User:Zhenra-Khal/Realms Of Beyond/Classes
[hide]- 1 Classes
- 1.1 Base Classes
- 1.1.1 Primary Base Classes
- 1.1.2 Other Base Classes
- Ardent
- Artificer
- Barbarian
- Bard
- Biotechnician
- Enforcer
- Enlightened
- Harrier
- Infiltrator
- Lurk
- Monk
- Oracle
- Paladin
- Ranger
- Shaman
- Soulweaver
- Sorcerer
- Totemist
- Warlock
- Warmind
- Wilder
- Witchblade
- 1.1 Base Classes
Within the Realms, all manner of roles are possible. Snobby Elves can be snobbier Paladins, your drunken Dwarf can make a useful Bard, puny Halflings can make rather terrifying Barbarians, and Half-Orcs can be Monks.
Base Classes
Classes that have no requirements - The place all characters start. Base classes come in seven categories - Martial, Divine, Arcane, Primal, Spiritual, Specialist, and Technological.
- Martial classes are warriors, those who use muscle and weaponry to fight - Classes like Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, and Monk.
- Divine classes draw power from worshiping greater beings - Classes like Cleric, Paladin and Oracle.
- Arcane classes shape raw magic themselves, rather than receiving it from an outside source - Classes like Bard, Sorcerer and Wizard.
- Primal classes draw power from the aspects of nature itself - Classes like Druid, Totemist and Ranger.
- Psionic classes are people whose minds are strong enough to manipulate the world through psychic power, such as Psion, Wilder and Lurk.
- Spiritual classes draw power from soulstuff and spirit allies - Classes like Incarnate and Soulweaver.
- Specialist classes focus on utility, flexibility and adaptability, using finesse and skill to get through the day - Classes like Rogue, Artificer and Soulweaver.
- Technological classes use technology to carry the day - Classes like Artificer, Enforcer and Infiltrator.
Each class also has associated roles they have built in, usually a pair, one primary and one secondary.
- Striker classes focus on dealing heavy damage. Some, like Wizards, are glass cannons, while others, like Barbarians, are more durable.
- Defender classes are living shields, focusing on distracting enemies and taking the brunt of the damage. Examples are Paladin, Barbarian and Fighter.
- Support classes focus on healing and aiding allies, giving out buffs and so forth. Clerics and Bards are some of the most iconic Supports.
- Controller classes focus on hindering enemies, using crowd control and debuff spells to make the foes easier to take down. These are classes such as Wizard, or Ranger.
- Utility classes are exactly that - Perfect for getting you from point A to point B, regardless of what locks, traps or other hindrances lie in the way. Rogues are the most iconic Utility class.
Primary Base Classes
The most specialized in each of the seven categories, these classes were the first of their kind.
Clerics (Clr; Divine) are the priests, the healers, the preachers and saints of the world, drawing power from the Divine while they grant power to the Divine in return through their worship. They are strong on their own and even stronger when paired with allies.
Druids (Drd; Primal) are like Clerics, but they venerate the natural world itself, plants, animals, the sun and moon, earth, sea and sky, rather than the gods that rule over them.
Fighters (Ftr; Martial) are the warriors - Knights, samurai, vikings, soldiers, and many other roles, can all be filled by the Fighter. Few others have the same prowess with weapon and armor as a Fighter.
Incarnates (Inc; Spiritual) are those born with a connection to the collective soul of all sentient beings, drawing power forth and shaping the souls of the dead and unborn into armor, weapons and the like.
Psions (Psi; Psionic) are masters of the mind, moving objects, reading thoughts and altering the world with a thought.
Rogues (Rog; Specialist) are thieves, assassins, conmen, thugs and in some cases, lawyers and politicians. But they all have one thing in common - They use their skill and guile to get what they want, and care little about those who get in their way.
Technicians (Tec; Technological) are scientists, engineers, and inventors, using their knowledge of technology to pull off many feats of brilliance, such as curing diseases or finding ways to protect entire cities.
Wizards (Wiz; Arcane) are the magical scholars of the world. Most are Mundanes who took interest in magic, so while they can shape magic and release it, their spells are prepared ahead of time and stored within objects (Including their own body) instead of coming from innate power. They can snap off a spell in an instant, but they're stuck with whatever they prepared before the battle.
Other Base Classes
Ardents (Ard; Divine/Psionic) are philosophers who tap into the collective thoughts of the gods themselves, using the very ideas of creation and destruction themselves to power their abilities.
Artificers (Art; Arcane/Technological) are the magical crafters of the world, combining tech and magic seamlessly. Any caster can create magic items, but none do it as skillfully or efficiently as an Artificer. They are also very good at making and fighting constructs.
Barbarians (Brb; Martial/Primal) are the savages of the world; Filled with emotional fury and respect for the natural world. They have little skill, but their passion and drive often makes up for this.
Bards (Brd; Arcane/Specialist) are the minstrels, dancers and artists of the world, incorporating innate magic into their masterpieces. They have great skill and can aid their allies, but are also well-rounded enough to hold their own.
Biotechnicians (Bio; Primal/Technological) are scientist-druid activists who use their talent in both realms to tap into the plethora of evolutionary marvels that are ripe for the picking. They alter fauna and flora to help them survive both harsh environments and the encroachment of the humanoid races.
Enforcers (Efr; Martial/Technological) are warriors who use tech to enhance their speed, strength and stamina, often in the form of grafts and mechanical armor.
The Enlightened (Enl; Divine/Technological) are those who view science as a religion and draw power from the collective of both brilliant minds and efficient machines.
Harriers (Har; Divine/Specialist) are holy assassins, sent to hunt down enemies of the faith and bring them to justice. They are skilled at blending in with their surroundings and making foe believe they are friend.
Infiltrators (Inf; Technological/Specialist) are cunning people who are experts at disabling machinery and using advanced weaponry, using both skillsets to get in, get what they want, and get out.
Lurks (Lrk; Psionic/Specialist) are assassins of the mind, crushing your psyche even as they slit your throat.
Monks (Mnk; Martial/Spiritual) are the aesthetics of the world, teaching wisdom and skill, reflecting upon their inner selves and seeking perfection in all things they do. Fearless warriors who fight without armor and often without weapon, Monks are not to be trifled with.
Oracles (Ora; Divine/Primal) are enlightened people gifted with visions from the Divine, who hone their minds to receive these visions and dedicate their lives to the cause of their deities.
Paladins (Pal; Martial/Divine) are holy warriors, crusaders for the faith and protectors of the downtrodden. Evil Paladins, known often as Blackguards, are the opposite - Tyrants in black who destroy, pillage and enslave.
Rangers (Rgr; Primal/Specialist) are the warriors of the natural world; Hunters, trackers and wardens who protect nature from the harms of mankind and other cruel creatures.
Shamans (Shm; Spiritual/Arcane) are medicine men, diviners and scholars, who draw power from the spirit realm. Guided and granted power by spirits, Shamans are adept at fighting off the many monsters that feed on soulstuff.
Soulweavers (Slw; Spiritual/Specialist) are monk-mystics who shape the soul itself into their crafts; Weapons, armor and even clothing made from soulstuff. They can also weave back together a torn and tattered soul, undoing the harms of the world.
Sorcerers (Sor; Arcane/Primal) are those born with innate talent in the realm of magic, those whose very flesh, blood and soul are magic itself. They can shape magic to their whim, but doing so takes time and energy. Thus they have immense power and flexibility, but they are sitting ducks while shaping their magic.
Totemists (Ttm; Spiritual/Primal) Are those born with a connection to the spirit(s) of the natural world, given power by beasts both dead and unborn, and guided by instinct and omens.
Warlocks (Wlk; Arcane/Divine) are those who have made a bargain with an entity, such as a deity, spirit or elder evil, in return for power. Some sell their souls to archdevils; Some are little different from Clerics and some are oathbound protectors of all that is sacred to their patron.
Warminds (Wmd; Martial/Psionic) are warriors who use their minds to enhance and reinforce their bodies, as well as to crush the morale of their foes.
Wilders (Wdr; Primal/Psionic) are people born with a mental spark and a connection to nature, enabling them to "hear" the thoughts of the natural world and add their own voice to that song, manipulating nature with their mind. Their wild tendencies and near-limitless power allow them to cause greater effects at the cost of harming themselves in the process of channeling such great energy all at once.
Witchblades (Wbd; Martial/Arcane) are warriors gifted with magic, using spell to enchant blade and magic to augment might. Their innate magic only flares brighter with a weapon in their hand.