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Tunnel Crawler (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Undead_Knave (talk)
Date Created: May 25, 2015
Status: I made a thing! Feel free to suggest modes.
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Tunnel CrawlerEdit

Tunnel Crawler
Price: 2000 gp
Body Slot: None (See Text)
Caster Level: 3
Aura: Faint Transmutation
Activation: Move or Swift (See Text)
Weight: 400 lbs.

An unnamed student in magic university was frustrated at how much time she had to take out of her busy crafting schedule to get to classes. Her solution was obviously to craft more.

Tunnel Crawlers are effectively motorized Bicycles capable of having their wheels extend to either side. Tunnel Crawlers grant a land speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability. This functions like a flight maneuverability for the purposes of how quickly you can turn but limited to ground movement. Similarly to Bicycles, when going uphill, your speed decreases by 10 feet, while going downhill increases your speed by 10 feet, however, they do not require Ride or Pilot checks to operate.

As a swift action, the user can switch between standard mode and a special movement mode (listed below). The basic model only includes standard mode and Tunnel Crawling mode, but other models with different movement modes do exist.

Standard mode - As above.

Tunnel Crawling mode - The Tunnel Crawler's wheels extend out and it lifts itself off the ground. Its land speed reduces to 30' (Poor), however it gains a Climb speed of 50' as long as it is between two vertical or mostly vertical surfaces no more than 15' apart.

Wheelchair mode - The Tunnel Crawler condenses into an electric wheelchair. Its tires can be studded or spiked if desired, for no mechanical benefit. (+100 gp)

Immobile mode - The Tunnel Crawler shoots spikes into the ground making it unable to move while in this mode. This grants a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped, which does not stack with Dwarven Stability since you cannot both be standing and in benefiting from the Tunnel Crawler's immobility. (+500 gp)

Spiked Wheels mode - Spikes pop out of the Tunnel Crawler's wheels, making it slower, but more maneuverable. Also covered in spikes. Its Land speed and Climb speed both become 40' (Good). Additionally, when you make a charge attack, make an Overrun attempt without provoking an Attack of Opportunity (+1000 gp)

Air-Cushion mode - The wheels turn into turbines and the Tunnel Crawler lifts itself off the ground. Barely. The Tunnel Crawler gains a Hover speed with Good maneuverability an inch or two off the surface and loses its land speed. This Hover speed is 20' over ground and 40' over liquids. This also allows the Tunnel Crawler to ignore difficult terrain and to reduce fall damage to a maximum of 2d6, but it takes a -4 penalty on Bullrush checks. (+2000 gp, requires feather fall)

Submarine mode - The body of the Tunnel Crawler becomes an airtight enclosed cockpit and the wheels turn into propellers. The Tunnel Crawler loses its Land speed and gains a Swim speed of 60'. The cockpit holds enough air for 8 hours, grants immunity to cloud and gas based effects, and breaks line of effect from (but not to) the driver. This mode also grants graspers that can move objects outside of the Tunnel Crawler with your normal Strength score, but cannot wield weapons. (+4000 gp, requires water breathing and Caster Level 5)

Powerdrill mode - Similarly to the Submarine mode, the Tunnel Crawler becomes airtight, however the wheels become treads and a drill is produced from the front. The Tunnel Crawler's Land speed becomes 20' (Average) and it gains a Burrow speed of 10' (Average) in earth, soil, and so on. The Tunnel Crawler's drill may be improved to adamantine (or some other similar substance) which increases its Burrow speed through earth to 20' (Average) and allows it to Burrow through rock and other substances with hardness 5 or more lower than the hardness of the drill at 10' (Average). Powerdrill mode always leaves a tunnel. (+1000 gp (normal) or +5500 (adamantine))

Air Screw mode - The Tunnel Crawler gives up all pretense of being a motorcycle or mundane and sprouts a fabric screw from its top. This screw is able to propel it through the air with a Fly speed of 30' (Poor) although it is able to Hover and turn in place. While the Tunnel Crawler is in Air Screw mode, it counts as having the Clumsy Build flaw. Air Screw mode looks super rad. (+6000, requires fly)

Ballistic mode - The Tunnel Crawler fires itself very quickly with little regard for its safety or the safety of its rider! The Tunnel Crawler can fire itself with a speed of 250' in a straight line (technically an arc, use common sense, I'm not going to write the mechanics for this) until it hits something large enough to stop it. The downside of this is that it's impossible to change trajectory or modes once fired and this is very harmful for the Tunnel Crawler (and its rider) who take 5d6 damage upon impact, no matter how far is traveled. Luckily the shocks on this mode are excellent reducing falling damage by 15d6 (to a maximum of 5d6). This is already factored into the damage taken upon impact. If a creature is hit by the Tunnel Crawler in this mode, it takes 8d6 damage and may attempt a Strength check (DC 24) to stop its progress. For every size larger than Medium, you get a +4 to this check and for every size smaller, you get a -4. (+8000 gp, telekinesis)

A Tunnel Crawler can be upgraded to have new modes added after creation.

Prerequisites: Caster Level 3, Craft Wondrous Item, Expeditious Retreat, Spider Climb

Cost to Create: 1000 gp, 80 EXP, 2 days.