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Random Race and Class Generator (3.5e Other)

Revision as of 07:59, 14 August 2009 by ClaytonQuintero (talk | contribs)
Table: Random Race and Class Generator
# Race Class
1 Human Favored Soul
2 Elf Ninja
3 Dwarf Sorcerer
4 Halfling Wizard
5 Gnome Rogue
6 Half-Elf Fighter
7 Half-Orc Monk
8 Orc Druid
9 Kobold Cleric
10 Goblin Paladin
11 Spellscale Bard
12 Dragonborn Barbarian
13 Raptorian Swordsage
14 Xeph Knight
15 Elan Warlock
16 Half-Giant Scout
17 Goliath Psion
18 Synad Soulknife
19 Dromite Duskblade
20 Warforged Artificer

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