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Nightmare Harvester (3.5e Feat)

Revision as of 00:23, 10 October 2024 by ValravenApocalypse (talk | contribs)
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Author: ValravenApocalypse (talk)
Date Created: 10/5/2024
Status: Complete
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Nightmare Harvester [Archetype] The Nightmare Harvest is a dark work which begins as the days grow darker and the nights grow colder, when trees start to drop their first orange leaves. The workers of this harvest go out to spread and reap fear. You are one of these workers.Prerequisites: Non-Good, Intimidate 4 ranksBenefit: See below. Special: If you ever stop qualifying for this feat, you can trade it for another archetype feat you meet the prerequisites.

Archetype Feat Bonus are based on HD.

  • 1 HD: You are adept with the weapons of the nightmare harvest--the scythe and the whip. You treat all weapons with "scythe" or "whip" in the name as martial weapons, and may wield them as if they were normal scythes or whips when this would be beneficial to you (such as ignoring strength requirements with the Grand Scythe). You also gain the benefits of the feats Improved Whip Proficiency and Advanced Whip Tactics. You gain a +2 bonus to Intimidate and a -2 penalty on Diplomacy checks.
  • 3 HD: You gain ancestral weapon as a spell-like ability at will and create alchemical items as a spell-like ability usable 3/day. The modifiers from this feat to Intimidate and Diplomacy become +4 and -4, respectively.
  • 8 HD: You gain the Frightful Presence ability. As a move action or part of a move action, you may twirl your scythe or flourish your whip to active it, forcing all creatures within 30 ft with no more HD than your own to make a Will save (the DC is Charisma based) or be shaken for 4d6 rounds. Creatures with half your HD or fewer are instead frightened if they fail their save. Creatures who succeed at their save are immune to this frightful presence for 24 hours. The modifiers from this feat to Intimidate and Diplomacy become +6 and -6, respectively.
  • 15 HD: The terror you incite grips even those who are normally immune (though they gain a +4 bonus on their saves). Additionally, when an Animal, Magical Beast, Plant, Undead or Vermin is under one of your fear effects, you make replicate Charm Monster on it as a supernatural ability at will. The modifiers from this feat to Intimidate and Diplomacy become +8 and -8, respectively.

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