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SRD:Psionic Levitate

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Levitate, Psionic
Level: Nomad 2, Psion/Wilder 2, Psychic Warrior 2, ,
Display: Olfactory
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal or close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: You or one willing creature or one object (total weight up to 100 lb./level)
Duration: 10 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Power Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
Power Points: 3

As the levitate spell, except as noted here.

Special: When a psion, wilder, or a Psychic Warrior manifests this power, the target is the manifester (not a willing creature or an object).

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