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3.5e Viewtiful Monarch Spells

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This page contains the homebrew class spell list for the Viewtiful Monarch class.

Viewtiful Monarch Spells

0th-Level Viewtiful Monarch Spells

Ki Push/Mage Push: Bolt of force pushes creature 5'.

2nd-Level Viewtiful Monarch Spells

Prismatic Edge: Enhance your weapon with prismatic power, each round brings new destruction!

7th-Level Viewtiful Monarch Spells

Arcane Aura: You encase yourself in raw arcane power to injure foes that you grapple.

8th-Level Viewtiful Monarch Spells

Adding New Spells

To add a spell to this list, make certain that the article belongs to Category:3.5e, Category:User, and Category:Spell. The spell must also have "Viewtiful Monarch #" in its level entry. It may take up to 24 hours after these steps are completed for your spell to be listed on this page. If you have any issues, please contact an admin.

If you feel like adding a spell, make sure that it's flashy, visually impressive, has obvious results (especially in the short term), and that it's extremely unambiguous about where it came from.

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