Nebular (3.5e Race)

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Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 03/12/2022
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Made out of starstuff, this amorphous beings visit the Material Plane using spacesuits.


Curious to the point of carelessness, they are calm, collected and enthusiastic creatures, who love to explore and discover new things.

Most nebular adventurers are among the most curious ones, as they choose to leave outer space to travel through planets, despite the dangers of doing so.

Physical Description[edit]

The true form of a nebular is an amorphous mass of stardust, with almost no humanoid feature (though they can shape it at will).

Adventuring nebulars who go to planets must wear a special spacesuit to interact with the world around them and to avoid dying due to the alien atmosphere they find themselves in.

Despite their strange physiology, they still need to absorb nutrients by staying exposed at least one hour per day to an energy source (such as light, heat, sound). In space cosmic radiations are enough, while those in their planetsuits usually stay under the planet's sun long enough.

They need to rest, an activity that puts them into a sleep-like state, where they don't have any consciousness.


Not many races know about them, as they reside deep in space and only an handful of them ever reached the Material Plane. Because of this, initial reactions go from distrust, confusion or fear toward them. Those that know them more deeply must face an inquisitive and alien personality.


Most of them are neutral, others are lawful and some chaotic. They don't have any special inclination toward good or evil.


Normally they live in outer space, floating among the stars. Those that choose to travel may be found anywhere.


They don't have any racial deities and may be atheists, theists or religious. If the latter they may revere concepts like order or knowledge, or follow some deity that attracted them as they travelled.


Travelling nebulars learn at least another language, usually Common, but, as sound doesn't travel in vacuum, nebulars communicate with each other through lights that they produce themselves, in a language known as Pulsespeak. Due to the strange way it works, only creatures with some kind of body luminescence can naturally speak in this language, while others usually just learn to understand it. It is possibile, however, to use artificial or magical lights to imitate the "speaking" of this language, thus allowing most races to use it. Pulsespeak hasn't a written form, traditionally speaking, but "text" may be visualized and recorded with a series of pulsing lights, permanent or under activation. It doesn't allow the use of magic.


Some are nameless, some choose alien sounding names, while adventuring ones sometimes adopt names that they like.

Racial Traits[edit]

  • Aberration (Xenoblooded): Made of stars, their physiology is more than alien. 
  • Medium: As a Medium creature, a nebular has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
  • Nebular base land speed is 20 feet. Flight 30 ft (perfect), only in zero gravity. 
  • Darkvision: A nebular can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and a nebular can function just fine with no light at all. 
  • Light Fortification (Ex): When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on a nebular, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally. 
  • Partial Incorporeality (Ex): Nebulars are not completely matter, nor solid, and they have the partial incorporeality ability constantly active. This is in effect only when they aren't wearing their planetsuits, otherwise it doesn't work (though it still counts for requirements). While partially incorporeal they may not interact with the outside world, not being able to grasp or touch anything, nor use somatic components or similar kind of magic casting. They don't even speak, except through their luminous signals. 
  • Planetsuit: Nebulars travel on planets thanks to the spacesuit (called planetsuit) they wear, and effectively have something similar to a warforged's composite armor. The suit is not an armor but it provides a +1 armor bonus, with no maximum Dexterity, no penalties and no arcane spell chance of failure. This garment is not natural armor and stacks with other effects that give an armor bonus. It requires no proficiency. This suit occupies the same space on the body as a suit of armor or a robe, and thus a nebular cannot wear armor or magic robes while wearing it. Nebulars' spacesuits can be enchanted just as armor can be, and as clothes. The character must be present for the entire time it takes to enchant it. They can take warforged only feats which augment or alter their planetsuit, but this may make it work as an armor. When in outer space, they may safely eschew this suit, losing this trait's benefits and all associated, as long as they remain without the suit. A nebular with its spacesuit on may manipulate things normally, use somatic component, vocalize and speak in its know languages through the use of a synthetizer. 
  • Voidborn (Ex): Nebulars take no damage or penalties from natural pressure extremes, including zero pressure, and are immune to the radiation and environmental rigors of outer space. They do not need to breathe, but they still have to take nutrients and rest. They are also immune to non-gaseous poisons, diseases and bleeding.
  • Automatic Languages: Any (except secret ones), Pulsespeak
  • Bonus Languages: Any (except secret languages)
  • Favored Class: Wizard
  • Level Adjustment: +0
  • Effective Character Level: 1

Racial Options[edit]

Racial Feats[edit]

Pathfinder Options[edit]

In Pathfinder games nebulars have a +2 to Intelligence

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Facts about "Nebular (3.5e Race)"
Authorthe bluez in the dungeon +
Effective Character Level1 +
Favored ClassWizard +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Level Adjustment0 +
Racial Ability AdjustmentsNone +
Rated ByEiji-kun +
RatingRating Pending +
SizeMedium +
SubtypeXenoblooded +
SummaryMade out of starstuff, this amorphous beings visit the Material Plane using spacesuits. +
TitleNebular +
TypeAberration +