never applies to your flatfooted AC or your normal AC. Cost: −2p

Flat feet: You gain a penalty to your flatfooted AC equal to (2 + ¼ your HD). This penalty never applies to your touch AC or your normal AC. Cost: −2p

Chill Body: You gain vulnerability to fire. Cost: −3p

Warm Body: You gain vulnerability to cold. Cost: −3p

Inability: You receive 2 fewer skill points per level than you normally would (8 fewer for first level). Cost: −3p

Frail Body: All of your HD, both past and future, worsen by one step, to a minimum of d4. Cost: −3p

Major Penalties

The following are all major modifacations that lower a characters physical abilities. A character may only have a single major negative modifacation per −10p worth of modifacations.

Challenge Rating

CR Adjustment by p cost
Total p Cost Challenge Rating Adjustment
−24 to −20 −4
−19 to −15 −3
−14 to −10 −2
−9 to −5 −1
−4 to 0 +0
1 to 5 +1
6 to 10 +2
11 to 15 +3
16 to 20 +4
21 to 25 +5
26 to 30 +6
31 to 35 +7

Level Adjustment

Level Adjustment by p cost
Total p Cost Level Adjustment
−24 to −20 −4
−19 to −15 −3
−14 to −10 −2
−9 to −5 −1
−4 to 0 +0
1 to 5 +1
6 to 10 +2
11 to 15 +3
16 to 20 +4
21 to 25 +5
26 to 30 +6
31 to 35 +7

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